Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Airsoft Arena Pennsylvania

The 5 steps for the proper management of the appointment on sale

Salvatore Coddetta, trainer specializing in real estate

The single, central objective in the management of the appointment is for sale to make the buying process understandable and easy for buyers. The more questions you did during the interview skills, the easier the sales process for both you and for buyers. If so, you are on track to sell a home. By following these 5 simple steps will increase your chances dramatically.

Step 1: be well prepared

Preparation is the key to success in this profession. Here are 6 tips to prepare to sell a house

Tip 1: Know what you want buyers. During your last meeting you should have a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe characteristics of the property and benefits from your favorite buyers. Keep lists of features and benefits, available at any time for us to reference. Do not forget to take him to see the houses that meet the reasonable wishes.

Tip 2: be excited to show homes. The enthusiasm is contagious. Buying a home is often an exciting time for buyers, despite their anxieties. The enthusiasm shown by your physical movement and your voice. Get consciously aware of wanting to sell a home buyers and communicate this to your behavior with your enthusiasm.

Tip 3: Ask buyers to take notes. Today will bring buyers to see a number of houses. It 's easy to forget or confuse the characteristics of different houses. Therefore, out with a couple of blocks notes. Draw a vertical line down the center of the first 5 pages or so. On the right side, write up: "Benefit". On the left side, write up: "Disadvantages." Ask your customers to list the things they like more or less for every house they see. Also, ask them to write their views of each home will see.

Tip 4: Have see 3 or 4 houses at a time. Two things happen to buyers when they look at a house: 1) become very tired after watching about 4 houses and 2) confuse the features and benefits of the houses that have seen the same day. Show 4 houses, then tried to sell one of these four. If you can not sell one of these 4, Show 4 more (for another day) and try to sell. Continue this process until you sell a house. Once a real estate agent told me he had sold a house after seeing his customers well done 114! I wonder if these customers were properly qualified.

Tip 5: Tidy up your things. I know this sounds simplistic, but many agents fall here. Make sure the machine is clean and full of gasoline. In addition, make sure you have cash in case you want to stop somewhere for a coffee and discuss the house you saw (if you can not do inside the house). Make sure the battery of your phone is fully charged, or get a second battery. At this point I said enough!

Tip 6: Bring a Offer! Not always the Offer will be made in your office. The most powerful way to sign a proposed purchase is within the house itself.

Step 2: What to do on the way to the house by the agency you want to show the buyer

The goal here is to leverage off the time you're spending in the car. It is a time that you spend in each case, then think about what you can do to
sell a home. Here are 5 tips that will make your trip much more efficient and successful.

Tip 1: go all in one machine. Your goal is to continue to qualify as you drive buyers to maintain control. If you go with two machines will not be able to continue to qualify the buyer. If you are accompanying a group of buyers, make sure that decision-makers are rose with you.

Tip 2: Always show the houses following a geographical order.

sounds simple, but many agents leave out this aspect. Plan your route from the agency to show homes to buyers who intend to follow a geographical order.

Tip 3: If you choose, choose the most scenic way to arrive at the house.

I also talked about this ebook that I wrote with Alessandro Cerroni entitled "How to reduce the time of sale in real estate." Show the best in the area, but not the points in the area above or below the value of the house that you will show to the buyer. If there is a park on the road to arrive at the house, take a ride around the park. If there are shops, hospitals, soccer fields or other areas of interest, passateci with the machine. Use the time in the car with the buyers.

Tip 4: Take time to ask questions in the car.

You already know that asking questions. Remove the list of features that buyers want in their new home and start asking questions about them. Try to limit their priorities. For example, if someone tells you that want to buy a house with four bedrooms, I suggest you ask: "If we can find a house with three bedrooms, but a fair price, would you be interested?" You see the importance of from buyers who are looking for a list of features in a home and encourage them to give priority to these characteristics?

Tip 4: Do not spoken your opinions on the houses you show to buyers.

You've probably seen many of the houses I show you a preview of your business. You can make a statement on a nice big room, but when the buyers get there, they hate it. Allow buyers to make their own opinions. The only thing is, that's right, ask questions.

Step 3: what to do upon arrival at the house

Ok, so you have been asking questions, you've got the scenic route and you have shown the landmarks in the neighborhoods and the habits of the inhabitants of that area of \u200b\u200bthe city. Now you need to get the most from the show home buyers. Here are 8 tips to help the buyer in the purchasing process.

Tip 1: approach the house across the street. You've probably heard of this principle many times in training, but it works. The first impression that buyers are expected to consider the overall picture of the house. Let your buyers have a complete view of the house including the street, the neighbor's house, the 'architecture, landscape, etc.. Stop your car across the street, take a look at the house from the outside to your customers, then take the path and enter the house.

Tip 2: Tell your customers to view the house as if it was intentionally decorated with their furniture. If the house is empty, you may be restored. If you lived could be taken badly. In both cases, the buyers could get an idea if they see it as it is wrong. If necessary, ask the buyers to see the house with no furniture or fixtures

Tip 3: Manage time well. Many buyers when they see a house that he likes to rush to stop it. Normally this emotional view in relation to the house takes about 30 minutes. Around 30 minutes to their emotions will peak and then begin to decline and therefore buyers will start to cool towards the house.

Tip 4: Keep all neighbors when you show the house. A couple of customers at times during the visit, they can divide and look at the house separately. You can work around this by saying to a person who walks away: "Roberto, I'd like you to see this room." There are two reasons to keep your customers close. The first is to maintain control over what they see and how they see it. The second is to observe any "signals Purchase "by all. You're either not appreciating the house and you know it.

Tip 5: Involve your customer emotionally. The parts of a house are generally more emotionally engaging are different for men and women. Women tend to favor the style or characteristics of the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and dining room. Men tend to favor the external dimension of the court or the countryside, the room in order to obtain an office, wine cellar, construction materials, the driveway or garage. It seems crazy, but it's true for almost everyone.

Tip 6: as income at home, let alone questions. It 's a common mistake to comment on any part of home buyers. You do not know what they're thinking and you could improperly influence an opinion. Instead, ask questions like: "The size of the bathroom are to his liking?" Or "You're already thinking about where to put the furniture and the carpet?". These questions help you understand if the buyer is thinking about his life in that house, that is, if already purchased mentally.

Tip 7: attention to the first thing that strikes the client, then let her review at the end of the visit. If someone enters a house and sighs on the entrance courtyard, take a mental note. After the visit, return to the courtyard.

Suggerimento 8: Fate domande che rafforzare le loro caratteristiche preferite. Prendete il vostro elenco di caratteristiche preferite degli acquirenti che vi avevano completato in precedenza. Come entrate in casa, fate domande circa le caratteristiche di questa casa, rispetto alle caratteristiche che vi avevano elencato sulla carta. Ad esempio, se gli acquirenti avevano messo 3 camere da letto nella loro lista come "alta priorità", chiedetegli (durante la visita): "Vi piacciono le 3 camere da letto?". Al contrario, porre domande per identificare e qualificare nuovamente le caratteristiche in conflitto con la loro lista. Ad esempio, se trovano una casa che ha solo 2 stanze da letto invece di 3, chiedetegli: "Ci sarebbe una house with 2 bedroom which has many of the other features you want. "

Step 4: How to identify signs purchase

identify signs of buying is a skill. You never know when buyers are going to fall in love with a house. Keep your antenna straight at all times.
buying signals come in two forms: verbal and nonverbal. verbal signals can be more difficult to detect, especially when buyers are quiet people. Sometimes he asks a question and get no answer. Do not worry if you have not received any response. The buyer has heard and answered the question, if only to himself. I do not buy signal verbali sono molto più evidenti da notare quando qualcuno è entusiasta. In entrambi i casi, a mantenere un guardare fuori per le seguenti operazioni:

Segnali d'acquisto verbali:

• Gli acquirenti potranno fare commenti partecipativi. Questi sono i commenti sulla casa. Le persone fanno questi commenti quando si vedono vivere nella casa. Questi commenti suonano più o meno così: "Questo sarebbe un ottimo posto per il pianoforte a coda". Qui hai un forte segnale d'acquisto !
• Gli acquirenti inizia a fare domande presuntive. Quando si sente l'acquirente fare queste domande che presumono che egli viva in quella casa, si è in presenza di un forte segnale d'acquisto ! Molte of these questions are a way in which the unconscious attempt to rationally justify the emotion that drives him to buy. Questions like: "It 's possible to transform this space into a home office?" Or: "There is an outlet for the microwave there?"
• Buyers will begin to plan. Have you ever noticed that people visit during the sales begin to measure the rooms, ceilings and other areas of the house? And 'certainly a sign of a hot prospect. Help them to plan. Coinvolgili as possible.
• Buyers will have to comment possessive. People are starting to refer to parts of the house with the words "mine". Have you ever heard comments like: "Questo sarà il mio angolo per lavorare". Ogni volta che senti un commento possessivo, hai davanti a te un acquirente eccitato.

Segnali d'acquisto non verbali:

• Noterete un cambiamento di postura nei compratori interessati. Quando sono emotivamente coinvolti, tendono a stare in piedi o seduti in posizione eretta. Facci caso !
• Gli acquirenti aumentano i loro movimenti del corpo quando sono interessati alla casa. Cominciano a guardare le camere da diverse angolazioni e in generale, girano per la casa più velocemente
• Prestate particolare attenzione alle espressioni facciali. Il Sollevarsi delle sopracciglia, aggrottare la fronte, i sorrisi, gli sguardi curiosi e the smirk. You can easily read people by their facial expressions, especially after having done them a question
• Interested buyers want to revise parts of the house they love. You see them come back to see a bathroom, a kitchen or the room many times. Their interest is definitely not a passenger!

Step 5: What to do at the end of the visit

Ok, so you've spent the last hour, making buyers see the house that you think may suit its needs. Buyers have measured, posed questions and presumptive left all other verbal and nonverbal purchase. What are you doing now? Here are four tips:

Tip 1: ask them what he likes most of the house they saw. With this application you want to remind buyers that are looking at the house: the benefits of the lifestyle it offers. What you get is that buyers are beginning to imagine themselves living in the house. Ask questions of participation and possessive buyers: "The fridge is that you have already bought the right size for the kitchen of this house?"

Instead, explore what areas of the house they have just seen that were less attractive to their eyes. What are you doing? Take note of their objections. These objections will be useful in closing.

Tip 2: Bring buyers to revise the rooms or areas of the house that they liked best. Bring them again to review the area of \u200b\u200bthe house that makes them go crazy! At this point, you can go straight to Step 3.

Conversely, if you perceive that there is a big problem with an area of \u200b\u200bthe house, go there and run the argument right there. In the management of this objection, answer to their concerns, then ask a question. For example, if someone does not like the tile in the bathroom, you can explain how easy it is to change them. Then ask: "Would you be more interested in buying the house if we replace the bathroom tiles with other choices you have?"

Tip 3: Ask buyers if they want to buy the house. If you want a deal, you must ask for the sale! When you see the rye purchase, do not waste time. Tell the buyers: "Gentlemen buyers make a bid for the purchase of the house." Soon I will show you some techniques of closure.

Tip 4: if they are not interested in buying, continues to show up to the houses they buy. It sounds silly? Not if they are motivated and skilled. When you have a good buyer, do not give up until they sell their home.

Wishing your success in real estate,

Salvatore Coddetta , trainer specializing in real estate

Final Tip: an organized courses for real estate sales professionals. For information visit our website or write to us at the address

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Black Ties With Dark Blue Shirts?

frequent objections during the meeting for the price adjustment and answers

Salvatore Coddetta, trainer specializing in real estate

Whenever we discuss the price with a seller, you are going to receive to meet some objections. Remember, the only objections are unanswered questions, revisited. Sellers are very emotionally attached to their homes, which sometimes affects their rationality. Here are six common objections that you receive during the meeting with the seller to the owner of the house price adjustment and its effective solutions to keep your job and your income on track:

Objection 1: "We want to reduce the price of our home just a few thousand euro, say 1,000 or 2,000 Euros."
You're often faced with this type of objection. The strategy is quite irrational and will be ineffective because it does not adequately address the problem of price. Here are two ways to respond to this objection:
Real Estate Agent: "I understand your concern. Signori sellers, if we had sold the house at a price close to that market, now we would have at least a few offers. If you were a buyer looking for a house and make a donation of 1,000 or € 2,000 lower than the request, the seller would be difficult not to consider it, right? The same goes with your home. If we were in the range right now inquest would be employed to receive proposals. The key is being first in the price range right, the price range of other comparable houses on the market with your ".

Real Estate Agent: " The market does not recognize the price reductions of less than 5%. ".

Objection 2: " A other employees of the "Real Estate Lie" told us that our house is worth more than its market valuation ".
This is a common objection of many proprietary vendors. They are inundated with many real estate agents who try to get their job telling sellers that their house is worth more money than you really can get.

Real Estate Agent: "I understand your concern. Gentlemen sellers, no matter what you say, that this is another agent, appraiser, your banker, your neighbor, anyone! The only person who really knows the value of your home is the buyer. What anyone else thinks is really irrelevant. Are not the buyers of the house. As someone wants to dictate the value of your home, the market is the ultimate judge ".

Real Estate Agent: " A lot of agents will try to convince you that your home can sell for more money. Real estate agents do not have control of the value of homes. The market determines the value of houses. Let's make a professional assessment with the synthetic comparative method ".

Objection 3: " Rather than replace the carpet (repainted the walls, change the tiles, etc.), we find a buyer with a check ".
Feels This is because Sellers often do not want to spend extra money on a house they are selling. It may seem logical, but really jeopardizes the quality and value of their home, when shown to potential buyers.

Real Estate Agent: "I understand, but remember, buyers make decisions to purchase based on emotion, then justify the purchase decision with logic. Imagine the feeling of a buyer who walks into your home, and sees smell of a new carpet. It makes a big impression. You see, I just want to do everything possible to strengthen the emotional impact of your home on the buyer to make you get the highest sale price possible " .

Objection 4: "We need that money to buy our new house in another area
The seller often sets the price of his house on the basis of what he wants to buy, not on what a buyer is willing to pay. With this claim, the seller asks you to help him get into his new home, not only to help sell the old one.

Real Estate Agent: "I understand your need to gain from the sale of your home the money to buy a new one. However, the amount of money needed to buy your new home and what a buyer is willing to pay for your not are connected. Maybe what you're asking is: how can we buy our new house with the proceeds of this. And 'this is the case, am I right? Let's take another look at the numbers and see if we can find a way to do both operations.

Objection 5: "We're asking to make improvements on the house and lower the price, but you do not are willing to reduce your Commission .
This is a variation of "we want you to lower the commission" objection that you often hear during the meeting in acquisition. This argument is made even when the sellers feel they are paying too much to sell their home is a matter of perception value of the service that you have in return. I somehow think that sellers should also reduce part of your committee if their house has a wrong price or has other problems.

Real Estate Agent: "I understand your concern. The condition of your home and the final sales price is unrelated to what I earn for my services. Let's have another look at our business plan and tell me what are the items you want to delete ".

Real Estate Agent: "Reducing my Commission will decrease your chances of selling the house. Less money means less money for commissions for advertising and less money for rest of our marketing plan ".

Objection 6: " We have a structural problem, but we will not tell the buyers ".
add this because I wanted to happen sometime in your career. If you hear people say this I strongly urge you to be strict with your customers or end the relationship. There will be no more assignments. Your reputation is something that can not afford to be damaged. You can tell these people that:

Real Estate Agent : "I understand your concern, but I can not take a position without ethically disclose everything to the buyers. If you want to proceed with the signing of the assignment is necessary to fix the problem and identifying its existence to potential buyers. There are other areas that we need to discuss? "

Wishing your success in real estate,

Salvatore Coddetta , trainer, expert real estate

Final Tip: Salvatore organizes training courses for real estate professionals. For information and registration visit www.formarealestate . it or write to or call 06991969 54