Good buyers sellers advance when the owners are trying to stop them
Salvatore Coddetta
A good buyer is ready, where the vendor sees the paper's office and says, and says "What are you doing? we're not ready to give the job to anyone!" .
Samples of the acquisition forward instead of stopping when this happens. Possibly. Remember the following words. Practice, try them, try them and try them until you can not tell easily and with conviction:
"I'm just organizing my thoughts to keep everything in perspective. I do it for office work and be sure not to forget anything, especially anything that could cost you money. "
will be happy not to forget anything about anything that might cost them money? You bet I am. You're projecting competence when safely respond in this way. This is why the real estate professional who thinks the paper assignment is a nice place to take notes. Note that no mention of attorney to the seller. I call it the "paperwork". Because the "paperwork" is a detail not threatening, but a form of engagement is a contract and contracts are scary things. (Be aware that the owner seller needs to know that the task is a binding contract before they sign it. It was during the initial conversations I recommend you do a cross-reference the assignment calling him "paperwork"). Come on, try something new. "Mrs. Smith, Please call for an appointment with potential buyers before showing them your home or perhaps prefer to give us the keys?"
"Can I just give you the keys" , says Ms. Rossi.
"I would like to make a note of this ", and as I say, write your note on the assignment sheet.
"What are you doing?" replied Mr Smith.
"I'm just organizing my thoughts to keep everything in perspective" , you have to answer and then continue by saying: "I do the paperwork so I'm sure not to forget anything, especially anything that could cost the money for you ".
"Okay," says Mr. red "Go ahead. But we have not yet decided to entrust the task to your agency" .
"I know" , answer and then say: "but voglio essere sicuro del fatto mio nel caso in cui deciderete di ricorrere alla mia professionalità e lascerete che io possa servirvi" .
Non è così facile? E sei molto più vicino a prendere l'incarico. Puoi contarci.
Augurandomi il tuo successo nel campo immobiliare,
Salvatore Coddetta, formatore e coach esperto del settore immobiliare
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