Applications covert acquisition
Un'acquisizione non è altro che una decisione importante che è stata raggiunta attraverso una serie di accordi minori. Il grande "Sì" è l'incarico. Come si ottiene? In primo luogo ricevendo un sacco di "sì" di minore importanza in precedenza. L'atleta professionista non si aspetta di vincere la partita subito. Egli ha un piano. Il suo piano di gioco richiede di raggiungere la vittoria conquistando una serie di traguardi intermedi. Il grande "Sì", nel gioco della vittoria, si raggiunge attraverso un sacco di piccole "sì" che sono stati ottenuti durante tutto il periodo della negotiation. In real estate, the beginner often fails to realize that there is a period of play during the negotiations for the transfer of power to sell. Not realizing this, it gets too anxious. Store owner puts pressure too much, too soon. It begins to make statements instead of asking questions to the owner seller. Some of the most common phrases that beginners owners say sales are as follows:
"We are the best real estate agency in town"
"I'm the most professional real estate agent who can girders on the market"
"So for the longest time in all other real estate agents who are out there "
" It better to entrust the task to me because we're the best "
" We have the largest brand in the city "
's not how it gets the job or earn the trust of the people. To become a major buyer, is necessary to transmit the same messages, but you do it differently. This is done by asking questions. Through the following technique you can get many of the questions "yes" automatically:
"Would you like to do business with a professional, is not it? " What do you think you are an owner seller responds to this question? " Oh, no, I'd like to work with the most real estate agents who are unlucky in city \u200b\u200b". Of course they will not say a thing, but will agree that they want to work with a professional. And answering" yes "to this question, maybe they're not even acknowledging the fact that you are the kind of professional with which want to work, here's a variation of this statement: "The reputation for professionalism is important to you, is not it?" . And keep saying
"As a specialist in this field, I want to provide you excellent service, can I?" If you have already demonstrated considerable knowledge of real estate in their neighborhood, what is their natural conclusion? What is a good decision to entrust the task and benefit from your own competent service.
If you decide to become a professional in real estate, I hope you commit to listen twice as much as you speak. This double your effectiveness. It will double your effectiveness even if the right questions to call his own vendors. Keep on asking. And listen to the answers. Will lead you to more questions. And with more "yes" minor. Let's go back to the specific questions you should ask the owner seller. This is what I would say if you were sitting at the kitchen table of a couple who needs to sell his house, like George and Elena Proietti
"Gentlemen Proietti, before starting this evening, I would, if I can ask some questions to see if our agency is the kind of company you'd like to help you sell your home. Because, see, if we do not have what you are looking for, then you should call another agency. May I ask if you would like an 'agency is known in this district have a reputation for professionalism? " When you say yes, go ahead with the next question:
" You also want an agency that invests a considerable amount of time and money in real estate advertising to attract qualified buyers? "
Lords Proietti obviously continue to answer yes. At this point keep saying " You also want an agency that have different funding sources and reach qualified buyers to ensure that they can get money to buy your house "
Once again I expect that Messrs. Proietti you respond yes before proceeding to the next question: " You want to have to do with a real estate agent you select possible buyers so that only those who are qualified, that is, they can afford and have money to buy your home, you are presented to start a negotiation? "
Waiting for the consent of: Proietti, then do the next question in my turn:
"And would you like a vendor that is dedicated to the sale della vostra casa a tempo pieno?" Quando dico questo, do a ciascuno di loro una dei miei biglietti da visita, poi dico: "Come si può vedere, il mio biglietto da visita dispone di tre numeri di telefono: La mia casa, il mio ufficio e il mio cellulare. Vi piacerebbe essere in grado di contattare il vostro agente immobiliare 24 ore al giorno, per sei giorni la settimana?"
Li sto facendo sentire importanti? Certo. I signori Proietti mi hanno offerto un sacco di piccoli sì, non è vero? E la mia ultima domanda è: "Volete la somma più alta, che è possibile ottenere, per la vendita della vostra casa?"
Credetemi, stanno per rispondere di sì anche a questa domanda. So be certain to get yourself a final yes. This is the way in which I conclude: "Gentlemen Proietti, based on what you said to me, I really think we can do business together because things are the things you asked for my agency offers. And now I'd go over my assessment of your home . I said nothing to the Lords Proietti. They told me what they wanted was what I had to offer because I asked the right questions. I posed the right questions. Asking the right questions, I pulled out the right answers that led them to say "Yes, let's go" .
There is an essential quality that all the right questions to capture o la vendita di beni immobili devono avere: il venditore deve conoscere la risposta giusta per lui. Non ridete. Se gli fai una domanda che non può rispondere, si sentono stupidi. Se li fai sentire stupidi, pensi che vogliono lavorare con te? No. Una verità lapalissiana, ma molti addetti alle vendite nel settore immobiliare ignorano la sua realtà. L'agente immobiliare medio ritiene che se riesce a far sentire i suoi potenziali clienti ignoranti in materia essi si affideranno a lui, e si sentiranno dipendenti da lui. Purtroppo non funziona così molto spesso. La maggior parte delle persone che vogliono lavorare con voi è perché li fate sentire intelligenti. Nel colloquio con i proprietari venditori Proietti, ho fatto loro sette domande e tutte hanno had only one answer, "yes" automatically.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta , trainer and coach who has experience in real estate
Final Tip: an organized course of acquisition. If you are interested in our courses to acquire professional real estate agents to visit or write to or chiamail number 0662208272
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