Your biggest challenge in the form of office
di Salvatore Coddetta
La sfida più grande che la maggior parte degli agenti immobiliari ha con il foglio incarico è che non cominciano mai a riempirlo. Perché non lo fanno? Perché hanno paura che il proprietario venditore dirà loro di non farlo. Così nascondono il foglio incarico, e aspettano che il proprietario venditore gli dica: "Va bene, lo firmo" . Ma la maggior parte dei proprietari venditori non lo dirà mai. Procrastineranno dicendo che vogliono pensarci su, diranno qualsiasi cosa per evitare di prendere la decisione, e aspetteranno di parlare con il prossimo, vero agente immobiliare. Quasi tutti gli agenti immobiliari forti in acquisizione usa il foglio incarico come un integrale parte della loro sequenza di passaggi durante l'appuntamento in acquisizione. Semplicemente cominciando a usare il foglio incarico nel corso delle interviste effettuate al proprietario venditore durante l'appuntamento in acquisizione, potrai acquisire competenze immobiliari più reali della maggior parte delle persone che svolgono la professione di agente real estate. Let's start with the basic assumption that it is almost impossible to take a job without writing on the form. It is equally difficult to write on a form that is locked inside your bag. So the first use of the essential form of the assignment is to expose it in plain sight. Keep the form of office ready in your folder. You're planning to take charge for this house you're going to see before you go there you need to prepare as if I were sure to take it. Before you get there, fill out the assignment sheet with all the information you already own: address, name and surname of the owners vendors, etc.. Then you are ready to help you answer "Yes" when it's time right to close. Now, let's take a moment to review a key point: the "yes" Children are an essential part of successful acquisitions. Learn the two sentences that follow, word for word and use them in your next dates of acquisition. Suppose you went to see the house of lords and Mirella Carlo Ponti. Here are the closing two sentences:
"Mrs. Bridges, would like us to call for an appointment with potential buyers before showing them his house or prefer to leave the keys directly?"
Sir Charles, for meet your needs would be better to let the availability of the house 30 or 60 days after the date of the deed? "
I do not think too hard to say, right? Whatever the answer the owner sellers, no matter which alternative they choose, say this: "I want to take note of this" . And then write their responses on the form of the assignment. You might think "But starting to write on commissioning risk of blowing up everything. How do I put the pen in the form of office I will stop." . This is not what the buyer thinks of success. The acquirers average sellers are hoping that the owners try to stop them when they pull out of the form of office and start writing about it.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta, trainer and coach Real Estate
final suggestion: an organized course of acquisition to learn how to get the job at the price in writing and exclusive. For information on our courses to acquire real estate agents visit or write to or call 0662208272
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