As you know the phone companies to charge rates that apply to almost zero or one or more digits of your network.
Yes, but how to take advantage ? Simple, buy yourself two or more sim cards in your wallet or purse tenetevele.
You will not be forced to either change the 'operator nor the calling plan and when you want to call free or nearly just change the sim (this requires more than 1 minute). Clearly, no matter
change form for each call, but only when you know in advance that the call will go on for long with such a partner.
Remember that one hour of phone conversation without a specific plan there costs less than € 06.07.
Here are some of the most attractive tariffs:
- Wind ( The two of us " 300 minutes FREE to call the phone number Wind you prefer just 3 € . )
- Vodafone (Vodafone You & " for call your number to Vodafone preferred only 1 cent per minute . To keep it active, simply make a charge per month)
- Tim (Tim Tribe " talk for free with all customers to TIMtribù all day)
- Three ("Super O " every minute of free national calls to fixed line and 3 . To keep it active, simply make a charge per month )
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