Sunday, December 19, 2010
What Does Dogs Period Look Like
The year 2010 draws to a close and a new and exciting year ahead.
Our thoughts turn with appreciation to those who made possible our success by supporting our training. E 'with this in mind we say simply and sincerely, thank you!
FormaReal Estate team wishes you and your family a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. we believe that 2011 will bring many blessings, the housing market recovery and we are all waiting for a world of opportunity!
Happy holidays!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
How Much Penicillin Do You Give A Dog
E 'was published online in the new format at the web site
This is the site of one of the top courses in our training school. A course that you can attend only with us. In the site you will find information on what the method AREA, enriched with live footage taken in the classroom during the previous edizioni del corso, e conoscerai i benefici e i vantaggi che avrai dal frequentare questo corso.
Inoltre sul sito potrai leggere le testimonianze di ha già partecipato alle edizioni precedenti, iscriverti direttamente al corso ed acquistare l'ebook sul metodo AREA
Vai ora a vedere il sito e scopri come massimizzare le tue vendite diventando un venditore irresistibile
Lo staff
Saturday, December 11, 2010
How To Get More Reviews On Fanfiction

main purpose of this page is to spread the historical truth of the unification of Italy: Returning to the history, honor the dead of the peoples of the south, is a necessità.150 years ago the state of the Piedmont was the most debt in Europe, their money was waste paper, while the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was at that time one of the biggest world powers. The enormous wealth of the south, was the only real reason for the unification of Italy. Were dismantled all activities, even the smallest, from the paper mill in Sulmona Mongiana ironworks, shipyards Torre Annunziata .. All dismantled and brought to nord. Bombrini disse di noi “che non debbano mai più intraprendere” fu il fondatore dell’Ansaldo dopo aver fatto chiudere Pietrarsa. fabbrica metalmeccanica di Napoli. Gli appalti per i lavori pubblici nel sud, furono affidati ad imprese lombarde, piemontesi, pagate col drenaggio fiscale del sud. Dal 1861 il sud è vittima di un esodo di milioni di persone che lasciano le nostre terre, mai nella storia millenaria la gente dal sud emigrava. Il nord ci ha defraudato, della gloria, della ricchezza e della storia, sono passati solo 150 anni possiamo riprenderci ciò che ci spetta. Il Kosovo ci è riuscito con soli due milioni di persone… Dalle ceneri di un glorioso regno rivendichiamo L’appartenenza alla nostra storia, onore ai nostri partigiani (Briganti) deportati e massacrati dall’esercito piemontese. Onore alle genti del sud, vittime di genocidio! Che i vivi abbiano memoria dei morti. Quando mi soffermo a pensarci mi viene normale sentirmi più di questa patria che dell’Italia unita. Il nostro scopo è divulgare a chi ignora.
E Sappiamo invece rispondere ad un'altra domanda;
c’è mai stata “rivolta” in questo narcotizzato oblio di un paese?
Ebbene, Signori lettori
il 21 ottobre 1860 a violent popular reaction to Prata,
yeah, yeah,
certain historical memories, speak clearly
with the help of a column of masses Bourbon
the oppressed people of Prata rose.
Newest to have dignity, your ancestors ... ..
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Best Ways Of Stomach Hair Removal For Women
di Salvatore Coddetta , formatore & coach
Nella prima parte di questo articolo abbiamo svelato le 6 strategie per trovare acquirenti e venditore on-line. Ora spostiamo la nostra attenzione ad una zona ancora più important part of web marketing real estate ... convert customers in commissions. The first step in the conversion process is to capture the contact information that leads it to follow you and give you more reasons to become your customer.
INTERNET STRATEGY 7: Make a specific offer for an e-book or video for free in exchange for the email address of a person, the address of residence or address or phone number.
Remember that 99% of your visitors will not fill out the form "contact me" just because it's on your site. You need to offer visitors something of value and then ask them to fill out the form for this to work. What could you
free search
allow visitors to see two ads, the first to sign up (it is shown that this method takes 14 times more contact information for other options)
allow visitors to save their searches - if there are
Create a listing Alert for a service for automatic updates via e-mail on the houses that they like
Video "introductory" to your services
The handbook with the 10 tips for buyers
The handbook with the 10 tips for sellers
Articles on developments in the housing market and
Local Moving tips
Reports full of useful information to buyers or sellers who sponsor your services
A virtual tour with a video of homes in specific areas of your city
free news and updates on real estate market
A free subscription to the newsletter Real Estate
You can also offer advice, market information, on local events, reminders, and real estate news
How do I create a custom form to get in touch?
Most web site providers know how to create contact forms and add them to your website. At a minimum, these forms require the person's name and email address. It 's also true that you can get a higher quality of contact if you get the address complete and the phone number. After visitors have left their data continue to keep in touch with them to convert them into active customers.
INTERNET STRATEGY 8: track what visitors do on your site. In the past, you should speak with a buyer before discovering what they are looking for in a home. Now, the right technology lets you know immediately what a buyer is looking for when performing a search of a house. With tools like Google Analitycs you can get information before having a conversation with buyers. This allows you to be more efficient and will allow you to make a better impression when you talk to them.
esempi di informazioni utili che puoi ricavare dal monitoraggio dei tuoi visitatori:
1. Non sempre è possibile parlare con un compratore. Ogni volta che si chiamano dei compratori, non sono disponibili. Beh, quando si conosce l'ora del giorno in cui un acquirente è solito fare la ricerca per le case, è possibile personalizzare la vostra strategia per riuscire a parlare con un compratore chiamandolo in un ora in cui sapete che sono disponibili.
2. Un compratore ha visto la stessa inserzione più volte. Vi accorgete che un compratore è tornato a fare una ricerca di immobili sul vostro sito ed è tornato su una pagina che ha già visto in passato, è tornato a visualizzare la stessa inserzione che aveva saved a week ago. This means they are obviously interested in that specific house and gives you the opportunity to contact them with an offer to start negotiations.
INTERNET STRATEGY 9: send personalized email. If you have a system of monitoring your website you can know if a buyer is looking for houses with very specific characteristics. The more emails you send is focused on the buyer and the more likely you are to buy. You can send photos or other items that you know that match their search criteria. These emails are a valuable service to offer a buyer!
There are two ways to implement this strategy:
1. First, you can send in your regular email notices of new properties acquired to date listings, properties that have suffered a reduction in selling price and properties on offer this month, all of which may be of interest for a buyer
2. Second, you could use a system that automatically sends some information to buyers. When visitors save a search on your site have the opportunity to receive an automated message via email to update them on the latest properties added with features similar to those they have tried.
All emails should include your photo and link to your website, to make sure that your name remains impresso nella loro mente. Queste email sono un ottimo modo per fidelizzare i vostri visitatori e farli tornare sul vostro sito per convertirli da clienti potenziali online a clienti attivi reali.
INTERNET STRATEGIA 10: Rispondi al più presto alle richieste che ti arrivano dal sito. Questa è forse la strategia più importante di tutte per aumentare il numero di di visitatori che ti seguono e convertirli in clienti attivi. Se non si contattano subito i contatti che hanno inviato una richiesta via email, non diventeranno vostri clienti. Se non ricevono da voi una risposta gli acquirenti di case si andranno a trovare qualcuno che sia più sensibile alle loro esigenze e tenderanno a mettere in relazione di causa-effetto l'assenza di risposta their request with a poor quality of services offered by your agency.
Because it is a critical factor in responding to requests quickly? Why
communicate how you respond to their needs if they were your customers. A slow response time sends the message that you can not provide the support they need. Nobody wants to work with an agent who is too busy to not even have time to talk with him. In addition, if the person who fills out a form on your website must wait a week before receiving a response to its request, it will most likely not even remember that he had sent a request. According to a study by the buyers on Of Realtors ® California, when asked why they were met by their agent, the most common answer was "because he was always ready to respond." So, make sure to always respond within 12 hours whenever a new request comes to you from your website. Also, and this is really important, most of your contacts will not be ready to buy or sell when you send a request. Most of them will need weeks if not months to decide their next move.
How can you stay in touch with these potential customers, at least once a month, without spending a lot of time managing the process?
Error largest real estate agents who are after the initial contact with potential buyers is not enough to keep in touch with them by converting them into actual customers. The important point here is to continue to stay in touch with potential buyers ... offering them additional information and resources to help them in their research, or simply be the first that comes to mind when the time is right for them to buy a house. Here are two ways to contact these people without spending a lot of time
1. After you have had a request from your website, add these contacts to an automated e-mail. You can submit market information, real estate news, real estate you've just acquired e venduto, consigli di vendita per i privati o qualsiasi altra cosa che è pertinente a ciò che essi ti hanno richiesto. Mostra le tue competenze e l'alto livello di servizio che offri. Queste e-mail possono essere inviati giornalmente o settimanalmente in un primo momento e poi mensilmente chiedendogli loro in quale altro modo si può aiutarli.
2. Inviate loro una newsletter immobiliare mensile (e-mail o stampa). Sia che debbano comprare o vendere la stragrande maggioranza delle persone darà il benvenuto alle informazioni utili sul mercato immobiliare che saranno contenute nella vostra newsletter mensile. Sarete sorpreso di come questo può costruire la fiducia e pre-vendere i vostri servizi, soprattutto se si continua ad offrire una pluralità motivation to wait for your monthly newsletter.
So, now you also have the last 4 of the Internet real estate marketing strategies of our "top list" of 10 online contact strategies to convert into actual customers. If you already have a website you can begin to implement these strategies now, or speak to a webmaster this week to add these functions to the right of yours, because it was discovered that the human eye tends to look first to the right. If you're looking for a web marketing company to contact us and we'll put you in touch with our trusted partners.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta , formatore & coach
Suggerimento finale: FormaRE organizza corsi di formazione sul web marketing immobiliare. Se volete imparare come utilizzare il web per trovare clienti frequentate i nostri corsi. Se volete saperne di più visitate il nostro all'indirizzo oppure scrivete a oppure chiamate il numero 0662208272
How To Make A Rom Onpoptropica
di Salvatore Coddetta , formatore & coach
Essere un professionista immobiliare nel 21 ° secolo significa avere un sito web la necessità di fare web marketing. Ma la maggior parte degli agenti immobiliari è molto occupata a lavorare con i clienti e non ha tempo per stare al up with the latest strategies for "web marketing". Fortunately for you, we've put together a format of "top list" of 10 proven strategies, easy and efficient to turn your website into a profit center, rather than a cost. You can use these strategies into your existing site or creating a new web site for your real estate brand. Remember, a good website is a "destination" for both clients buyers and sellers in which customers both find helpful information. A good website provides them with the resources you need, want and that they need to search their home, and provides information on the value of their home as SELLERS and information on how the agency and the agent real estate professional can help you. Then, convert these virtual visitors into real, explains the entire process by which you develop the negotiation and offers customers the tools needed to complete the transaction. The 10 strategies presented below are divided into two categories: strategies to guide users to your website and strategies to convert them into real customers, because even a destination website is useless if it fails to achieve these two main objectives.
Part 1 of this article in two parts will focus on strategies to guide users on your site through the first 6 of 10 strategies (Part 2 will deal with the other 4): Buyers seek
their dream home and sellers will want to control the value of houses in their neighborhood. This means that you are losing business if all you have on your site is your phone number with a text like this: "ask for a current valuation of your property." If you want to take users from your Web site, you must give your visitors something of value for them, in exchange for their contact information. As visitors to the site of an estate agent looking for information on homes for sale, it is critical to the success of web marketing that your website is a tool to search ads by inserting a "Search" button directly nel vostro sito, che sia in grado di fare l'incrocio tra la richiesta dell'acquirente e gli immobili che hai in portfolio e che hai precedentemente inserito nella banca dati del tuo sito internet. In pratica un tasto CERCA, che funzioni come un MLS. Questi strumenti fanno rimanere i visitatori sul vostro sito, creano un'associazione tra la ricerca degli immobili e voi, e consentono in molti modi di convertire il traffico virtuale in reale. Se lo fate, non usate link a MLS esterni al vostro sito; vi consigliamo di pensarci due volte prima di far utilizzare ai visitatori del vostro sito questi link. Invece di convertirli in clienti reali, li stai portando fuori dal tuo sito web e li stai consegnando a qualcun altro!
Una volta che avete una funzione di search on your site, how do you ensure that visitors arrive on your site and use it?
Internet Strategy 1: Add the "Search" button in the preferences on your homepage. By entering a search of properties on the home page, you prevent people from bouncing (ie going out) quickly from your site, because they saw what they were seeking. You're also showing how your site is useful and easy to use, two very important qualities for Internet users. It is advisable to add a search option on top of the homepage so that a visitor does not have to scroll down to see her.
Internet Strategy 2: Have a stress and you point out your "Search" button. Add a search form to your homepage is important, but you should also do something to make it stand out. It is not enough to include it as the navigation option. On the contrary, include an image or text that focuses on "Search" button, so visitors can not be wrong. It 'also important for your visitors the option of searching for properties is present on every page of your website. Guide visitors to navigate your site improves their experience and show that you understand their needs. Visitors to your website are interested in the property sector, which is why they are on your site ... so do not be shy with the search option to enter the property.
INTERNET STRATEGY 3: Add button "Properties most wanted" to attract the attention of your visitors. Another great way to capture the attention of visitors is to have links that take them directly to the property they are looking for, without even using the "Search" button. How is this possible? By using links to "Saved Searches". Let's say you know that 7 out of 10 homebuyers, looking for a home on your site, find 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, less than € 300,000. Because these studies often do not collect a list that the next visitor to your site can look at? In this way attract the attention of visitors and keeping them on your site is easy.
Add a button to search for property listings and links to save is a good start, but what else could be done in a way that visitors find your site interesting enough to prompt them to contact you or register on your website? Remember our goal? Make your web site, the reference site in your area. Here's an effective way to engage visitors, before adding a lot of content to your site ...
INTERNET STRATEGY 4: add widgets to your Web pages in the online world, a widget is a small application or a dynamic content that is intended to facilitate user interaction with your website and can be easily inserted into a web page. There are sites that offer a list of search widget that are available in a variety of sources, such as Widgetbox (which has a ton of widgets to choose from, including many mortgage and loan calculators, and you can quickly add them to your site) and Reevent. These two sites not only provide its database of search ads to include in your site, but they have their own forum and dozens of widgets to choose from. E 'can also use their widgets to add slideshows, calculator, currency exchange, lists of contacts for research, listings of houses sold recently, weather, and much more. For more
informazioni su questi widget, visita queste pagine web:
I widget possono anche essere utilizzati per migliorare i contenuti del tuo sito web . Ad esempio, è possibile anche utilizzare un widget per fornire il valore delle case, calcolare i mutui, fare sondaggi e quiz interattivi, e altre cose divertenti in grado di attrarre compratori e venditori sul tuo sito.
AVVERTENZA: tenete presente quanto segue durante l'aggiunta di widget esterni al vostro sito web - hanno sempre un piano!
Non aggiungere mai i widget sul tuo sito web solo per il gusto di avere un widget. Pensate a quello che state cercando di raggiungere con il widget and how it will help you achieve this goal. Are you trying to increase the value of your site in the eyes of your visitors using the widget? Or, you're giving your visitors the opportunity to leave your site? Be careful, a widget is a link to another website, and may steal your visitors!
Returning to our main goal - apart from other real estate agents in your area with the creation of a web site requires that your site is unique and its original content. The operational problem is ...
"How do I bring visitors to my site, instead of making them go to the site of another agent in my area?"
If any other agent in your area has a simple website, with no unique content will not get a high ranking in search engines of your website
By offering information and opinions that make you think are relevant and the information that buyers and sellers looking for a website of a real estate agency also your services stand out. This type of unique content can be found in many forms, from blogs, original video on youtube, and links to other resources.
This brings us to the next set of strategies that focus on how to quickly create original content for your website ...
INTERNET STRATEGY 5: create unique articles on tue pagine web. Per venire fuori in una ricerca sul web, quando un acquirente o un venditore di una certa località cercano sul motore di ricerca "case a Roma" o "appartamenti in vendita a Roma"… è necessario fornire informazioni di qualità sul vostro mercato immobiliare locale, che contengano i termini di ricerca più comuni. Per i professionisti del settore immobiliare, questo significa fare un brainstorming per individuare le principali "parole chiave" con le quali pianificare una "Strategia di contenuto" per creare un contenuto editoriale unico (articoli, post) intorno ad un manciata di parole chiave che consentiranno ai questi professionisti di avere un posizionamento più elevato nei motori di ricerca. Una volta che avete trovato your most important keywords, you create and write content directly focused on these issues. You sound like a threat? It is, probably, but not necessarily be so difficult. Everything is in starting. Content that focuses on your specialty (residential real estate, tourist, commercial, industrial, etc.), the surrounding environment, highlighting your experience and industry knowledge are a good starting point. When you write, think about your target audience - prospective buyers or sellers of real estate in your area. As the content of what you are writing may help in buying or selling them? Be specific, enter details and examples.
INTERNET STRATEGY 6: add video to web pages Here are 4 reasons why you should use the video on the site of an estate agent:
1. Online video creates a personal touch.
2. Online video is exciting! It 'easy to distinguish itself in the market with an interesting and interactive site.
3. Online Video shows a knowledge of experts in real estate is that of the Internet and suggests that this knowledge will be extended to help the visitor to buy or sell a home.
4. An online video increased visitor traffic to your website. This is a simple truth: the video is a great way to get more visitors dai motori di ricerca e dalle ricerche direttamente su YouTube, che conta oltre 300 milioni di utenti e molti di loro si collegano a youtube dalla vostra zona per ricercare informazioni ogni giorno.
Ora che sappiamo perché l'aggiunta di video su un sito web è buona per generare nuovi d'affari, parliamo di alcune strategie di contenuti che vi permetteranno di ottenere il massimo risultato dal vostro video ...
Tre grandi Strategie per realizzare video nel campo immobiliare
1. Inserzione virtual tour
Gli acquirenti amano gli annunci che contengono dei tour virtuali della casa e non c'è modo migliore per presentare un tour di un video. Alcuni agenti immobiliari si filmano di fronte the house, introducing the property, and then talking about and describing the property as the video goes through the house. Or if you're not, if you are not photogenic or video, you can only show the apartment!
2. Getting to know you and your services
This is a great strategy if you want the visitor to know you. Set the speech talking about your knowledge of the local property market and how your real estate experience can save him time and money.
3. Place important local news and updates on real estate market
If you want to place in the minds of your potential customers as a market expert local real estate, you can create short videos that talk about events in the city and offer a quick and real estate market updates.
These are just some ideas about topics for your new video, but there are endless possibilities! Create a video tour of your neighborhood, the show features local parks and other things in your area. Or, create a tour "business" of your town or city where the shops shown where to shop, the demographics of residents, activities such as annual or weekly markets, fairs or hiking trails. Be creative, talk to your specialty and your area.
At this point you can say, "OK, I learned how to add unique content in the form of articles and videos to my web pages to get a high ranking in search engines for searches on the local property market, but I am not yet clear how to bring the people on my site? "
Here are 6 ways found to bring visitors (traffic) on your site without spending a lot of money:
1. Print the URL of your website on all letters, postcards, and letterhead of your agency
2. Include the URL of your website in the digital signature of your e-mail (e-mail)
3. Include the URL of your website in your monthly newsletter
4. Create postcard campaign to communicate the address of your website and distribute them in your area, send them to your past clients, friends, family members and strategic partners
5. Word of mouth - if you provide great content on your site, people will tell his friends
6. Link to your website - again, if you create valuable information on your site, other sites will ask you to put links to your website generating new traffic flows unique visitors
So now you have the top six strategies for finding customers from the web. If you already have a website you will begin to implement these strategies, or you can speak to a webmaster in this week and tell him to add these features to your site immediately. And if you're looking for a web marketing company to contact us and we'll put you in touch with our trusted partners.
In the next section of this article you will have four major strategies to convert your online contacts in real contact.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta , trainer & coach
Final Tip: an organized training courses on the internet real estate marketing. If you want to learn how to use the web to find customers to attend our courses. If you want to learn more visit us at or write to or call 0662208272
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Cervix Erosion Referred To Gyno Still Bleeding
Pierpaolo Molinengo
The survey on the housing market in Italy, launched in January 2009 by the Bank of Italy and Tecnoborsa, starting from this edition will seek the cooperation of the Agency of Natural Resources. Between 6 and October 28 were held interviews for the third quarter of 2010 edition, which was attended by 1066 staff, providing information on sales and prices in the reference quarter (July-September 2010), and prospects of the sector.
Estimates of the number of homes sold are based on the observation of intermediate transactions. From the perspective of real estate agents, the transaction is generally ended with the signing of preliminary contract of sale, which may precede, even several months, the transfer of real property registered in the deeds (deed). These aspects may explain the discrepancies observed when comparing the estimates presented here with those based on deeds.
house prices.
The share of agents who report a fall in prices in the third quarter fell to 31.6%, compared to 37.9% recorded for the previous quarter, compared to an incidence even small indications of an increase (3, 6%) increased the stability of the reviews (from 60.6% to 64.9%). The negative balance between the percentages responses to rising and falling was reduced (-28% to -36.4% in the previous quarter). The pattern in all geographic areas and is more pronounced in the regions of Central and North America, where the incidence of reviews of increase rose to 4%.
number of transactions.
In the third quarter of 2010, the share of workers who say they have sold at least one property was 65%, down two points from the previous survey. The number of trades intermediated by the agencies has increased by about 8% over the same quarter of 2009, concentrated in Central and South
Appointments to sell. The
balance between economic decline and reports of increased stocks of positions in sales remained positive, a little less than 20 percentage points, confirming the trend observed since the survey in early 2009.
Also with regard to the new positions, the balance between indications of an increase and reduction is still positive (16.1 percent), it is an increase over the previous survey to 12.4% of the summer, when he recorded a temporary downturn. The lack of buy orders when requested the seller to be too expensive is confirmed as the main cause of termination of the tasks (61.6% of cases was 62.9% in July).
format has drawn on this article da: Newspages - informazione immobiliare gratuita
Friday, November 19, 2010
Milena Velba Santa Claus

Dalla terra al territorio: un progetto ideato per la promozione, la conoscenza e la valorizzazione delle produzioni agricole di qualità del cratere sismico,nella consapevolezza che la ricostruzione non è fatta solo di cemento. L'idea illustrata nel corso di un primo incontro che si è svolto in un tendone allestito nel quartiere del progetto Case di Paganica 2, è quello di organizzare e far crescere anche nel cratere sismico la filiera corta, attraverso la consolidata esperienza of buying groups solidale.Ovvero a market without the 'merchants', which has as its basis a real and immediate relationship between producers and consumers based on direct contact, mutual trust,' meet and respect. From farm to fork, without intermediaries here is a way forward to allow local farmers to recover from the enormous difficulties they are facing after the earthquake. company that marries the commitment to care for local handicrafts. Pride of Aquila, the consortium created to give impetus to local small businesses, has won as part of the Ravenna Festival, the prestigious National Business Ethics and 2009, this year dedicated madness. A reward the consortium a scientific committee composed of professors of the most prestigious Italian universities. The project aims at establishing a network of restaurants "99" for accuracy in different parts of Italy and the world will have to use the products of the consortium, as shown in Anna Bonanni President of the consortium together with the Head Food Pecille Paul. The strength? Saffron Navelli
Listen gentlemen, was born the first "Red Gold" Location Sassa industrial area managed by the great Fabio Climastone, that of Quintana to speak. Finally something new, true and genuine. A particular curiosity is the presence, in each room, the reproduction of a stone monument of the 99 masks of the 99 Spouts in which the project was inspired. Jamo nnanzi between ....
greetings De Santis
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Can't Find Solution Center
Tutti abbiamo commesso degli errori. Ma alcuni errori possono rovinare il vostro business. Per esempio, lo sapevate che fare alcune domande innocenti, durante una presentazione dei servizi della propria agenzia, può effettivamente innescare inaspettatamente RABBIA nel cliente venditore e costarti migliaia di euro in commissioni perse? O prendiamo in considerazione gli adeguamenti del prezzo di vendita. Gli agenti guardano gli annunci sui giornali, prendono il telefono e fissano degli appuntamenti con i venditori e non sanno come convincerli a mettere in vendita la loro casa ad un prezzo di mercato adeguato per riuscire a vendere quelle case anche nel difficile mercato di oggi. I proprietari of houses would you smuovessi heaven and earth to sell their home. It humiliates you, saying, "If you were a better real estate agent, you would be able to sell our house at the price you want!" The average real estate agent usually takes the job even if the request of the seller is greater than the market value of hard work and after months of running ads, to show the property and potential buyers, create virtual tours by publish on the web, photos, flyers, letters and e-mail, stress and frustration owners call and say: "It 's all your fault." Then you do not renew their office and they give it to another real estate agent who would persuade them to sell their home to fair market price! And 'one of the worst feelings that a real estate agent can try. But the truth is that you did not have the right tools. In this situation you are disadvantaged because they do not have the right tools to deal with customers today and in the market today. Because none of the guys that start the profession of estate agents are told these facts? Almost no one teaches beginners to this job strategies to address real situations and scripts that can help them close without any effort the quality of negotiations with customers. Even the most experienced real estate agents know these strategies, or are too busy to show them. The publications on marketing are rare and real estate agents who know them best if they keep secrets close to his chest near. It may take decades and millions of lost commissions to learn everything yourself through direct experience in the field.
But now you can learn the most powerful strategies used by top officials to close all types of real estate transactions with the precision of a laser. This is a comprehensive approach, full of practical advice and simple at the same time, scripts and strategies which all estate agents desperately need to succeed. If you want to get more assignments from clients vendors, establishing databases of quality, help more buyers get the adjustments pricing by sellers, publish and sell more effective advertising homes with minimal effort ... now finally have a resource for this resource and it is the method they teach in the school of training format. Salvatore Coddetta are, and if you do not know me, I can safely say that I have taught thousands of real estate agents the same strategies that you can find in my books (Strategies for buying and selling real estate, Franco Angeli editions), in my classes, in my articles . The strategies that I teach I could not find altrove.Negli last 15 years of my life I have taught real estate agents several strategies to achieve results, including:
• Principles of marketing and web marketing immobiliare
• Come fare presentazioni ad alto impatto al proprietario venditore per ottenere l'incarico
• Come effettuare una valutazione professionale
• Le strategie chiave per pubblicare inserzioni pubblicitarie efficaci
• Scoprire cosa motiva veramente un acquirente e come vendere case a tempo di record
• Ottenere l' accettazione delle proposta d'acquisto, senza dover andare avanti e indietro cento volte
• Aumenta la tua percentuale di chiusura con tecniche collaudate… e molto altro ancora!
Leggendo i miei libri (Strategie di acquisizione e vendita immobiliare, edizioni Franco Angeli e Come ridurre i tempi di vendita nel settore immobiliare) aumenterete la vostra capacità di produrre reddito pagina dopo pagina. Imparerete semplici modifiche ai vostri comportamenti per migliorare notevolmente il modo di lavorare nel settore immobiliare e il profitto come mai prima. Avrete anche tutte le domande e gli script per gestire l'acquirente e il venditore e per ogni tipo di obiezioni che il cliente potrà farvi. No, non c'è bisogno di avere particolari talenti innati per godere di un business redditizio nel settore immobiliare. I migliori agenti immobiliari sanno vendere (e chiudere) senza avere talenti innati, quindi anche tu potrai farlo. Ecco un piccolo esempio di quello che imparerai nei nostri corsi o nei miei libri:
PUNTO 1: Principi fondamentali per un marketing immobiliare di successo
• Gli ingredienti per una buona pubblicità
• Come motivare i potenziali acquirenti a chiamarti dopo aver letto la tua inserzione pubblicitaria
• Come utilizzare le caratteristiche di una casa per fare emergere la tua inserzione rispetto alle altre
• Come gestire il cliente venditore
• La preoccupazione primaria per gli acquirenti - capire questo ti permetterà di vendere le case che hai in portfolio più in fretta, ricorda che non è il prezzo di acquisto della casa ma la gestione delle emozioni dell'acquirente che ti faranno realizzare o perdere la vendita
PUNTO 2: L'ostacolo più grande that you have before you when you work with sellers to establish who is boss. If not you, then the seller will decide all the moves and then will blame you for his bad decisions. In this session of our courses or part of my books you will learn:
• how to establish who's boss with the sellers during the presentation of your agency and your services (and we will tell you the exact words to pronounce)
• How to avoid the 'biggest mistake that can be made during the presentation of its services to the seller (it happens every day in many real estate agents)
• What are the questions to ask the seller to understand her true motivation to sell its property and to see if it's a good customer or just a time waster
• How to make a professional assessment of the property
• How to get the job in writing and exclusive
• The most common objections we hear from owners to vendors, and answers to be used for reshaping
STEP 3: how to sell homes fast. In this session of our courses or part of my books will be revealed the secrets that the best real estate agents keep for himself.
• how to effectively manage the task exceeding the expectations of the client seller
• How to painlessly obtain the price adjustment
• The sale of the nine best ways to discuss the 'adjustment of the sale price of
• Questions to ask your seller client during a meeting to discuss the adaptation of the sale price
• The two questions to ask the sellers after submitting a 'price analysis for their home
• How to strengthen the confidence of the Seller in your ability to sell their home
• The 6 most common objections and responses more effective during his meeting with the seller for the adjustment of the sale price of
• Proven Tips to improve the interior and exterior of the house to speed risparmiasi sale and a massive dose of headache
STEP 4: buyers can be a vital source of income in your work. They can also be a huge waste of time. In this session of our courses or part of my books will be revealed to you the techniques to find the best buyers and find their dream home quickly. Now, you realize you can not afford to lose these secrets if you work in real estate?
• The 4 types of buyers and the 2 features you need to know by heart if you do not want to spend time working with buyers
• The seven guidelines for open house successfully and make your bank account richer
• The easiest way to avoid "buyer from hell" (the 'nightmare of Estate Agents) using the techniques to describe the' buyer
• How to prevent buyers remorse and negative word of mouth
• 10 Questions to qualify the buyer
• The seven tactics for selling a home quickly
• Avoid common mistakes when you show the houses
• How to discover the "buy signal" verbal and nonverbal to see if the 'purchaser is ready to sign a proposal to purchase
• How to overcome the 10 most common objections of the customer purchasing
STEP 5: How to gain the acceptance of your proposals. Many real estate agents fall for their acceptance of the proposal. There are proven strategies to motivate sellers to accept the (reasonable) amount that the buyer has no use going back and forth and risk jeopardizing the deal. Learn how the best real estate agents have offers from buyers to sellers to increase the closing rate and income!
• One way "bullet proof" to submit your best offer - try this technique and your customers will see vendors start to make notes with approval of the head, as those figures and bambini che si trovano in commercio
• Come preparare prove concrete a sostegno della seria intenzione del compratore e anticipare le obiezioni sulla cifra offerta
• Come creare urgenza nel proprietario venditore. Dimenticati di farlo e tu stesso aprirai la porta alla concorrenza
• 5 domande da fare ai proprietari venditori per identificare immediatamente la loro motivazione a vendere - ti diranno esattamente ciò che li spingerà ad accettare le offerte
• Come ottenere l'accettazione della proposta senza mettersi in contrasto con il proprietario venditore
• La perfetto "sequenza in 7 step" per presentare le offerte dei compratori ai venditori
• Come evitare l'errore imperdonabile in sede di presentazione della proposta d'acquisto al proprietario venditore
• Cosa fare se i venditori dicono "voglio pensarci sopra"
• Quattro strategie chiave per la gestione delle obiezioni del venditore
SEZIONE 6: Tecniche di chiusura. Ecco dove "la gomma incontra la strada." Non raggiungerete ma i vostri obiettivi nel settore immobiliare, se non sapete come chiudere una trattativa in modo efficace. La chiusura di un cliente deve essere un processo "liscio-come-seta". Ma se non si sa quando e come chiedere la chiusura, non otterrete mai l'affare fatto. Qui presentiamo strategie avanzate di chiusura con 5 tecniche modellate da agenti immobiliari Top:
• Come fare in modo che per i vostri clienti l'unica scelta sia quella di firmare il contratto, e velocemente!
• La strategia chiave per motivare i venditori e gli acquirenti a dire "Sì"
• la singola chiave per la chiusura di successo - è così facile, eppure così difficile per molti agenti immobiliari
• I passaggi giusti per far firmare il contratto ai clienti
• Come evitare di parlare troppo e non sapere quando tacere - qui sono le poche parole che devi dire prima di rimanere in silenzio per concludere l'affare e farli firmare
• Come riassumere i punti chiave di una transazione
• Come convincere i clienti che firmare il contratto è nel loro interesse and represents the best choice for them
And much, much, more ... I only "skimmed the surface" of strategies, tips and techniques that are revealed in my books and training courses. And for every situation covered, our training programs give you the main strategies for your work ... no matter what part of Italy worked, if you are novices or experts in the real estate industry or what's happening in your area, even a tomato plant may have more success in real estate by implementing our recommendations.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta, trainer, expert in real estate
Sunday, October 31, 2010
How To Get Legendary Pokemon In Pokemon Deluge
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Blood Sugar Is 106, Is That Really High?
However, there is a very important for you to know before using any technique. As I have said many times, you do not have to explain to your potential customers are using the techniques. If you answer too quickly to demands of our potential customers or you are too fast for comments on what they said, frightened them. Will wonder how you did it to respond so quickly and sooner or later you will make a fool of. That's why every professional real estate agent or vendor typically uses scheduled breaks. By inserting a pause before responding to what they said your customers will have the feeling that you're thinking about what to say. Will be less likely to recognize in your comments and your questions in the use of sales techniques. The break also works scheduled to get their attention. I'm sure you've heard the phrase "significant break". It means that whatever is going to happen or are said after the pause is full of meaning. The use of the pause scheduled truly becomes a more natural way to make use of the techniques. Try a couple of times and you'll understand what I mean. Please do not abuse with these techniques. You do not have to answer every question with another question. No need to break down every statement of our partners. It would be foolish. All you have to use these techniques once or twice to capture the attention your customers and move forward with the purchase.
Author: Salvatore Coddetta, trainer and coach specializing in real estate
Monday, October 18, 2010
Wreckedww2 Planes For Sale
There are several ways to use a request for clarification. A request for clarification is a question asked at the end of a sentence which requires an affirmative answer. The most common forms of requests for clarification are using contractions such as "no?" "Is not it?", "Right?", "Do not you?", "Right?", "Disagree", "do not you think?", "Do not you think?" and "is not it?" "Right." The style makes the standard request for clarification at the end of the sentence and requires an affirmative answer, the style inverted poses the beginning of the sentence thus suggesting a "yes", the style, incorporating the demand for clarification of the phrase at the center, to give more subtlety and warmth. Use these three styles each time you say something to the owner seller you want to reinforce in his mind, which is usually something positive like the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving you the contract for the sale of their home.
Owner Seller: "I see the signs of your agency around the city."
buyer: "There are certainly many of our signs around, do not you think?"
But there is no need to stop there. Why make a request for clarification on the second sentence of your argument, it doubles the effect of reinforcement.
Owner Seller: "I see the signs of your agency around the city."
buyer: "There are certainly many of our signs around, right? This task of putting signs around the city says a lot about the effectiveness of our agency and its reputation, is not it?" And ' effect is double.
Save the following sentences. You must be prepared to take them immediately from your toolbox to use with your customers.
"A reputation for professionalism is important, do not you? "
" Have you noticed our signs and the activity in your area, no? "
" He 's interested in the best way to advertise your home, is not it? "
" It would be convenient to work selling your property, do not you think? "
" Extend the time of sale can be expensive, is not it? "
" As a specialist in this field, I was able to improve the service we offer sellers and owners would like to have the opportunity to take care of her needs, do not I? "
These questions of clarification may be used word for word during most of the interviews. When you can honestly owners say nice things about vendors, you make comments on the measure using the following sentences that contain requests for clarification. If possible, use these phrases with their spouse, when the husband or wife may feel that the praise.
"He did a beautiful job of restructuring, she did right?"
"He created a garden here, she was the lady is not it?"
As you will practice using the questions of clarification will become increasingly skilled in using them and get to the point of finding them ridiculously easy to use. You will also find that it's fun, for two reasons: Make something useful using a large ability is one of the greatest pleasures in life and so is the knowledge that you will come from the fact that they are also paid for it.
Some final reflections on the questions of clarification.
mix the three styles when used.
Most of us tend to over-use of standard form, is not it?
This easily becomes a habit that bothers our listeners, is not it? But we also have other shapes, right?
We should not use the style as often reversed? Not worth it to practice the form upside down?
And would not it be better if you combine a couple of styles to give our discussion a little variety?
When the technique is obvious, it hurts more than it helps. Then use the technique of requests for clarification, mix well the different styles, but without making excessive use.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta, trainer and coach of the real estate expert
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Kates Playground Hotfile
Salvatore Coddetta
A good buyer is ready, where the vendor sees the paper's office and says, and says "What are you doing? we're not ready to give the job to anyone!" .
Samples of the acquisition forward instead of stopping when this happens. Possibly. Remember the following words. Practice, try them, try them and try them until you can not tell easily and with conviction:
"I'm just organizing my thoughts to keep everything in perspective. I do it for office work and be sure not to forget anything, especially anything that could cost you money. "
will be happy not to forget anything about anything that might cost them money? You bet I am. You're projecting competence when safely respond in this way. This is why the real estate professional who thinks the paper assignment is a nice place to take notes. Note that no mention of attorney to the seller. I call it the "paperwork". Because the "paperwork" is a detail not threatening, but a form of engagement is a contract and contracts are scary things. (Be aware that the owner seller needs to know that the task is a binding contract before they sign it. It was during the initial conversations I recommend you do a cross-reference the assignment calling him "paperwork"). Come on, try something new. "Mrs. Smith, Please call for an appointment with potential buyers before showing them your home or perhaps prefer to give us the keys?"
"Can I just give you the keys" , says Ms. Rossi.
"I would like to make a note of this ", and as I say, write your note on the assignment sheet.
"What are you doing?" replied Mr Smith.
"I'm just organizing my thoughts to keep everything in perspective" , you have to answer and then continue by saying: "I do the paperwork so I'm sure not to forget anything, especially anything that could cost the money for you ".
"Okay," says Mr. red "Go ahead. But we have not yet decided to entrust the task to your agency" .
"I know" , answer and then say: "but voglio essere sicuro del fatto mio nel caso in cui deciderete di ricorrere alla mia professionalità e lascerete che io possa servirvi" .
Non è così facile? E sei molto più vicino a prendere l'incarico. Puoi contarci.
Augurandomi il tuo successo nel campo immobiliare,
Salvatore Coddetta, formatore e coach esperto del settore immobiliare
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sample Congratulation Wedding Cards Wordings
di Salvatore Coddetta
La sfida più grande che la maggior parte degli agenti immobiliari ha con il foglio incarico è che non cominciano mai a riempirlo. Perché non lo fanno? Perché hanno paura che il proprietario venditore dirà loro di non farlo. Così nascondono il foglio incarico, e aspettano che il proprietario venditore gli dica: "Va bene, lo firmo" . Ma la maggior parte dei proprietari venditori non lo dirà mai. Procrastineranno dicendo che vogliono pensarci su, diranno qualsiasi cosa per evitare di prendere la decisione, e aspetteranno di parlare con il prossimo, vero agente immobiliare. Quasi tutti gli agenti immobiliari forti in acquisizione usa il foglio incarico come un integrale parte della loro sequenza di passaggi durante l'appuntamento in acquisizione. Semplicemente cominciando a usare il foglio incarico nel corso delle interviste effettuate al proprietario venditore durante l'appuntamento in acquisizione, potrai acquisire competenze immobiliari più reali della maggior parte delle persone che svolgono la professione di agente real estate. Let's start with the basic assumption that it is almost impossible to take a job without writing on the form. It is equally difficult to write on a form that is locked inside your bag. So the first use of the essential form of the assignment is to expose it in plain sight. Keep the form of office ready in your folder. You're planning to take charge for this house you're going to see before you go there you need to prepare as if I were sure to take it. Before you get there, fill out the assignment sheet with all the information you already own: address, name and surname of the owners vendors, etc.. Then you are ready to help you answer "Yes" when it's time right to close. Now, let's take a moment to review a key point: the "yes" Children are an essential part of successful acquisitions. Learn the two sentences that follow, word for word and use them in your next dates of acquisition. Suppose you went to see the house of lords and Mirella Carlo Ponti. Here are the closing two sentences:
"Mrs. Bridges, would like us to call for an appointment with potential buyers before showing them his house or prefer to leave the keys directly?"
Sir Charles, for meet your needs would be better to let the availability of the house 30 or 60 days after the date of the deed? "
I do not think too hard to say, right? Whatever the answer the owner sellers, no matter which alternative they choose, say this: "I want to take note of this" . And then write their responses on the form of the assignment. You might think "But starting to write on commissioning risk of blowing up everything. How do I put the pen in the form of office I will stop." . This is not what the buyer thinks of success. The acquirers average sellers are hoping that the owners try to stop them when they pull out of the form of office and start writing about it.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta, trainer and coach Real Estate
final suggestion: an organized course of acquisition to learn how to get the job at the price in writing and exclusive. For information on our courses to acquire real estate agents visit or write to or call 0662208272
Thomson Viper Filmstream
Salvatore Coddetta
You know that people give to an agent the real estate commission for the sale of their homes emotionally and then justify what he did with the logic. We all like that. While working to get the job, you must take every opportunity to bring into play the emotions. This can be done with the alternative choice questions. Example: "Ms Elena knows that his house is better than any other house. In your opinion, would be better to bring potential buyers through the front door or the side?"
O response helps you, is not it ?
"I love our input, Salvatore. I let them in from the front."
"Well, then they will enter through the front door, do you agree? Let me take note of this" . Look what a little "yes" here will take you to obtain the assignment. If I can get a consensus on what they put in the ad, they are halfway to taking office.
Now watch this: Her husband is fanatical in his garden. When I go out with him, I see every plant in its pot. I start to praise each bed. I admire his cool. Then tell Sir John, he knows his house has a beautiful garden. One of the keys to selling a house fast is to capture the attention of potential buyers or their friends, who come to see your house . Do you think it would be wise to put that in the ad in your garden there are beautiful trees, fig and lemon (pointing with both hands)? "
Mr. John replies: " Well, Salvatore, I think you should refer to them both. "
"Then she would like them both. Okay, this is a good idea." We will do it. I take note of this ". Again, if I can get a consensus on what they put in the ad, they are halfway to taking office.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta , trainer and coach of the real estate expert
final Tip: an organized course of acquisition. For information and registration visit or write to or call 0662208272
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Canned Broth For Fondue
Savior of Coddetta
This is a great tool for conversation. I suggest you use it at every opportunity, not only with your customers. It stimulates the person you're talking about, as well as yourselves, to develop listening skills. The technique of requests to re-launch is but the next question that you ask your partner, something about the response that you got your first question. Too often, we are reflecting on what we need or want to say next and not really listen to what the other person is saying at that time. This can be embarrassing. It can destroy any credibility that you build with your partners up to this point. When you use the technique to raise questions or support, you're really listening to what they say. They know and appreciate your attention. Un esempio di questa tecnica è il seguente:
Agente immobiliare : "Dove vivete adesso?"
Cliente acquirente: "a Sperlonga"
Agente immobiliare: "Cosa vi piace di più del vivere a Sperlonga"
Cliente acquirente: "Ci piace il mare"
Agente immobiliare: "State molto tempo al mare?"
Con questa semplice tecnica, le persone che incontri avranno la sensazione che tu sia veramente interessato a loro, perché stai ovviamente ascoltando tutto quello che dicono. Basta ricordarsi di dirigere le domande per ottenere le risposte necessarie a conoscere ciò che stanno cercando in una casa, che tipo di stile di vita vogliono, ecc.
Autore: Salvatore Coddetta, formatore esperto del settore immobiliare
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Bulma I Vegeta Doujinshi
Un'acquisizione non è altro che una decisione importante che è stata raggiunta attraverso una serie di accordi minori. Il grande "Sì" è l'incarico. Come si ottiene? In primo luogo ricevendo un sacco di "sì" di minore importanza in precedenza. L'atleta professionista non si aspetta di vincere la partita subito. Egli ha un piano. Il suo piano di gioco richiede di raggiungere la vittoria conquistando una serie di traguardi intermedi. Il grande "Sì", nel gioco della vittoria, si raggiunge attraverso un sacco di piccole "sì" che sono stati ottenuti durante tutto il periodo della negotiation. In real estate, the beginner often fails to realize that there is a period of play during the negotiations for the transfer of power to sell. Not realizing this, it gets too anxious. Store owner puts pressure too much, too soon. It begins to make statements instead of asking questions to the owner seller. Some of the most common phrases that beginners owners say sales are as follows:
"We are the best real estate agency in town"
"I'm the most professional real estate agent who can girders on the market"
"So for the longest time in all other real estate agents who are out there "
" It better to entrust the task to me because we're the best "
" We have the largest brand in the city "
's not how it gets the job or earn the trust of the people. To become a major buyer, is necessary to transmit the same messages, but you do it differently. This is done by asking questions. Through the following technique you can get many of the questions "yes" automatically:
"Would you like to do business with a professional, is not it? " What do you think you are an owner seller responds to this question? " Oh, no, I'd like to work with the most real estate agents who are unlucky in city \u200b\u200b". Of course they will not say a thing, but will agree that they want to work with a professional. And answering" yes "to this question, maybe they're not even acknowledging the fact that you are the kind of professional with which want to work, here's a variation of this statement: "The reputation for professionalism is important to you, is not it?" . And keep saying
"As a specialist in this field, I want to provide you excellent service, can I?" If you have already demonstrated considerable knowledge of real estate in their neighborhood, what is their natural conclusion? What is a good decision to entrust the task and benefit from your own competent service.
If you decide to become a professional in real estate, I hope you commit to listen twice as much as you speak. This double your effectiveness. It will double your effectiveness even if the right questions to call his own vendors. Keep on asking. And listen to the answers. Will lead you to more questions. And with more "yes" minor. Let's go back to the specific questions you should ask the owner seller. This is what I would say if you were sitting at the kitchen table of a couple who needs to sell his house, like George and Elena Proietti
"Gentlemen Proietti, before starting this evening, I would, if I can ask some questions to see if our agency is the kind of company you'd like to help you sell your home. Because, see, if we do not have what you are looking for, then you should call another agency. May I ask if you would like an 'agency is known in this district have a reputation for professionalism? " When you say yes, go ahead with the next question:
" You also want an agency that invests a considerable amount of time and money in real estate advertising to attract qualified buyers? "
Lords Proietti obviously continue to answer yes. At this point keep saying " You also want an agency that have different funding sources and reach qualified buyers to ensure that they can get money to buy your house "
Once again I expect that Messrs. Proietti you respond yes before proceeding to the next question: " You want to have to do with a real estate agent you select possible buyers so that only those who are qualified, that is, they can afford and have money to buy your home, you are presented to start a negotiation? "
Waiting for the consent of: Proietti, then do the next question in my turn:
"And would you like a vendor that is dedicated to the sale della vostra casa a tempo pieno?" Quando dico questo, do a ciascuno di loro una dei miei biglietti da visita, poi dico: "Come si può vedere, il mio biglietto da visita dispone di tre numeri di telefono: La mia casa, il mio ufficio e il mio cellulare. Vi piacerebbe essere in grado di contattare il vostro agente immobiliare 24 ore al giorno, per sei giorni la settimana?"
Li sto facendo sentire importanti? Certo. I signori Proietti mi hanno offerto un sacco di piccoli sì, non è vero? E la mia ultima domanda è: "Volete la somma più alta, che è possibile ottenere, per la vendita della vostra casa?"
Credetemi, stanno per rispondere di sì anche a questa domanda. So be certain to get yourself a final yes. This is the way in which I conclude: "Gentlemen Proietti, based on what you said to me, I really think we can do business together because things are the things you asked for my agency offers. And now I'd go over my assessment of your home . I said nothing to the Lords Proietti. They told me what they wanted was what I had to offer because I asked the right questions. I posed the right questions. Asking the right questions, I pulled out the right answers that led them to say "Yes, let's go" .
There is an essential quality that all the right questions to capture o la vendita di beni immobili devono avere: il venditore deve conoscere la risposta giusta per lui. Non ridete. Se gli fai una domanda che non può rispondere, si sentono stupidi. Se li fai sentire stupidi, pensi che vogliono lavorare con te? No. Una verità lapalissiana, ma molti addetti alle vendite nel settore immobiliare ignorano la sua realtà. L'agente immobiliare medio ritiene che se riesce a far sentire i suoi potenziali clienti ignoranti in materia essi si affideranno a lui, e si sentiranno dipendenti da lui. Purtroppo non funziona così molto spesso. La maggior parte delle persone che vogliono lavorare con voi è perché li fate sentire intelligenti. Nel colloquio con i proprietari venditori Proietti, ho fatto loro sette domande e tutte hanno had only one answer, "yes" automatically.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta , trainer and coach who has experience in real estate
Final Tip: an organized course of acquisition. If you are interested in our courses to acquire professional real estate agents to visit or write to or chiamail number 0662208272
Friday, October 8, 2010
Should A 3 Year Old Know How To Write Letters
Salvatore Coddetta, trainer and coach real estate
If you want to learn a process into 3 phases, which doubles your chances of selling homes ... You can invest 5 minutes to read my article. This article talks about the real reason why Apple continues to launch successful products, and how you can use the same strategy to sell more homes in less time. But first, some basic information about the company. Apple continues a long winning streak that started with the iPod, and iPhone and now the iPad. Apple's stock is so popular that the small company is now worth more than Dell and Hewlett-Packard combined. The media are clearly in love with Steve Jobs, but journalists from business may be missing a key element in the strategy of Apple. The company is usually known for its range of innovative products and technology. Apple is often marked with desirable for the label of a company that makes the "first move", which means getting new technologies to market ahead of competition.
But a closer examination shows otherwise. For example, the iPod was not the first MP3 player on the market. Audio Highway has sold the first MP3 player called Listen Up, which won a national award at the Consumer Electronics Show in 1997. The Apple iPod was released on the market in October 2001. Nokia smart phones have been sold for years before anyone had ever heard of an iPhone. Tablet PCs Small had already left the market a few years ago with great fanfare, but sales were not particularly bright. Now, here comes the iPad, and in a few weeks, more than one million units were sold. Let's see how Apple's reputation of being cutting edge is not actually supported by the facts. What is overlooked is the ability to create effective advertising for Apple. Now, in this article I want to do just that: to extract the essence of Apple's ability to create effective advertising to make the best real estate listings, real estate agents to help sell more homes in less time.
Sure, the company's engineers develop products well designed and easy to use - which is a function of marketing in itself - but, we pay attention to what is happening in their television commercials. What takes place in their commercials on TV is simple and "old school". The advertising strategy for the iPhone and iPad are identical, only show a direct demonstration of what the product can do. Using exotic, sexy celebrities or models? Not at all. Watch some of the current spot dell'iPad. They are filmed as if you're holding the device in hand, and you see books ... films can be selected ... and another sequence shows a keyboard typing, etc.. For iPhone, Apple used the same technique, and you've just seen a person who holds the iPhone in hand, watching a compass or a restaurant review. Another ad shows two people hurt their phones and share information of contact. Advertising agencies usually hate this kind of work because it is not creative, but in many cases a simple statement of the results of the performance of the product for sale is very effective. The iPhone killer had to be the new Droid, a joint venture between Google and Verizon. I saw the TV commercial that just came out. It is a sparkling production that shows the new phone in the balance in a room. A laser shoots from all projections on the walls with various scenes including a beam that makes a hole in the wall. The special effects are impressive, but this product will surpass the iPhone? I do not count.
To understand Apple's advertising strategy you need to brush up the basics of marketing.
Before creating any advertising, you should ask if we offer a product or a service. The products are easier to advertise because they are tangible. Sell \u200b\u200ba means to sell an intangible service. Just like the previous examples show that Apple has shown the benefits of its products very effectively, so there is a similar method for selling a service that is very powerful. This method is to demonstrate the benefit of the service by telling an interesting story.
A good example that comes to mind would be to a radio ad for a company that I felt relief road in una radio locale romana qualche tempo fa. Lo spot comincia con una bambina che chiama questa azienda. Quando l'operatore risponde, la bambina, con la voce tremante, dice che l'auto della sua mamma si è schiantata. Poi si sente la voce calma, dell'operatrice dell'azienda di soccorso stradale. La bambina dice che la sua mamma è ferita e che non si risveglia. L'operatrice dice che ha inviato dei soccorsi e dice alla bambina che rimarrà in linea con lei fino all'arrivo dei soccorsi. Come quella conversazione finisce, lo speaker della radio dice il nome dell'azienda. Cosa hanno in comune Apple e questa azienda? Niente. Uno è un prodotto, l'altro un servizio. Per fare buona pubblicità è necessario capire il comportamento umano. La buona pubblicità, inoltre, non manipola i consumatori. Si tratta di intercettazioni dei nostri desideri umani e motivare all'azione attraverso una convincente dimostrazione delle prestazioni.
Come si applica tutto questo alla vendita di case?
Allora perché non utilizzare queste strategie professionali con il compratore che deve acquistare una casa? Purtroppo, ciò che i proprietari venditori fanno quando vendono privatamente e ciò che fanno gli agenti immobiliari quando vendono un immobile è un tipico annuncio che elenca il numero di camere, i bagni, il posto auto, balconi e la foto della casa. Ma dove è la dimostrazione o la narrazione in tutto questo? Fornire "a secco" caratteristiche di una casa le fa sembrare tutte simili, e una buona pubblicità dovrebbe rendere il prodotto diverso, non confonderlo con gli altri.
Facciamo l'esempio di un annuncio che cominci in questo modo:
"Dirigente d'azienda ottiene lavoro da sogno in un'altra città…aspetta che andiate a vedere la sua casa…a questo prezzo!"
Nota: Questo annuncio è un classico racconto. Il titolo ha generato urgenza, anche perché ha suggerito un buon prezzo e ci dice perché il venditore sta vendendo questa casa. È sufficiente leggere il titolo per coinvolgere il lettore e motivarlo a rispondere.
RISULTATO: Questo annuncio ha prodotto più offerte in meno di tre settimane in un quartiere in cui ogni altro annuncio di case "in vendita" è ancora sul mercato e alcuni sono fermi da oltre un anno.
Un'altre esempio potrebbe essere quello di un annuncio che cominci in questo modo:
"Vivere in una graziosa casa sul lago, con un giardino da sogno"
Questo annuncio mostra lo stesso processo che utilizza Apple - una semplice, chiara comunicazione di un unico vantaggio o quella che gli uomini di marketing chiamano USP, cioè Unique Selling Proposition (Proposta Unica di Vendita). Riuscite ad individuare l'elemento chiave? Si potrebbe immaginare che per vendere una casa, l'annuncio deve parlare unicamente the house, right? Not at all - this house was very similar to all others on the market. What made this different was the home garden and the view (no listing of homes for sale published by other competing agents had this type of setting). The photo and the title, showed strongly that the other ads of homes "for sale" could not match. The seller has received four bids - unusual in this period of recession, right?
How to improve your advertising to attract buyers ready to act?
A serious buyer is ready to act. Here's a simple process that can be used to create an effective ad that you will sell the houses in half the time:
Step 1: identify a unique advantage that no other house in the area can match ...
Step 2: think the best way to demonstrate what will this benefit for the buyer ...
Step 3: Dramatize this strong advantage through an interesting story in your message here ...
Using this process, we will create better advertising (no matter what house you are promoting), you will have more attention and attract the right audience that a buyer who is motivated to sign a purchase proposal.
Remember Selling a house is not a function is a function of real estate marketing. If ten people, know your home (what you're advertising) is fine, but if a dozen people to find out why you have a better advertising, then you just doubled your chances of success in real estate.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta , trainer and coach specializing in real estate
Final Tip: courses organized form of real estate marketing. For information and registration visit or write to or call 06 62208272
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
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by friend and adviser to minority Amicone G.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
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Friday, September 17, 2010
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agency real estate consultancy Knight Frank has produced its first report prepared for the housing market in 2011. world-wide most of the countries that had experienced a fall in prices will reverse the trend. Italy is one of these and are expected to be moderate to 2.5%
the report explains how in the world in the last five years there has been the same process: house prices rose, fell and then stabilized at a slightly upward in Europe, have returned to grow significantly in other areas of the world
around the world, prices have dropped on average by 18% between 2007 and 2008. However, already in 2010 61% of countries have already registered, the turnaround
as you can see from the graph the majority of European countries, except Ireland and Spain, are projected to increases, slight, as in the case of France, Italy and the UK. increases rather more pronounced for Sweden and Norway will instead
Russia's real estate market in surplus, while the Chinese bubble should fall slightly. Surprisingly, the forecast on the United States, and considering all the negative news on unemployment, foreclosures and the difficulties he is experiencing the world's leading power
format has taken this news from:
Monday, September 13, 2010
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According to data Istat, in the first quarter of 2010, at the national level, the agreements relating to sales of residential units totaled 190,728, up 2.3 percent over the same period last year. The phenomenon shows for the first time positive trend changes after a downturn that began in 2007 and continued with increasing intensity until the first quarter of 2009 and rallentatasi in subsequent quarters. It is however important to note that the first quarter of 2009 was marked by greater contraction in sales occurred in recent years (-16.1 percent), for which the reverse trend observed in the first three months of 2010 still does not report the volume of transazioni ai valori precedenti la caduta. Il 93,2 per cento delle convenzioni stipulate nel periodo considerato (177.680) riguarda immobili ad uso abitazione ed accessori, il 6,1 per cento (11.611) unità immobiliari ad uso economico. Considerando la tipologia di utilizzo, nel primo trimestre 2010 le compravendite di immobili ad uso residenziale crescono del 3 per cento, mentre risultavano in calo fino al trimestre precedente.
Le compravendite di immobili ad uso economico continuano, invece, a registrare un andamento negativo, segnando una flessione del 5,1 per cento, decisamente inferiore rispetto a quella riscontrata nei trimestri precedenti. Nel primo trimestre 2010 le compravendite totali di unità immobiliari aumentano in maggior measure in the Northeast (+3.7 percent), Central and South appear to be roughly in line with national data (respectively +2.7 percent and +2.6 percent), while in the north-west and Islands will have more moderate increases (respectively +1.5 percent and +1.1 percent).
The same trend is evident for the buying and selling of real estate for housing. For those with economic use, however, the trend decline of the phenomenon, already reported earlier, was below the national average in the North-West (-4.7 percent) and South (-1.2 percent). In the first quarter of 2010, trades made in the area of \u200b\u200bjurisdiction of district based in the notarial archives metropolitan cities are characterized by a trend growth rate (+3.3 percent) higher than that observed in the remaining district notarial archives (+1.6 percent).
The trend is similar to buying and selling of real estate for housing, while the sales of residential units to economic use show a trend decline significantly lower (-1.7 percent) in the notarial archives district located in metropolitan cities than other than in the notarial archives (-7 percent).
Signature of mortgages and assignments of mortgages
In the first quarter of 2010 were awarded 179,654 loans di cui 105.900 (pari al 58,9 per cento) con costituzione di ipoteca immobiliare e 73.754 (41,1 per cento) senza costituzione di ipoteca immobiliare. Il numero totale dei mutui è aumentato del 13,7 per cento rispetto al primo trimestre 2009, continuando così la fase di ripresa tendenziale del 13,3 per cento, quelli garantiti da ipoteca immobiliare del 13,9 per cento.
FormaRE ha tratto questa notizia da: Newspages, informazione immobiliare gratuita