Friday, May 29, 2009

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Tuscany: building increasingly in crisis

It was broken for the moment the dream of most families in Tuscany, but especially young couples, who were at the top of their wish to have a new house in una bella zona – possibilmente residenziale – e, magari, dotata di garage e giardino. La crisi ha contribuito notevolmente, anche se i primi segnali si rilevavano già precedentemente, ad infrangere questa speranza ed alle difficoltà già notevoli provocate dai costi dei mutui si sono aggiunti i problemi creati dalla consistente incidenza del carico fiscale che grava in modo molto più alto sulle nuove costruzioni che nei confronti di quelle usate. Si tratta di un rapporto di tre ad uno (per semplificare da circa il 10% per le nuove case al 3% per quelle usate) che in tempi di difficoltà economiche e di accesso ai mutui sono pur sempre un carico non indifferente per gli eventuali acquirenti. La conseguenza più importante e gli most important effects are that, basically, the market for new homes is quite firm even if the recessionary effects are felt all over the building industry with prospects certainly not all rosy for the current year. Even during last year's 2008 trades had declined consistently - two digits - with peaks of more than 18% less for the province and a result of almost 14% reduction for the provincial capitals for purchases made without recourse mortgages, and even more significant is the decline in sales that use the aid of banks fell during the same year more than 27%. All this shows that a clear difficulty access to loans for a different attitude of the banks, who buy a house prefer a cautious, confirmed also by the length of the loans (extended by more than 2%) or to use its own resources.
Another significant finding is that concerning the duration of the negotiations that have gone from about three to six months and beyond highlighting the willingness of the seller from the sale of the property to obtain the maximum possible - as close to the assessments of 2008 - and that of ' buyer to obtain the maximum discount. The result of this is the stagnation of the negotiations and the significant reduction in property prices for the housing sector that falls of 12% in the capital city and a province in 15% (respectively -17% and -15% for the commercial sector) and an impressive decline in sales of real estate agencies have generally fallen by more than 20% and a more serious situation for our city to 25%, with more than 30% in the third quarter of 2008.
It 'obvious that this situation is even more significant and dramatic when one considers that the economy of the country - and our region are no exception - the construction sector has always been seen as crucial for the fate of the entire socio- Italian economy and the crisis in this sector is indicative of the difficulties della nazione nel suo insieme. Ai grossi problemi occupazionali che si vengono a determinare (oltre agli addetti al settore edile si deve considerare anche tutto l’indotto ed i servizi ad esso collegati) si creeranno non poche difficoltà per la maggior parte dei comuni italiani che spesso, forse troppo, hanno basato i propri bilanci sulle entrate degli oneri urbanistici non preoccupandosi di intervenire con provvedimenti strutturali per la conduzione amministrativa e meno che mai con una sana politica di riduzione dei costi.


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