Today take a mortgage is easier than before, but here as well as to telephone rates, competition has become that does not understand anything and East is a real problem. There are no longer only the fixed and variable rate mortgages, but a wealth of new proposals designed to meet the needs of all (including banks!).
They range from mortgage to mortgage installment atypical workers to increasing the loan at a fixed rate to the duration of 40 years, and so on. Although the requirements vary widely from bank to bank (age, employment, gross income, etc.) and also are slowly claiming the online banks (Conto Arancio and Banca Woolwich on all).
Fortunately, to help us make the most convenient choice, were born a few sites that allow make a comparison between the dozens of offers made and may provide useful information and advice on the choice of the notary, on the tax, etc. .
The most important are:
Some tips to follow scrupulously :
# Remember that you do have to contact the institution at which you hold a current account, but use competition to your advantage to save .
# Always compare the APR final without being a dupe of the first 12 cheaper rate. One year is short and you will eventually pay a few thousand Euros.
# Try to balance the duration of the loan with the payment amount : less will be long and you will pay less interest, but the rate of course will be higher. You'll have to think in the long term, evaluating, if you choose a variable rate, current rates (rise or fall?), Your pay (rise or remain constant?), Future expenses (children, etc. .) and other factors that may affect the income, not to end up a foreclosed home because of insolvency.
# When you have found the best deals, always read the terms below before signing and traded everything possible: banks often take a commission for each installment of the charge (up to 5 - € 10) and a thirty-year mortgage mean 1800 euro in più da pagare. Pensate che siete VOI ad avere il coltello dalla parte del manico: minacciate di rivolgervi ad un altro istituto se non vi verranno tolte queste spese ingiustificate.
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