The 10 strategies by which real estate agents can find customers from the web - PART
di Salvatore Coddetta , formatore & coach
Nella prima parte di questo articolo abbiamo svelato le 6 strategie per trovare acquirenti e venditore on-line. Ora spostiamo la nostra attenzione ad una zona ancora più important part of web marketing real estate ... convert customers in commissions. The first step in the conversion process is to capture the contact information that leads it to follow you and give you more reasons to become your customer.
INTERNET STRATEGY 7: Make a specific offer for an e-book or video for free in exchange for the email address of a person, the address of residence or address or phone number.
Remember that 99% of your visitors will not fill out the form "contact me" just because it's on your site. You need to offer visitors something of value and then ask them to fill out the form for this to work. What could you
free search
allow visitors to see two ads, the first to sign up (it is shown that this method takes 14 times more contact information for other options)
allow visitors to save their searches - if there are
Create a listing Alert for a service for automatic updates via e-mail on the houses that they like
Video "introductory" to your services
The handbook with the 10 tips for buyers
The handbook with the 10 tips for sellers
Articles on developments in the housing market and
Local Moving tips
Reports full of useful information to buyers or sellers who sponsor your services
A virtual tour with a video of homes in specific areas of your city
free news and updates on real estate market
A free subscription to the newsletter Real Estate
You can also offer advice, market information, on local events, reminders, and real estate news
How do I create a custom form to get in touch?
Most web site providers know how to create contact forms and add them to your website. At a minimum, these forms require the person's name and email address. It 's also true that you can get a higher quality of contact if you get the address complete and the phone number. After visitors have left their data continue to keep in touch with them to convert them into active customers.
INTERNET STRATEGY 8: track what visitors do on your site. In the past, you should speak with a buyer before discovering what they are looking for in a home. Now, the right technology lets you know immediately what a buyer is looking for when performing a search of a house. With tools like Google Analitycs you can get information before having a conversation with buyers. This allows you to be more efficient and will allow you to make a better impression when you talk to them.
esempi di informazioni utili che puoi ricavare dal monitoraggio dei tuoi visitatori:
1. Non sempre è possibile parlare con un compratore. Ogni volta che si chiamano dei compratori, non sono disponibili. Beh, quando si conosce l'ora del giorno in cui un acquirente è solito fare la ricerca per le case, è possibile personalizzare la vostra strategia per riuscire a parlare con un compratore chiamandolo in un ora in cui sapete che sono disponibili.
2. Un compratore ha visto la stessa inserzione più volte. Vi accorgete che un compratore è tornato a fare una ricerca di immobili sul vostro sito ed è tornato su una pagina che ha già visto in passato, è tornato a visualizzare la stessa inserzione che aveva saved a week ago. This means they are obviously interested in that specific house and gives you the opportunity to contact them with an offer to start negotiations.
INTERNET STRATEGY 9: send personalized email. If you have a system of monitoring your website you can know if a buyer is looking for houses with very specific characteristics. The more emails you send is focused on the buyer and the more likely you are to buy. You can send photos or other items that you know that match their search criteria. These emails are a valuable service to offer a buyer!
There are two ways to implement this strategy:
1. First, you can send in your regular email notices of new properties acquired to date listings, properties that have suffered a reduction in selling price and properties on offer this month, all of which may be of interest for a buyer
2. Second, you could use a system that automatically sends some information to buyers. When visitors save a search on your site have the opportunity to receive an automated message via email to update them on the latest properties added with features similar to those they have tried.
All emails should include your photo and link to your website, to make sure that your name remains impresso nella loro mente. Queste email sono un ottimo modo per fidelizzare i vostri visitatori e farli tornare sul vostro sito per convertirli da clienti potenziali online a clienti attivi reali.
INTERNET STRATEGIA 10: Rispondi al più presto alle richieste che ti arrivano dal sito. Questa è forse la strategia più importante di tutte per aumentare il numero di di visitatori che ti seguono e convertirli in clienti attivi. Se non si contattano subito i contatti che hanno inviato una richiesta via email, non diventeranno vostri clienti. Se non ricevono da voi una risposta gli acquirenti di case si andranno a trovare qualcuno che sia più sensibile alle loro esigenze e tenderanno a mettere in relazione di causa-effetto l'assenza di risposta their request with a poor quality of services offered by your agency.
Because it is a critical factor in responding to requests quickly? Why
communicate how you respond to their needs if they were your customers. A slow response time sends the message that you can not provide the support they need. Nobody wants to work with an agent who is too busy to not even have time to talk with him. In addition, if the person who fills out a form on your website must wait a week before receiving a response to its request, it will most likely not even remember that he had sent a request. According to a study by the buyers on Of Realtors ® California, when asked why they were met by their agent, the most common answer was "because he was always ready to respond." So, make sure to always respond within 12 hours whenever a new request comes to you from your website. Also, and this is really important, most of your contacts will not be ready to buy or sell when you send a request. Most of them will need weeks if not months to decide their next move.
How can you stay in touch with these potential customers, at least once a month, without spending a lot of time managing the process?
Error largest real estate agents who are after the initial contact with potential buyers is not enough to keep in touch with them by converting them into actual customers. The important point here is to continue to stay in touch with potential buyers ... offering them additional information and resources to help them in their research, or simply be the first that comes to mind when the time is right for them to buy a house. Here are two ways to contact these people without spending a lot of time
1. After you have had a request from your website, add these contacts to an automated e-mail. You can submit market information, real estate news, real estate you've just acquired e venduto, consigli di vendita per i privati o qualsiasi altra cosa che è pertinente a ciò che essi ti hanno richiesto. Mostra le tue competenze e l'alto livello di servizio che offri. Queste e-mail possono essere inviati giornalmente o settimanalmente in un primo momento e poi mensilmente chiedendogli loro in quale altro modo si può aiutarli.
2. Inviate loro una newsletter immobiliare mensile (e-mail o stampa). Sia che debbano comprare o vendere la stragrande maggioranza delle persone darà il benvenuto alle informazioni utili sul mercato immobiliare che saranno contenute nella vostra newsletter mensile. Sarete sorpreso di come questo può costruire la fiducia e pre-vendere i vostri servizi, soprattutto se si continua ad offrire una pluralità motivation to wait for your monthly newsletter.
So, now you also have the last 4 of the Internet real estate marketing strategies of our "top list" of 10 online contact strategies to convert into actual customers. If you already have a website you can begin to implement these strategies now, or speak to a webmaster this week to add these functions to the right of yours, because it was discovered that the human eye tends to look first to the right. If you're looking for a web marketing company to contact us and we'll put you in touch with our trusted partners.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta , formatore & coach
Suggerimento finale: FormaRE organizza corsi di formazione sul web marketing immobiliare. Se volete imparare come utilizzare il web per trovare clienti frequentate i nostri corsi. Se volete saperne di più visitate il nostro all'indirizzo oppure scrivete a oppure chiamate il numero 0662208272
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