The 10 strategies by which real estate agents customers can be found on the web - PART
di Salvatore Coddetta , formatore & coach
Essere un professionista immobiliare nel 21 ° secolo significa avere un sito web la necessità di fare web marketing. Ma la maggior parte degli agenti immobiliari è molto occupata a lavorare con i clienti e non ha tempo per stare al up with the latest strategies for "web marketing". Fortunately for you, we've put together a format of "top list" of 10 proven strategies, easy and efficient to turn your website into a profit center, rather than a cost. You can use these strategies into your existing site or creating a new web site for your real estate brand. Remember, a good website is a "destination" for both clients buyers and sellers in which customers both find helpful information. A good website provides them with the resources you need, want and that they need to search their home, and provides information on the value of their home as SELLERS and information on how the agency and the agent real estate professional can help you. Then, convert these virtual visitors into real, explains the entire process by which you develop the negotiation and offers customers the tools needed to complete the transaction. The 10 strategies presented below are divided into two categories: strategies to guide users to your website and strategies to convert them into real customers, because even a destination website is useless if it fails to achieve these two main objectives.
Part 1 of this article in two parts will focus on strategies to guide users on your site through the first 6 of 10 strategies (Part 2 will deal with the other 4): Buyers seek
their dream home and sellers will want to control the value of houses in their neighborhood. This means that you are losing business if all you have on your site is your phone number with a text like this: "ask for a current valuation of your property." If you want to take users from your Web site, you must give your visitors something of value for them, in exchange for their contact information. As visitors to the site of an estate agent looking for information on homes for sale, it is critical to the success of web marketing that your website is a tool to search ads by inserting a "Search" button directly nel vostro sito, che sia in grado di fare l'incrocio tra la richiesta dell'acquirente e gli immobili che hai in portfolio e che hai precedentemente inserito nella banca dati del tuo sito internet. In pratica un tasto CERCA, che funzioni come un MLS. Questi strumenti fanno rimanere i visitatori sul vostro sito, creano un'associazione tra la ricerca degli immobili e voi, e consentono in molti modi di convertire il traffico virtuale in reale. Se lo fate, non usate link a MLS esterni al vostro sito; vi consigliamo di pensarci due volte prima di far utilizzare ai visitatori del vostro sito questi link. Invece di convertirli in clienti reali, li stai portando fuori dal tuo sito web e li stai consegnando a qualcun altro!
Una volta che avete una funzione di search on your site, how do you ensure that visitors arrive on your site and use it?
Internet Strategy 1: Add the "Search" button in the preferences on your homepage. By entering a search of properties on the home page, you prevent people from bouncing (ie going out) quickly from your site, because they saw what they were seeking. You're also showing how your site is useful and easy to use, two very important qualities for Internet users. It is advisable to add a search option on top of the homepage so that a visitor does not have to scroll down to see her.
Internet Strategy 2: Have a stress and you point out your "Search" button. Add a search form to your homepage is important, but you should also do something to make it stand out. It is not enough to include it as the navigation option. On the contrary, include an image or text that focuses on "Search" button, so visitors can not be wrong. It 'also important for your visitors the option of searching for properties is present on every page of your website. Guide visitors to navigate your site improves their experience and show that you understand their needs. Visitors to your website are interested in the property sector, which is why they are on your site ... so do not be shy with the search option to enter the property.
INTERNET STRATEGY 3: Add button "Properties most wanted" to attract the attention of your visitors. Another great way to capture the attention of visitors is to have links that take them directly to the property they are looking for, without even using the "Search" button. How is this possible? By using links to "Saved Searches". Let's say you know that 7 out of 10 homebuyers, looking for a home on your site, find 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, less than € 300,000. Because these studies often do not collect a list that the next visitor to your site can look at? In this way attract the attention of visitors and keeping them on your site is easy.
Add a button to search for property listings and links to save is a good start, but what else could be done in a way that visitors find your site interesting enough to prompt them to contact you or register on your website? Remember our goal? Make your web site, the reference site in your area. Here's an effective way to engage visitors, before adding a lot of content to your site ...
INTERNET STRATEGY 4: add widgets to your Web pages in the online world, a widget is a small application or a dynamic content that is intended to facilitate user interaction with your website and can be easily inserted into a web page. There are sites that offer a list of search widget that are available in a variety of sources, such as Widgetbox (which has a ton of widgets to choose from, including many mortgage and loan calculators, and you can quickly add them to your site) and Reevent. These two sites not only provide its database of search ads to include in your site, but they have their own forum and dozens of widgets to choose from. E 'can also use their widgets to add slideshows, calculator, currency exchange, lists of contacts for research, listings of houses sold recently, weather, and much more. For more
informazioni su questi widget, visita queste pagine web:
I widget possono anche essere utilizzati per migliorare i contenuti del tuo sito web . Ad esempio, è possibile anche utilizzare un widget per fornire il valore delle case, calcolare i mutui, fare sondaggi e quiz interattivi, e altre cose divertenti in grado di attrarre compratori e venditori sul tuo sito.
AVVERTENZA: tenete presente quanto segue durante l'aggiunta di widget esterni al vostro sito web - hanno sempre un piano!
Non aggiungere mai i widget sul tuo sito web solo per il gusto di avere un widget. Pensate a quello che state cercando di raggiungere con il widget and how it will help you achieve this goal. Are you trying to increase the value of your site in the eyes of your visitors using the widget? Or, you're giving your visitors the opportunity to leave your site? Be careful, a widget is a link to another website, and may steal your visitors!
Returning to our main goal - apart from other real estate agents in your area with the creation of a web site requires that your site is unique and its original content. The operational problem is ...
"How do I bring visitors to my site, instead of making them go to the site of another agent in my area?"
If any other agent in your area has a simple website, with no unique content will not get a high ranking in search engines of your website
By offering information and opinions that make you think are relevant and the information that buyers and sellers looking for a website of a real estate agency also your services stand out. This type of unique content can be found in many forms, from blogs, original video on youtube, and links to other resources.
This brings us to the next set of strategies that focus on how to quickly create original content for your website ...
INTERNET STRATEGY 5: create unique articles on tue pagine web. Per venire fuori in una ricerca sul web, quando un acquirente o un venditore di una certa località cercano sul motore di ricerca "case a Roma" o "appartamenti in vendita a Roma"… è necessario fornire informazioni di qualità sul vostro mercato immobiliare locale, che contengano i termini di ricerca più comuni. Per i professionisti del settore immobiliare, questo significa fare un brainstorming per individuare le principali "parole chiave" con le quali pianificare una "Strategia di contenuto" per creare un contenuto editoriale unico (articoli, post) intorno ad un manciata di parole chiave che consentiranno ai questi professionisti di avere un posizionamento più elevato nei motori di ricerca. Una volta che avete trovato your most important keywords, you create and write content directly focused on these issues. You sound like a threat? It is, probably, but not necessarily be so difficult. Everything is in starting. Content that focuses on your specialty (residential real estate, tourist, commercial, industrial, etc.), the surrounding environment, highlighting your experience and industry knowledge are a good starting point. When you write, think about your target audience - prospective buyers or sellers of real estate in your area. As the content of what you are writing may help in buying or selling them? Be specific, enter details and examples.
INTERNET STRATEGY 6: add video to web pages Here are 4 reasons why you should use the video on the site of an estate agent:
1. Online video creates a personal touch.
2. Online video is exciting! It 'easy to distinguish itself in the market with an interesting and interactive site.
3. Online Video shows a knowledge of experts in real estate is that of the Internet and suggests that this knowledge will be extended to help the visitor to buy or sell a home.
4. An online video increased visitor traffic to your website. This is a simple truth: the video is a great way to get more visitors dai motori di ricerca e dalle ricerche direttamente su YouTube, che conta oltre 300 milioni di utenti e molti di loro si collegano a youtube dalla vostra zona per ricercare informazioni ogni giorno.
Ora che sappiamo perché l'aggiunta di video su un sito web è buona per generare nuovi d'affari, parliamo di alcune strategie di contenuti che vi permetteranno di ottenere il massimo risultato dal vostro video ...
Tre grandi Strategie per realizzare video nel campo immobiliare
1. Inserzione virtual tour
Gli acquirenti amano gli annunci che contengono dei tour virtuali della casa e non c'è modo migliore per presentare un tour di un video. Alcuni agenti immobiliari si filmano di fronte the house, introducing the property, and then talking about and describing the property as the video goes through the house. Or if you're not, if you are not photogenic or video, you can only show the apartment!
2. Getting to know you and your services
This is a great strategy if you want the visitor to know you. Set the speech talking about your knowledge of the local property market and how your real estate experience can save him time and money.
3. Place important local news and updates on real estate market
If you want to place in the minds of your potential customers as a market expert local real estate, you can create short videos that talk about events in the city and offer a quick and real estate market updates.
These are just some ideas about topics for your new video, but there are endless possibilities! Create a video tour of your neighborhood, the show features local parks and other things in your area. Or, create a tour "business" of your town or city where the shops shown where to shop, the demographics of residents, activities such as annual or weekly markets, fairs or hiking trails. Be creative, talk to your specialty and your area.
At this point you can say, "OK, I learned how to add unique content in the form of articles and videos to my web pages to get a high ranking in search engines for searches on the local property market, but I am not yet clear how to bring the people on my site? "
Here are 6 ways found to bring visitors (traffic) on your site without spending a lot of money:
1. Print the URL of your website on all letters, postcards, and letterhead of your agency
2. Include the URL of your website in the digital signature of your e-mail (e-mail)
3. Include the URL of your website in your monthly newsletter
4. Create postcard campaign to communicate the address of your website and distribute them in your area, send them to your past clients, friends, family members and strategic partners
5. Word of mouth - if you provide great content on your site, people will tell his friends
6. Link to your website - again, if you create valuable information on your site, other sites will ask you to put links to your website generating new traffic flows unique visitors
So now you have the top six strategies for finding customers from the web. If you already have a website you will begin to implement these strategies, or you can speak to a webmaster in this week and tell him to add these features to your site immediately. And if you're looking for a web marketing company to contact us and we'll put you in touch with our trusted partners.
In the next section of this article you will have four major strategies to convert your online contacts in real contact.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta , trainer & coach
Final Tip: an organized training courses on the internet real estate marketing. If you want to learn how to use the web to find customers to attend our courses. If you want to learn more visit us at or write to or call 0662208272
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