Thursday, May 27, 2010

Frankenstein Sympathy For Victor

Finale "Giovanissimi" a Prata




Wednesday, June 2, 2010 16:30

- Campo D'Ansidonia Prata -

Pizzoli - Valle Peligna

(In case of a draw end of regulation time

be beaten on penalties in the manner provided

by Rule 7 of the Rules of the game and "official decisions").

42 Wheelhorse Mower Diagrams

VAT on TIA: The government wants to delete everything!

seems that legal certainty in the recent past should be even less fashionable than ever.
causing considerable concern items that run in the national press about the intention of the majority, supported upon the agreement of the government, to reset - taking advantage of the decree "incentives" - The acquired rights of citizens. This, under the ruling of the Constitutional Court ruled that the illegality of the application of VAT on the TIA and consequently the repayment obligation on the part of the service providers of the amount paid and owed.
This would be where the concern did not translate into reality, a real theft of hundreds of dollars to the detriment of families over the past decade have paid sums in excess of the amount due, arriving in the future to make legitimate application VAT in the form of course hidden by adding the amount at the same rate. Even
production activities, which currently bring in deduct the VAT paid (and here it is very substantial sums of money), would be to suffer significant damage: this is no longer possible and therefore necessary to cope with a rising cost.
A decision, which we refer to, which, if adopted by a legislative measure, not only would give a further blow to the already limited household incomes, but would eliminate a sacred right acquired by virtue of a ruling by the Supreme Court. However, it has not done is establish the basic principle (obviously not in our country) dell'inapplicabilità a tax on tax.
In the above, we must add the fact that a measure that would follow further harm - prank-el'ennesima to citizens and taxpayers who have already denied the refund of the fee applied to the purification of water consumption bills even in the absence of facilities for unlawful increasingly recognized by Constitutional Court.
Here's why the opening sentence: the above proves that the certainty of the law in Italy do not care much.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Women Ejaculation 3gp

ICI on the fees agreed: we were right then?

May 7 editorial of us had expressed our doubts about the denial interposed by the majority that rules the town of Campi Bisenzio eliminate ICI agreed on rent (resulting the so-called "pacts" concluded between the organizations of tenants, owners and those of local authorities). Our units have been subject to a kind of shame on the media all the local newspapers (the last pearl of the parent PD intervention on "common design" - a monthly published by the municipality of Campi Bisenzio), accused of wanting to cause significant economic damage and a consequent reduction in services by the Mayor and the council. A
nothing is worth pointing out the limited economic impact of such a measure. Similarly, it was understood the symbolic value of the measure that in terms of creating a new relationship with the world of small properties. The consequence of this renewed relationship would also have the finding housing now locked in a sort of no confidence in the system of "hiring", due to fiscal problems is that the difficulties arising from inability to repossess the goods as soon as possible, even in presence of evictions for rent arrears.
We were surprised and even shocked, by the statements by the Directorate of housing policies of the town of Campi Bisenzio that literally said "you want to start an argument regarding the use of general tax measures to ease tension and promote the increase of population supply of homes on the market. You may have addressed the issue of ICI, to which there is a sensitivity on the part of small farmers, given that the market for the supply of rental housing is composed of a vast majority of these types of people. " A thesis repeated in the report of SUNIA that "urges the resumption of the negotiating table for the renewal of the regional agreements concluded as far back as 2004 and the possible extension of zeroing ICI as approved by the City of Florence."
Then there is sort one might ask, but the leader of the Democratic Party spoke for themselves or for the majority? And behind this series of attacks there was only a personal position or that of the mayor and council? In other words: who governs at the local level has clear ideas? For posterity will judge.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kates Playground Shower Full


These days there is much talk of Greece and the financial catastrophe that has invested. When a state fails
everything that has not has more value, including and especially their bonds, (remember the Argentine Bond?) so it can not "contract" nor settle its debt and, as a private individual who is no longer able to pay its creditors, simply fails.
But how does a state or even failure?
Due to unscrupulous management or if you prefer, its inadequate leadership.
The difference, however, since any individual, in this case is that being a Member State will be the same police station, his bills somehow saved (they are almost obliged to do so), at least as regards state salaries and pensions, and will be given the possibilità di ripartire. Nel frattempo, però, lo Stato in questione sarà inevitabilmente esposto a spaventose ripercussioni economiche che a loro volta si abbatteranno, con conseguenze gravissime, sui propri abitanti....esattamente come in Argentina.
Che cosa centrano i privati cittadini se chi li ha governati ha sbagliato? Naturalmente nulla.
In Italia invece?
A sentir i vari TG (compresi quelli della tv di Stato!!) approfondimenti e trasmissioni sul tema (tranne rare eccezioni non faccio nomi Santoro) nulla di preoccupante.
Tutto è come previsto, la crisi ha naturalmente investito anche noi ma tutto sommato la situazione è sotto controllo, la ripresa anche se lenta è partita (speriamo che ritorna) and all proceeds according to estimates, forecasts, analysis bla bla bla.
In reality, things is not like that ..... all the information on the order of who owns it, obviously distracts (thanks to Amanda Knox, the GF, the cloud, which makes Mourinho goes to Real or not? And New releases on the interception Calciopoli? stuff to follow ....) does not tell the truth, continuing to paint a country that does not exist instilling safety, urging spending, the recovery in consumption (if you also tell us with which money is even better) into believing that even in this particular historical moment, the Italian economy is, together with that of Germany, the driving force of the whole European Community.
Stuff from "you know the last ?"....
The reality, in addition to the known (it is known?) About unemployment and the myriad of small and medium-sized enterprises in these last two years have closed down, is that Italy has a public debt equal to 2100 billion € (120% of its GDP, 3 and a half times higher than that of Greece) and is almost 3 / 4 foreign countries.
Tremonti does not know where to go and sell our debt, any budget package for him has become an obsession, there are more funds barrels by scraping, is on the verge of a nervous breakdown a man worn out 2 more years behind Berlusconi and we play there.
He knows then, that a state which sells its debt to another is as if they cede part of the property.
We are in the hands, for example, the French owners of 1 / 3 of our total external debt (511 billion alone with them), this means that we will abide by any decision they want to take in terms of economic policy towards us, which has already occurred (see Memorandum of Understanding between Sarkozy and Berlusconi in Italy on the French nuclear ).
Shortly we shall be also in relation to China, not to mention the history of our creditor confidence: the U.S. (what do they do all the American bases in Italy?).
What can a government to try to get out of a tragic situation like ours? (Because in fact it is even if does not tell anyone).
Although not a politician I know that the solution is not to be found in the Lodo Alfano, in the process short or legitimized norms that have prevented and continue to take our busy executive as not to be sought on policies based on the deficit, on the contrary should be applied improved management and investing on research on renewables and especially on young people who provide impetus, launching specific standards and reforms, the country's economic growth to pay the debt and continuing to "produce" because if one day there most people who buy one and the consequence would be dramatic (Greece teaches, in fact). Even
exit vice lobbies and mafias that regulate most of the domestic market, and that actually strangle small business owners, it would be wrong, I think.
A Member must be able to ensure the smooth functioning of the market chain, if an apple a producer is paid 0.5 to the final consumer may not be offered to 10. It goes without saying that these annual increases in GDP in the order of zero point (who's driven us ????) this solution seems to me frankly more utopian than realistic.
Ironically, however, the monstrous foreign debt of which we took on board (the highest of all) is our best guarantee: If we fall behind us as we carry at least France and England, but the fact remains that a government, in a context of unprecedented global crisis, which implements economic policies to be avoided because it financed by debt, or sperosenevadaffarein ... (but with love you!) before, even for us, it's too late .

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stingray Complete Go-kart Kit

House, but in what year?

Although we talk about when we are home now used for a long time to see and hear of all the colors we were puzzled by the motion to be presented during the City Council Campi Bisenzio with which he even asks the block evictions for non-payment. You read that right: the evictions for arrears.
is of little wonder whether those who propose the motion that we realized in 2010 and that the property for a long time, or so we hoped that it was no longer considered a "theft". Allo stesso modo, non servirebbe domandarsi se qualcuno possa pensare ancora alla possibilità di requisire le abitazioni, direttamente od indirettamente, come avveniva in altri tempi ed in altro luogo. L’unica cosa che si potrebbe pensare, legittimamente direi, è che qualcuno ha perso completamente il senso dei tempi e della realtà!
Come si può pensare di espropriare, anche se parzialmente e/o temporaneamente, un bene che appartiene a qualcuno che, facendo sacrifici e rinunce, ha investito i propri risparmi in un appartamento da cedere in locazione? Il fine di questi proprietari, legittimo ed apprezzabile vista la difficoltà di reperire alloggi in affitto, spesso è di integrare una pensione od uno stipendio insufficienti to ensure conditions. How can you still believe that the individual may be forced to take on the problem of other people giving up the rental received and on which they are entitled to paid taxes and duties beyond the limits of tolerance?
It would not be right and proper to think that in cases of delinquency often due to lack of work or loss of past earnings should simply take the state by local governments closest to the problem, with its commitment to support for at the inception of the lease?
It is high time that any political force - any idea or ideology rappresenti – cominciasse a pensare in maniera completamente diversa. Con questi metodi non si risolve assolutamente il problema della casa e non si fa altro che incentivare la disaffezione dei proprietari nei confronti della locazione, con la conseguenza che diventa preferibile tenere una casa sfitta piuttosto di dover affrontare l’odissea di uno sfratto soprattutto se per morosità.
Questo modo di pensare, unito all’incapacità della politica di affrontare con iniziative giuste e valide il problema rifugiandosi nell’infinita lista dei decreti di blocco degli sfratti (per fine locazione prima - e se questo è il pensiero insito nella mozione della quale parliamo – si rischia di arrivare al blocco anche per quelli dovuti a arrears) has caused the huge phenomenon of vacant houses now come to the impressive figure of about 800,000.
E 'its hard to believe that a serious policy and measures just once again make this huge mass of housing solves the problem home? And you can not think of nothing better than to even stop the evictions for arrears? Poor policy as it is falling down!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Advice On Car Auctions

about "fiscal federalism"!

We set ourselves the question of how many times it was played on "fiscal federalism" much heralded in recent months and on which it seems that we should play the very life of the country, shaken by another quite different problems and still more concerned about reports little reassuring that come from our Greek neighbors. However, we still have not received precise information on the purpose and content of a measure to which properties are attributed so great to be solved forever and all kinds of problems of any kind.
The country is economically in disarray? We think the fiscal federalism! Local authorities are in a bad way to spend an insane policy? We think the fiscal federalism! The citizens (not to mention consumers) do not have - with very few exceptions - more confidence in their institutions? Do not worry: Once again, we think the fiscal federalism!
This is a picture frame which, we repeat, must be completely designed on the assumption that however will be difficult to put together a harmonious range of colors as the brush from one hand to another without a logical and effective coordination of the large number of persons who, necessarily will have their say. In our small
in Campi Bisenzio we had the proof, unfortunately, of what to expect. It 'happened at a recent City Council during which a specific request to remove the ICI (expected at 4.8 per thousand with the deduction) for housing at agreed rent for the sole purpose of promoting the return on market of some apartment to lease a chi si trova in difficoltà nella ricerca di una casa, c’è stata una sollevazione di sindaco e giunta che hanno giudicata la proposta una sorta di reato di lesa maestà – meglio sarebbe dire di “lesa tassazione” – e di attentato alle risorse economiche del comune.
A niente è servito spiegare che si sarebbe trattato di un incentivo “simbolico” visto il numero limitato degli appartamenti comunque reperibili (10 o 20 sarebbe già un numero importante per alleviare la penuria di alloggi ma evidentemente insufficiente per risolvere in modo esaustivo il problema) e del tutto insignificante per le risorse dell’amministrazione comunale. La somma in discussione, infatti, sarebbe stata nell’ordine dei 4/5.000 euro annui, recuperabili forse con una semplice riduzione di spese superflue e/o comprimibili senza alcun danno. E neppure è servito far notare che la stessa somma, senza voler economizzare su altre voci, poteva essere recuperata semplicemente con il risparmio dell’importo da erogare per contributi in conto locazione, in quanto (è semplicemente una piccola operazione di matematica elementare) i canoni concordati sono quasi la metà di quelli liberi.
E’ stata la classica dimostrazione pratica di come sarà interpretato il federalismo fiscale da chi ci amministra a livello locale. Inoltre, si è avuta la conferma – cosa che abbiamo sostenuto in molte occasioni – che pur cambiando le regole non si modifica nothing if not change the mentality and behavior of our administrators.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

2 Person Honda Ruckus

Win a Win for Life? Save money with open source software

The Italians, you know, like pizza, football and beautiful women, but a bit 'of time I also like the lottery.
The dream of winning at Lotto , Superenalotto, Scratch and Win for Life gripped millions of people who invest their money while waiting for the chance to remember a bit 'them and knock at the door.

But as you well know, you can earn simply by saving on unnecessary expenses.
contests of this type, statistics in hand, fall into this category.

Therefore I invite you to read how to win at Win for Life and draw your own conclusions.