In this period of continuous food price hikes, will submit an article from the site of 'Adusbef to save on the purchase of fruits and vegetables.
1) Delayed the purchase and wait for the speculation about the end product. If nobody buys the prices go down automatically, it is the law of supply and demand.
2) No the first fruits. We have come to find products throughout the year, ma sarebbe indicato prendere frutta e verdura di stagione. Le primizie, oltre ad essere meno buone e ad avere meno valore nutrizionale, sono molto più costose: abbiate pazienza ed aspettate che i prezzi diventino accettabili.
3) Cambiate negozio . E' importante scegliere con cura l'esercizio in cui fare gli acquisti. Il consumatore spesso si rivolge al negozio sotto casa o comunque va al supermercato più vicino dove è abituato a girare e sa dove trovare i prodotti che cerca. L'abitudine però finisce per nuocere al mercato. Un maggiore tasso di mobilità della clientela costituirebbe, infatti, un importante fattore propulsore della concorrenza e del conseguente abbassamento dei prezzi. Se avete un negoziante di fiducia You can also choose to spend a little more (but do not overdo it) in exchange for good advice and the assurance of buying quality merchandise. But if you think that prices have increased too, if you realize that serve there is only a matter of laziness, then try to change the store, you might have some surprises. Often enough to make 500 meters more to find the very cheapest price. Even within the same type of exercise are very high fluctuations from one store to another.
4) Change type of business. The Entente has conducted an investigation in April, noting that the average prices of fruits and vegetables, gathering then the data for four different types of exercises: stores, discount stores, markets and medium-sized supermarket. We have excluded the hypermarkets, where you can save even 30% compared to a traditional store because we wanted to record the data of the city, excluding the possibility for the consumer to go to a big shopping mall in the suburbs instead. It is clear that you can save up to 50% compared to the traditional store. Just rediscovered the discount. Special prices are also at the municipal market: a saving of 44%. In medium-sized supermarket will save about 20%. Sure, especially for fresh products, as well as for meat, the quality is important. We must, quindi, precisare che non in tutti i supermercati si trova frutta degna di questo nome. Peggio ancora per i discount. Ma esistono anche catene della grande distribuzione specializzate nei prodotti ortofrutticoli.
5) Comprate poco . Abbiamo ricevuto molte lamentele quest'anno per alcuni articoli come le fragole che marcivano molto rapidamente. Sconsigliamo di fare incette di prodotti freschi. Spesso finiamo per lasciarli in frigorifero fino a che non siamo costretti a buttarli. Un vero peccato! Con quello che costano di questi tempi forse è meglio acquistarne meno ed evitare sprechi. Acquistate pochi prodotti per volta e ripetutamente, così da assicurare un elevato grado di freschezza della frutta che consumerete
6) Se fresh products are priced impossible you should buy canned or long-life shown to be less subject to speculation. For the fruit, however, are recommended as a substitute for fruit juices and bottled juices.
7) acqu a state in the suburbs outside the city or the countryside. Remember that the prices in shops in the center are larger than those found in the suburbs, prices are higher in cities than in countries, if they are tourist resorts. Ideal for those who can, you buy directly from farmers or in small village markets, to avoid excessive fees and have greater certainty over the source of the products.
8) prefer the fruits produced in the area of \u200b\u200bthe site and , time being of children guarantees a fresher transport.
9) Acquistat fruit and not too mature or too immature . Those on the right level of maturity with the best nutritional values;
10) Another recommendation of a medical nature. E 'essential wash any fruit before putting them on the table, and if you can not destroy the skin. Leave them to soak for 5 minutes in water and baking soda so Do not waste water in this drought.
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