Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Józef Piłsócki]

Making love is priceless ... but condoms are!

Certo, quando si parla di sesso l'ultima thing that comes to mind is saving.
But if the condom is your only method of contraception and have rhythms of "supported" here is that this pleasure can be a source of considerable expense.

go into detail:

- 3 weekly reports (which is certainly not an exaggerated media)
- cost of a box of 6 pieces = 9 € (average price of condoms in the pharmacy for brand)

Total cost per year = 234 €

are certainly money better spent on your budget, then far be it from me advise you not to make love to save money.

On the web but I have found that in England, the country known the European community (not in China), sell "condoms" in Italian quarter of the price.
An example? 36 Durex "Pleasuremax" you can buy them at £ 8.70 which is about 12 €. In Italy would cost € 54.

You can find us at: and-Fast
or on Ebay typing "condoms" or your favorite brand of condoms.

Important! sure that the package exposes the CE , the only one that guarantees the respect of production standards europei.

If Work In Ontario But Live In Québec

Save on legal fees for the mortgage

Fare a meno del notaio per comprare casa non si può. Risparmiare sì , e anche in maniera significativa.

Le opportunità di spendere meno ci sono, ma occorre entrare nell'ordine delle idee di far da sé alcune delle operazioni finora delegate al notaio e che incidono per svariate centinaia di euro sul costo dell'atto. Se ci si attiva in proprio, invece, si risparmia, e non si corre alcun rischio anche se bisogna essere un minimo in grado di districarsi tra le carte.

Dalla carta alla banca dati on line – Il ricorso al notaio è indispensabile perchè solo gli atti che portano il suo timbro can be recorded in the public records of property transactions. The records are in the conservatory, or in the provincial offices of the Agency in the area. This is partly automated records mean the creation of databases started in 1996 and covered the previous 20 years. Not all offices have parties but at the same time so that, for example, the data of the province of Rome dating back to 1974, while in many other offices since 1978. Of course in previous years you can always research on acts that are still only on paper. Querying cadastral databases allows for the 'family tree "of every property because accanto ai dati catastali veri e propri (foglio, particella, categoria, classe, consistenza, rendita), compaiono anche i dati relativi alla tipologia dell'atto trascritto, ossia se l'attuale proprietario lo ha acquistato, avuto in donazione o per successione.

Inoltre si possono avere tutte le indicazioni sulle iscrizioni di ipoteca e vincoli di altro genere (per esempio: pignoramenti, sequestri, citazioni, ecc…) e sulle annotazioni che hanno modificato i diritti esistenti su un dato immobile (per esempio: cancellazione di ipoteche, di pignoramenti, ecc…).
Insomma tutto ma proprio tutto quello che occorre quando si tratta di acquistare casa. Senza una visura ipocatastale, infatti, non è possibile fare l'atto. E di questa visura di solito si occupa il notaio, il tutto al costo di svariate centinaia di euro .

E' doveroso sapere che a tutti questi dati è possibile accedere direttamente , ossia senza passare da agenzie immobiliari, geometri, intermediari vari o notai. I registri immobiliari, infatti, sono pubblici e come tali l'accesso è aperto a tutti i cittadini , che possono chiedere una visura storica che comprenda anche una verifica nei registri cartacei semplicemente recandosi negli uffici. Costo dell'ispezione catastale: zero. Possibile? Sì, perchè ad ottobre 2006 sono state abolite taxes on cadastral surveys and inspections are only those for mortgage (for an overview from 6 € to 20 € for easy certificates for each name) and copy of plans (4 €). Certificates to be added to the stamp duty. And not only that most of these practices can also be made directly online at a cost of € 9. The service will be active in the coming days.

Lower Costs with freedom of choice - course not necessarily all have the confidence to go to queue the provincial office - open from 8 am to 12 am every day including Saturdays (in ' last working day of the month, time is limited at 11.00) - and have desire to disentangle the various branches, but it's worth knowing that this opportunity exists and that by itself can make do without the work of the notary.

activity, the research of land records, I noticed that they pay dearly for justifying the costs against them: - "for a title search ipocatastale twenty years (the only way to ensure the parties) - writes a notary - spend an average of 300 €, I would be grateful if you would explain how she believes that a citizen with the modest sum of € 9.6 could supplant the findings of the notary . As we have seen
supply is possible if you know exactly which documents needed for the act. As for costs incurred by notaries must be said that since 1998 have direct access to online databases via the Sister at a cost of several hundred euro a year, and can make great studio all registration documents and obtain all certificates paying exactly the required fees at the counter. The same as other professionals such as engineers, architects, surveyors which are also pay expensive registration documents and investigations.

Now no one wants to imply that the work performed by professionals in the trades, from solicitors, is useless, but probably correct would offer the customer the option to obtain from them the necessary documentation register – indicando in questo caso l'elenco esatto delle carte che occorrono – oppure lasciare al notaio il compito di occuparsi di tutto pagando, ovviamente, anche questa attività.

Lo sconto sempre a richiesta – D'altra parte il Consiglio del notariato, ossia l'ordine di categoria, si sta muovendo proprio sul fronte di una maggior attenzione al cliente e di recente ha pubblicato, insieme alle associazioni dei consumatori, una guida al sistema del prezzo-valore, ossia l'obbligo di indicare l'importo effettivo della compravendita pur pagando le tasse sul valore catastale quando l'atto non è soggetto all'Iva. Nella guida anche un paragrafo sulla riduzione del 30% dell'onorario prevista per questi acts. A reduction, however, applies only to customer's request.

last note: as I said in another article on how to choose the mortgage best , even with notaries the imperative is to compare, compare, compare . Get
can do more preventative , indicating all the necessary details and preferred notaries young and established, promising that, with a good salary , you will get all your friends to use their service in the future.

Partial Source:

Monday, November 26, 2007

Clip Art Shampoo, Toothpaste

DIY and DIY to save money

Tutti abbiamo avuto a che fare nella vita con idraulici, imbianchini, falegnami, elettricisti, muratori e sappiamo benissimo che le loro tariffe sono da collasso cardiaco.
Dipingere una stanza può costare 400 euro, tirare su un muretto 1000 euro, installare e collegare un lampadario 100 euro, riparare un lavandino gocciolante 80 euro, eliminare un'ammaccatura dall'automobile 400 euro, scartavetrare e riverniciare una persiana 300 euro. E' appurato che chi non è in grado di fare semplici lavori di manutenzione in casa può spendere anche 1.500-2.000 euro in più all'anno.

" Nessuno nasce imparato ", recita un vecchio detto, ma con will and perseverance you can learn any profession, of course, need to reckon with the top few mistakes, but with time and patience the results will come.
addition, DIY and housework are a great stress, when taken in the right direction and help them escape the daily routine.

Ok, but how do I learn? Who teaches me the tricks of the trade? On the Internet there are
many websites dedicated to DIY and the DIY , with explanations, pictures and tips for every domestic problem.

The following are some specialized sites, but just a simple Google search to find the solution to almost every problem




With a small investment of time and equipment can save hundreds of euro a year and fill those dark days spent lounging on a couch.

How Long Does It Take To Get You Std Test Results

Send books with the special rate

"I bow my book" . E 'is the name of discounted items that apply to the Italian expedition of editorial material (books, comic books, files etc ...) in the country.
The cost of sending up to 2 kg is € 1.28 to € 3.63 for sending priority and tracked with the letter.
much less than the shipments standard.

But you could put the problems
unfortunately there are many employees who do not know this rate.

To resolve this problem, the solution is very simple:

- if the postal clerk tells you that you can not bend the book because it is only a service to publishers, you replied that the fold of authorized books (which is that for publishers) costs € 2 and something, but you want to ply the ordinary books (which can do anything) to € 3.63. If you said it was not possible for whatever reason, tell them to open the computer recommended for shipping. A screen will come out with several rectangles. In the first it says "general recommendations". So far everything is ok. In the second box will be 'off the word "letters and similar." Tell him that there must be good, click on your mouse and select "Fold of books." Once this is done will light up another box with the word "ordinary" or "authorized". You want "ordinary". For the rest would tell them to compile as usual. When the computer will print the label to be attached to the envelope you will see written 3.63 instead of € 6 or 7 or whatever else you would have spent normally.

To conclude: bend the book can do all , do note to those who say it is not possible, and beware of who will respond again that you can not '. Steps the Postal Service does not advertise more 'now, but if you ask him to let you all are REQUIRED, and you are making a request absolutely smooth and legal!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Hide Wall Posts From Certain People

The revolution of peer-to-peer credit

Tired of knocking on the doors of banks and financial for a loan?
E 'incoming in'Italia credit P2P , a revolutionary way to get and give credit.
The system is similar to the classical data exchange that happens on programs like "eMule", but in this case what is being exchanged are not films but music and money. and are the two new companies that allow the user or tPress sums up to € 15,000 from private donors.

But let 's see how it works:
  1. Request a loan
  2. are raised through a mortgage interest rate and duration.
  3. Provide your personal details
  4. you are assigned a credit profile
  5. After the checks you receive the money

To obtain a loan must meet the following parameters:

  • - be adult
  • - have less than 70 years after the funding
  • - be resident in Italy, but not necessarily an Italian citizen
  • - certified have income derived from employment (including temporary or training contract) or from self-employment or non-standard work or occupational pension
  • - be an account holder bank or post office in Italy.

Those who want to lend money get around 7-10% yields. In order to minimize the risk of default on the amount borrowed verrà suddiviso attraverso più richiedenti.

Al momento questi servizi sono in fase di start-up.

Speriamo che questo meccanismo riesca ad ottenere fiducia da parte dei cittadini, i quali potranno finalmente utilizzare il sistema creditizio senza più dover ricorrere ad istituti bancari o magari agli strozzini.

Finalmente un'idea nuova di circolazione del denaro!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wheelchair Usb Dongle

quit smoking, how much you save?

Che fumare faccia male ormai lo sanno anche i muri , ed il danno alla salute è sia per chi tiene la sigaretta in mano sia per chi gli sta intorno.

Nonostante le campagne antifumo o i video come quello sottostante (gli effetti del fumo di 400 sigarette, really incredible, thanks to Dissacration ), there are those who still can not stop with this stupid habit.

So let's make him two accounts in my pocket to see if we can give the decisive impetus. As an example we take a

average smoker, 10 cigarettes per day and an average price of 3.5 euro a packet. On a day that means a cost of € 1.75, which is about 52 euro per month .

In one year, therefore, our friend will smoke (in the abstract sense of the word) the beauty of 630 € (half a monthly salary of an average Italian), with this figure could very well buy a lcd televisions, or take a vacation in Sharm el Sheik, or pay 'car insurance or go 2 times a month to eat out.

If we add up all the probemi cardiovascular that will ensue in the future, health care costs, the unbearable smell of smoke in my mouth and clothes, well ... maybe smoking is not a big deal!

And if instead of 10 cigarettes were 20, 30 or 40 a day?
Sit on a chair, and doubled, tripled o quadruplicate i 630 euro.

Siete sicuri di voler ancora continuare?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Blueprint Of Playsets

read your favorite magazine at half price.

Se siete degli assidui lettori e non rinuncereste per niente al mondo all'ultimo numero di "Focus" piuttosto che di "Gioia", "L'espresso", "Panorama" ecc.. un'ottima alternativa all acquisto sotto casa è quella di stipulare un abbonamento.
Attraverso appositi siti internet è possibile sottoscrivere abbonamenti alle riviste con un sconto variabile dal 10% fino all 80%.

Ad esempio un anno di "Espresso" o "Panorama" costa 52€ invece di 145€. Si risparmiano così ben 93€.

Le riviste vi verranno delivered free to your home and there is also the possibility to pay the amount in installments without interest. Here's where to find


As we near the Christmas gift a subscription may be a good idea, no doubt, who will be happy receive it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Flowerpot Card Game Instructions

Save on electronics and technology

The technology is probably the branch in which you reach the more strides and the speed with which it progresses makes it very difficult to keep up.

Who would not want to always have the last found in terms of technology? May the latest model of LCD televisions, computers, hardware devices, satellite navigation system, of celluar or any other object in the world 's address is often a way to brag, show (often simulate) his social status or its financial revenue.

But doing the math in my pocket, really worth it to have the latest technology model in terms of cost / performance ratio? Certainly not.
In fact, the new object onto the market at a price (just for being a new ) that has a increase of between 15% and 30%.
However, le migliorie apportate all'ultima versione il più delle volte sono quasi irrilevanti o non giustificabili rispetto al prezzo superiore.

Se non siete "malati" di tecnologia, il trucco per risparmiare è quello di tirare indietro le lancette del nostro orologio "bio-tecnologico" di circa 6 mesi ; trascorso tale periodo, il prezzo del prodotto scenderà drasticamente. Ovviamente non dobbiamo puntare un prodotto ed aspettare un semestre affinchè cali il prezzo; i modelli nuovi non devono quasi essere guardati, concentrandosi su quei prodotti già consolidati sul mercato i quali, oltretutto, hanno il vantaggio di esser stati testati dagli utenti per un periodo sufficiente a dare dei Trusted reviews (for example are opinions and reviews on thousands of products).

example? The same digital camera can move in 6 months from 250 € to 180 €, even after a year to 130 €.
An LCD TV will fall from 1200 € to 900 €, a computer from 900 € to 650 €, a cell phone from 300 € to 180 € and so on.

Remember today the technology is already obsolete at the same time it appears on the shelves of shops , because the engineers in the labs are not already working on the next version, as would be logical, but the even more advanced.
Ed allora, vecchio per vecchio, cosa sono 6 mesi di ritardo di fronte a risparmi di centinaia di euro?

Monday, November 19, 2007

How To Hoook Up A Wii To A Denon 3805 Receiver

Raw milk on tap. How to make healthy ed inquinare meno.

Segnaliamo oggi una pregevole iniziativa che ha come oggetto la compravendita del latte.

Sul sito hanno realizzato una mappa completa di tutte le postazioni dove potete trovare latto crudo sfuso allo stato naturale, così com'è prodotto dalla mucca, prima ancora che essa venga pastorizzato e impacchettato.

Ma vediamo i vantaggi di questa modalità di acquisto :

1) Conserva tutte le proprietà naturali

2) È cremoso e dal gusto intense

3) It costs less milk that you find in supermarkets

4) Less trucks on the roads! Raw milk is not transported for miles, is close to you

5) Less waste! Raw milk is not packaged (you can pick it up with your glass bottles, washable and reusable)

6) No waste! The milk is not paid by distributors after 24 hours is used to make ricotta and other cheeses.

The price is 1 € per liter, but in this case is not so much saving in itself that matters, because the gain in health awareness and trigger a virtuous economic process.

In this way we buy directly to the source eliminating all those unnecessary intermediaries that play a role in levitation in prices and profit margins do not leave the producer.

Wikipedia And Teachers

Caldaia a condensazione, risparmiare soldi ed energia

The heating costs is one of the greatest impact on a family budget.
Unless you live near the equator, it is very likely that for a certain period of the need to turn on the heaters if the Penguins do not want to have as guests in the house.

For those who use the boiler as a primary source of heat, it is useful to know that in the 2007 Budget (you now have until December 31) there is a deduction of 55% in three years on the purchase of a consensus boiler. The

condensing boilers are boilers with more environmentally advanced technology.
technology of condensing boilers can recover some of the heat that is normally lost in the exhaust gas in the form of water vapor, allowing better use of fuel gas and thus achieve a better return that also means reducing consumption.
fact, while in traditional boilers, waste gases of combustion are expelled at a temperature of about 110 degrees and are partly composed of water vapor in the condensing boiler, the flue gases, before being expelled, are forced through a heat exchanger in which water vapor condenses, giving up the latent heat of condensation (hence the name "condensing boilers ") to the water of the primary. The result is that the exhaust comes out at a temperature of 40 degrees and recover heat that would otherwise have gone missing.
The share of energy that can be recovered through this method condensation and indicators (each boiler in reality is a different story if ') of 16 to 17%.

What does this mean?
consensus that if a boiler costs, including installation, approximately € 2500, in three years there will be repaid € 1,375 (55%), then we will have a reimbursement of 458 € a year.
Taking into account that these boilers carry an energy savings of 20% on a current expenditure of € 1,000 a year there will be a gain of 200 € bill in here, then, that spending actually paid out of pocket our, 1,125 euro (2500-1375), be amortized over approximately 6 years.

From that moment onwards we will be active as well as pleased to have contributed to saving the planet.

Honda Pilot 2003 License Plate Bracket

Il dentista costa troppo? Prova in Ungheria

Surfing the internet we came across some sites that offer affordable dental care .
It appears that the Hungarian skilled labor is cheaper than the Italian.
An example?
A plant of a tooth costs about € 900 over € Italy 3000-4000.
Clearly, these figures must be added the costs of travel and accommodation.
Regarding the quality of work and processes we can not make judgments as we have never tried these services.

Here are the sites in question:


may be an opportunity to combine a nice trip care to those who may have been postponing for some time.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Canon Printer In New Moon Movie]

Caro pane?? Me lo faccio da solo

Recently, the bread, the staple food for excellence, has reached truly alarming rates, ranging from a minimum of € 2 per kilo at supermarkets up to 3-4 € / kg or more of the baker under the house.

This can not be reflected in household budgets. In fact, at an average of 1 kg of bread a day to 3 €, in a year a family will spend € 1095! It's right, over a thousand euro by bread alone. Nearly a month's work.

What can be done to reduce this item of expense necessary? On the market now are

widespread bread making machines that have an affordable cost, about 50-60 €.
are fully automatic, just enter the ingredients and after 3-4 hours, the bread is ready and looking hot. But in a nutshell

see how much you can save with these machines: #

Cost flour type "0": 0.30 € per kg
# Electricity Cost: about 0.10 € 0.40 €
# x 365 days = € 146

annual saving = about 900 €!

As you can see the savings are substantial and above all will give a signal to producers who will think twice before selling bread to the price of truffles.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

How To Clear Blocked Arteries

Prenotare un hotel on line: come risparmiare

We did a small survey of the costs of booking a hotel through internet, analyzing the various websites that promise to be those with the lowest fare.
Given that the online reservation you spend less, it is also true that not all sites offer the same savings.

For this study we compared, of course, the same hotel at the same time period: Art Hotel Prague 4-star 5-12 December 2007, 7 nights in standard double room with breakfast for 2 people. Let's see how it went:

1) Website Journal of ' hotel, ranging from a minimum of 140 euro to a maximum of 205 € per night, then a total of 980 € to 1435 €.

2) : The total cost is € 603.44.

3) : the total is 537 €.

4) : the cost is 79 euro per night, then € 553.

5) : here the total is 537 €.

6) : 71, 50 € per night, € 500.50 in total.

7) : the total cost of 672 €.

As you can see, Apart from the hotel website that has off-market prices, even for the rest of the intermediaries can be seen significant differences, ranging from a minimum of 537 € to a maximum of 672 €, 135 € much difference that there seem so few.

It is also worth noting that not always the cheapest rate is the same website it can happen that, unlike the previous example, Yeego has the lowest price compared to other hotels.

So the advice we can give you is only one: not stop at the first online booking site, but compared, studied and analyzed the rates using, however, services of those sites considered most reliable.

Source: The blog of Psalm 69! Français

Il decalogo per acquistare frutta e verdura

In this period of continuous food price hikes, will submit an article from the site of 'Adusbef to save on the purchase of fruits and vegetables.

1) Delayed the purchase and wait for the speculation about the end product. If nobody buys the prices go down automatically, it is the law of supply and demand.

2) No the first fruits. We have come to find products throughout the year, ma sarebbe indicato prendere frutta e verdura di stagione. Le primizie, oltre ad essere meno buone e ad avere meno valore nutrizionale, sono molto più costose: abbiate pazienza ed aspettate che i prezzi diventino accettabili.

3) Cambiate negozio . E' importante scegliere con cura l'esercizio in cui fare gli acquisti. Il consumatore spesso si rivolge al negozio sotto casa o comunque va al supermercato più vicino dove è abituato a girare e sa dove trovare i prodotti che cerca. L'abitudine però finisce per nuocere al mercato. Un maggiore tasso di mobilità della clientela costituirebbe, infatti, un importante fattore propulsore della concorrenza e del conseguente abbassamento dei prezzi. Se avete un negoziante di fiducia You can also choose to spend a little more (but do not overdo it) in exchange for good advice and the assurance of buying quality merchandise. But if you think that prices have increased too, if you realize that serve there is only a matter of laziness, then try to change the store, you might have some surprises. Often enough to make 500 meters more to find the very cheapest price. Even within the same type of exercise are very high fluctuations from one store to another.

4) Change type of business. The Entente has conducted an investigation in April, noting that the average prices of fruits and vegetables, gathering then the data for four different types of exercises: stores, discount stores, markets and medium-sized supermarket. We have excluded the hypermarkets, where you can save even 30% compared to a traditional store because we wanted to record the data of the city, excluding the possibility for the consumer to go to a big shopping mall in the suburbs instead. It is clear that you can save up to 50% compared to the traditional store. Just rediscovered the discount. Special prices are also at the municipal market: a saving of 44%. In medium-sized supermarket will save about 20%. Sure, especially for fresh products, as well as for meat, the quality is important. We must, quindi, precisare che non in tutti i supermercati si trova frutta degna di questo nome. Peggio ancora per i discount. Ma esistono anche catene della grande distribuzione specializzate nei prodotti ortofrutticoli.

5) Comprate poco . Abbiamo ricevuto molte lamentele quest'anno per alcuni articoli come le fragole che marcivano molto rapidamente. Sconsigliamo di fare incette di prodotti freschi. Spesso finiamo per lasciarli in frigorifero fino a che non siamo costretti a buttarli. Un vero peccato! Con quello che costano di questi tempi forse è meglio acquistarne meno ed evitare sprechi. Acquistate pochi prodotti per volta e ripetutamente, così da assicurare un elevato grado di freschezza della frutta che consumerete

6) Se fresh products are priced impossible you should buy canned or long-life shown to be less subject to speculation. For the fruit, however, are recommended as a substitute for fruit juices and bottled juices.

7) acqu a state in the suburbs outside the city or the countryside. Remember that the prices in shops in the center are larger than those found in the suburbs, prices are higher in cities than in countries, if they are tourist resorts. Ideal for those who can, you buy directly from farmers or in small village markets, to avoid excessive fees and have greater certainty over the source of the products.

8) prefer the fruits produced in the area of \u200b\u200bthe site and , time being of children guarantees a fresher transport.

9) Acquistat fruit and not too mature or too immature . Those on the right level of maturity with the best nutritional values;

10) Another recommendation of a medical nature. E 'essential wash any fruit before putting them on the table, and if you can not destroy the skin. Leave them to soak for 5 minutes in water and baking soda so Do not waste water in this drought.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rotadent Replacement Heads

Trovare il mutuo conveniente e consigli per evitare fregature

When you need to buy a house, one of the first things to worry about (unless you have a lot of money by ...) is the MUTUAL ( )
Today take a mortgage is easier than before, but here as well as to telephone rates, competition has become that does not understand anything and East is a real problem. There are no longer only the fixed and variable rate mortgages, but a wealth of new proposals designed to meet the needs of all (including banks!).

They range from mortgage to mortgage installment atypical workers to increasing the loan at a fixed rate to the duration of 40 years, and so on. Although the requirements vary widely from bank to bank (age, employment, gross income, etc.) and also are slowly claiming the online banks (Conto Arancio and Banca Woolwich on all).

Fortunately, to help us make the most convenient choice, were born a few sites that allow make a comparison between the dozens of offers made and may provide useful information and advice on the choice of the notary, on the tax, etc. .

The most important are:

Some tips to follow scrupulously :

# Remember that you do have to contact the institution at which you hold a current account, but use competition to your advantage to save .

# Always compare the APR final without being a dupe of the first 12 cheaper rate. One year is short and you will eventually pay a few thousand Euros.

# Try to balance the duration of the loan with the payment amount : less will be long and you will pay less interest, but the rate of course will be higher. You'll have to think in the long term, evaluating,
if you choose a variable rate, current rates (rise or fall?), Your pay (rise or remain constant?), Future expenses (children, etc. .) and other factors that may affect the income, not to end up a foreclosed home because of insolvency.

# When you have found the best deals,
always read the terms below before signing and traded everything possible: banks often take a commission for each installment of the charge (up to 5 - € 10) and a thirty-year mortgage mean 1800 euro in più da pagare. Pensate che siete VOI ad avere il coltello dalla parte del manico: minacciate di rivolgervi ad un altro istituto se non vi verranno tolte queste spese ingiustificate.

Where Are The Rhino V Holo Plans

Il risparmio passa anche dal rubinetto

C'e' quella per digerire , quella con poco sodio, quella con le bollicine, quella per fare pipì...
Di cosa stiamo parlando? Dell' acqua minerale.

Secondo uno studio il 98% degli italiani preferisce la minerale all'acqua potabile.

Ma vi siete mai chiesti quanto può costare in un anno bere l'acqua in bottiglia?
Abbiamo calcolato che un consumo quotidiano di 2 liters, at a cost of € 0.30 per bottle, in a year we will spend € 219 , not to mention the difficulty of transport home.

Some might argue that mineral water is healthier.
Well water from the "mayor" is checked every day in big cities, and in the other week, when legal limits are not met takes the non-drinking purposes. The water bottle, however, is controlled by public authorities 'occasionally', and it can take years (the laws are very permissive).

The price, the difficulty of transporting and disposing of the bottles are all good reasons to drink tap water.
's good for the wallet and the environment.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Allnighter Woodstove For Sale

Libri gratis, come farsi una cultura e risparmiare

You know, the money spent in culture are never wasted. Often, however, attending the libraries you'll find that the price of the books are very high and this makes us give up our intention of acculturation.

But why limit yourself? In Italy there is a right to 'education?
a solution Well, unfortunately, fall into oblivion, is to turn to public libraries .

Inside is pretty much everything, and also almost always are also magazines, DVDs and music CDs.

The trick is find the book in question in all the libraries of the town, without going crazy running between one place to another.
To simplify this procedure just do a search from home on the national catalog catalogs or on the regional and provincial.

add that all the material library is financed by taxes, then you!
Why not take advantage?
Besides frequenting these places give a signal to the government in the future so that more resources are invested.

Books must be read and not stacked up gathering dust in the living room as if they were items of furniture.

Find out here where instead
buy books online.

Hunter Ceiling Fan 27477

Farmaci Generici, cosa sono e quanto si puo' risparmiare

of us, entering the pharmacy and approached the counter, has ever asked: "I would like a pack of Nimesulide" or "A tube of ketoprofen?
Surely few people remember or are aware that for many drugs by brand known and publicized, there sale generic equivalent .

It 'good to know that the patent on a drug takes 20 years (to ensure that pharmaceutical companies can take back the money spent on research), after which anyone can freely "Copy" the product.

I generic drugs are medicines equivalent in all respects to their brother best known, because they contain the same active ingredients, except on one thing: price.

fact, if instead of the twin Aulin Nimesulide had asked, we spent € 4.43 against 2.62 of the generic. The Lasonil (you would have guessed?) Would cost € 7.70 against € 5 of ketoprofen.

With internal search engine, you can whether or not there is the generic any medicine, often because the pharmacist "forgets" to advise the customer buying the product at low cost.
buying generic drugs, may be obtained savings average around 20% -30% , in a year mean that many pennies.

If you are looking for remedies for colds or to pass the 'flu at no cost?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Telefonare gratis o quasi sui cellulari

What we want to propose today is not a special rate of some operator but a technique that can save you a lot.
As you know the phone companies to charge rates that apply to almost zero or one or more digits of your network.

Yes, but how to take advantage ? Simple, buy yourself two or more sim cards in your wallet or purse tenetevele.

You will not be forced to either change the 'operator nor the calling plan and when you want to call free or nearly just change the sim (this requires more than 1 minute). Clearly, no matter

change form for each call, but only when you know in advance that the call will go on for long with such a partner.
Remember that one hour of phone conversation without a specific plan there costs less than € 06.07.

Here are some of the most attractive tariffs:

- Wind ( The two of us " 300 minutes FREE to call the phone number Wind you prefer just 3 . )

- Vodafone (Vodafone You & " for call your number to Vodafone preferred only 1 cent per minute . To keep it active, simply make a charge per month)

- Tim (Tim Tribe " talk for free with all customers to TIMtribù all day)

- Three ("Super O " every minute of free national calls to fixed line and 3 . To keep it active, simply make a charge per month )