Unless you live near the equator, it is very likely that for a certain period of the need to turn on the heaters if the Penguins do not want to have as guests in the house.
For those who use the boiler as a primary source of heat, it is useful to know that in the 2007 Budget (you now have until December 31) there is a deduction of 55% in three years on the purchase of a consensus boiler. The
condensing boilers are boilers with more environmentally advanced technology.
technology of condensing boilers can recover some of the heat that is normally lost in the exhaust gas in the form of water vapor, allowing better use of fuel gas and thus achieve a better return that also means reducing consumption.
fact, while in traditional boilers, waste gases of combustion are expelled at a temperature of about 110 degrees and are partly composed of water vapor in the condensing boiler, the flue gases, before being expelled, are forced through a heat exchanger in which water vapor condenses, giving up the latent heat of condensation (hence the name "condensing boilers ") to the water of the primary. The result is that the exhaust comes out at a temperature of 40 degrees and recover heat that would otherwise have gone missing.
The share of energy that can be recovered through this method condensation and indicators (each boiler in reality is a different story if ') of 16 to 17%.
What does this mean?
consensus that if a boiler costs, including installation, approximately € 2500, in three years there will be repaid € 1,375 (55%), then we will have a reimbursement of 458 € a year.
Taking into account that these boilers carry an energy savings of 20% on a current expenditure of € 1,000 a year there will be a gain of 200 € bill in here, then, that spending actually paid out of pocket our, 1,125 euro (2500-1375), be amortized over approximately 6 years.
From that moment onwards we will be active as well as pleased to have contributed to saving the planet.
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