The importance of planning breaks
However, there is a very important for you to know before using any technique. As I have said many times, you do not have to explain to your potential customers are using the techniques. If you answer too quickly to demands of our potential customers or you are too fast for comments on what they said, frightened them. Will wonder how you did it to respond so quickly and sooner or later you will make a fool of. That's why every professional real estate agent or vendor typically uses scheduled breaks. By inserting a pause before responding to what they said your customers will have the feeling that you're thinking about what to say. Will be less likely to recognize in your comments and your questions in the use of sales techniques. The break also works scheduled to get their attention. I'm sure you've heard the phrase "significant break". It means that whatever is going to happen or are said after the pause is full of meaning. The use of the pause scheduled truly becomes a more natural way to make use of the techniques. Try a couple of times and you'll understand what I mean. Please do not abuse with these techniques. You do not have to answer every question with another question. No need to break down every statement of our partners. It would be foolish. All you have to use these techniques once or twice to capture the attention your customers and move forward with the purchase.
Author: Salvatore Coddetta, trainer and coach specializing in real estate
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