How Apple can help real estate agents to sell more homes? Salvatore Coddetta, trainer and coach real estate
If you want to learn a process into 3 phases, which doubles your chances of selling homes ... You can invest 5 minutes to read my article. This article talks about the real reason why Apple continues to launch successful products, and how you can use the same strategy to sell more homes in less time. But first, some basic information about the company. Apple continues a long winning streak that started with the iPod, and iPhone and now the iPad. Apple's stock is so popular that the small company is now worth more than Dell and Hewlett-Packard combined. The media are clearly in love with Steve Jobs, but journalists from business may be missing a key element in the strategy of Apple. The company is usually known for its range of innovative products and technology. Apple is often marked with desirable for the label of a company that makes the "first move", which means getting new technologies to market ahead of competition.
But a closer examination shows otherwise. For example, the iPod was not the first MP3 player on the market. Audio Highway has sold the first MP3 player called Listen Up, which won a national award at the Consumer Electronics Show in 1997. The Apple iPod was released on the market in October 2001. Nokia smart phones have been sold for years before anyone had ever heard of an iPhone. Tablet PCs Small had already left the market a few years ago with great fanfare, but sales were not particularly bright. Now, here comes the iPad, and in a few weeks, more than one million units were sold. Let's see how Apple's reputation of being cutting edge is not actually supported by the facts. What is overlooked is the ability to create effective advertising for Apple. Now, in this article I want to do just that: to extract the essence of Apple's ability to create effective advertising to make the best real estate listings, real estate agents to help sell more homes in less time.
Sure, the company's engineers develop products well designed and easy to use - which is a function of marketing in itself - but, we pay attention to what is happening in their television commercials. What takes place in their commercials on TV is simple and "old school". The advertising strategy for the iPhone and iPad are identical, only show a direct demonstration of what the product can do. Using exotic, sexy celebrities or models? Not at all. Watch some of the current spot dell'iPad. They are filmed as if you're holding the device in hand, and you see books ... films can be selected ... and another sequence shows a keyboard typing, etc.. For iPhone, Apple used the same technique, and you've just seen a person who holds the iPhone in hand, watching a compass or a restaurant review. Another ad shows two people hurt their phones and share information of contact. Advertising agencies usually hate this kind of work because it is not creative, but in many cases a simple statement of the results of the performance of the product for sale is very effective. The iPhone killer had to be the new Droid, a joint venture between Google and Verizon. I saw the TV commercial that just came out. It is a sparkling production that shows the new phone in the balance in a room. A laser shoots from all projections on the walls with various scenes including a beam that makes a hole in the wall. The special effects are impressive, but this product will surpass the iPhone? I do not count.
To understand Apple's advertising strategy you need to brush up the basics of marketing. Before creating any advertising, you should ask if we offer a product or a service. The products are easier to advertise because they are tangible. Sell \u200b\u200ba means to sell an intangible service. Just like the previous examples show that Apple has shown the benefits of its products very effectively, so there is a similar method for selling a service that is very powerful. This method is to demonstrate the benefit of the service by telling an interesting story.
A good example that comes to mind would be to a radio ad for a company that I felt relief road in una radio locale romana qualche tempo fa. Lo spot comincia con una bambina che chiama questa azienda. Quando l'operatore risponde, la bambina, con la voce tremante, dice che l'auto della sua mamma si è schiantata. Poi si sente la voce calma, dell'operatrice dell'azienda di soccorso stradale. La bambina dice che la sua mamma è ferita e che non si risveglia. L'operatrice dice che ha inviato dei soccorsi e dice alla bambina che rimarrà in linea con lei fino all'arrivo dei soccorsi. Come quella conversazione finisce, lo speaker della radio dice il nome dell'azienda. Cosa hanno in comune Apple e questa azienda? Niente. Uno è un prodotto, l'altro un servizio. Per fare buona pubblicità è necessario capire il comportamento umano. La buona pubblicità, inoltre, non manipola i consumatori. Si tratta di intercettazioni dei nostri desideri umani e motivare all'azione attraverso una convincente dimostrazione delle prestazioni.
Come si applica tutto questo alla vendita di case? Allora perché non utilizzare queste strategie professionali con il compratore che deve acquistare una casa? Purtroppo, ciò che i proprietari venditori fanno quando vendono privatamente e ciò che fanno gli agenti immobiliari quando vendono un immobile è un tipico annuncio che elenca il numero di camere, i bagni, il posto auto, balconi e la foto della casa. Ma dove è la dimostrazione o la narrazione in tutto questo? Fornire "a secco" caratteristiche di una casa le fa sembrare tutte simili, e una buona pubblicità dovrebbe rendere il prodotto diverso, non confonderlo con gli altri.
Facciamo l'esempio di un annuncio che cominci in questo modo: "Dirigente d'azienda ottiene lavoro da sogno in un'altra città…aspetta che andiate a vedere la sua casa…a questo prezzo!"
Nota: Questo annuncio è un classico racconto. Il titolo ha generato urgenza, anche perché ha suggerito un buon prezzo e ci dice perché il venditore sta vendendo questa casa. È sufficiente leggere il titolo per coinvolgere il lettore e motivarlo a rispondere.
RISULTATO: Questo annuncio ha prodotto più offerte in meno di tre settimane in un quartiere in cui ogni altro annuncio di case "in vendita" è ancora sul mercato e alcuni sono fermi da oltre un anno.
Un'altre esempio potrebbe essere quello di un annuncio che cominci in questo modo: "Vivere in una graziosa casa sul lago, con un giardino da sogno" Questo annuncio mostra lo stesso processo che utilizza Apple - una semplice, chiara comunicazione di un unico vantaggio o quella che gli uomini di marketing chiamano USP, cioè Unique Selling Proposition (Proposta Unica di Vendita). Riuscite ad individuare l'elemento chiave? Si potrebbe immaginare che per vendere una casa, l'annuncio deve parlare unicamente the house, right? Not at all - this house was very similar to all others on the market. What made this different was the home garden and the view (no listing of homes for sale published by other competing agents had this type of setting). The photo and the title, showed strongly that the other ads of homes "for sale" could not match. The seller has received four bids - unusual in this period of recession, right?
How to improve your advertising to attract buyers ready to act? A serious buyer is ready to act. Here's a simple process that can be used to create an effective ad that you will sell the houses in half the time:
Step 1: identify a unique advantage that no other house in the area can match ...
Step 2: think the best way to demonstrate what will this benefit for the buyer ...
Step 3: Dramatize this strong advantage through an interesting story in your message here ...
Using this process, we will create better advertising (no matter what house you are promoting), you will have more attention and attract the right audience that a buyer who is motivated to sign a purchase proposal.
Remember Selling a house is not a function is a function of real estate marketing. If ten people, know your home (what you're advertising) is fine, but if a dozen people to find out why you have a better advertising, then you just doubled your chances of success in real estate.
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta , trainer and coach specializing in real estate
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