IMMIGRATION AND CONDOMINIUM - A message from the elections to be transposed.
He created no little surprise, at least in our area, the result of some electoral lists - in particular the Northern League - which have made immigration a topic of their workhorse for a long time. Often, with an interpretation questionable, but certainly in line with the thinking of many citizens certainly tired of a given social and economic situation - in some cases wrongly, despite some undeniable reason - a phenomenon not always well groomed. Radio
about what occurred in the province of Prato, which in recent years has been so traumatic, the significant Chinese immigration. This flow, so to speak, of anomalous dimensions has affected the entire local community, resulting in a progressive and alarming crisis in the textile industry, long the pride of the city.
At this point, undoubtedly important, it is added to the difficulty in managing social relationships and the creation of a veritable city within a city, represented by the emergence of entire neighborhoods and / or areas of the city completely monopolized by the Chinese community. In this situation is to incorporate the aspect of communal life, whose balances were totally disrupted. Even the lack of specific laws and regulations, there has been the inability to assume and implement initiatives to prevent a worsening of the quality of the conditions of the buildings with a continuous and uninterrupted decline.
several times on our part has been reported this danger, and often we had to ask - and ask - why such an important part in the reality of cities, large or small, as indeed are the condominiums have been completely forgotten from politics and institutions. Just as we wondered why no one - government, regions and local authorities - has realized that the first place where you can take action to create not only the integration but also the understanding of the laws and rules of civil life, at least per come la intendiamo noi, è il condominio. Qui convivenza e rispetto dei doveri, prima ancora che il riconoscimento dei diritti, sono alla base di un rapporto che, sia pure nel rispetto delle proprie tradizioni, non può prescindere dall’accettazione dell’insieme delle regole del Paese nel quale si è scelto di vivere.
Ancora più grande è l’amarezza di dover prendere atto di una situazione che non getta le basi a favore di una corretta integrazione. La direzione è infatti quella di ghettizzazioni e/o creazioni di comunità nella comunità. D'altra parte, è proprio il fenomeno dei cittadini cinesi ad insegnarlo: il mancato riconoscimento da parte delle istituzioni della necessità di intervenire, with facts and not just with words, is the primary cause of discomfort now felt throughout society. It would have been enough - and this is not easy to say - "govern" the phenomenon and not suffer it. In our small
had launched the idea of \u200b\u200bmultiethnic house rules, which could have been a way of understanding the reality of the building to foreigners, but most institutions have not understood the spirit and importance of the initiative. Too bad, because we believe it is another opportunity lost.
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