gas prices go down or not down?
They used to say that the job was more difficult than their parents, but what is there to swear that the "consumer" is certainly not less. To confirm this statement, just to have followed up all the media controversy arose between Nomisma Energy el'Autority for energy. These give an interpretation diametrically opposed to the possibility that the reduction in crude oil prices reflect the decline in gas and electricity respectively for a 9.5% - for the first - and by 2.1% - for the second - from next July to September quarter. Indeed, in relation to some estimates, it was quantified an average savings per household of about € 97 for gas and 9.5 € for electricity.
However, pace of consumer organizations, the Authority said: "forecasts that from time to time notify the specialized agencies on the electricity and gas bills are not as frequent changes in household spending. These forecasts are often inaccurate for deficiency or excess and different between them, may disrupt markets and not confuse consumers themselves, led to believe that prices vary wildly over time and more frequently than quarterly.
face of these shocking statements is natural to ask how it is possible that the same authorities do not consider the enormous and inexcusable flaw, which oversees the energy market (gas and electricity but not only because the issue is also fuel) and the Reference society - including government and / or semi-public - always ready, and with an immediacy that rivals anyone, to incorporate changes in most of the oil market and extremely Careless or elusive when the opposite occurs.
The families have suffered a drain of huge proportions when the barrel reached unimaginable levels (over $ 150 per barrel), with remarkable reflections on the cost of natural gas and electricity. On the other hand, very little light when they saw the trend was the opposite and it has come at a very low cost even at record levels for negativity. Yet, as usual, the answer to this problem would be simple (perhaps too?) In what would be enough to force these companies to put on the market at a price of purchase, the same quantity of product taken. That is, quite simply, if ho acquistato a 50 dollari al barile una quantità ben definita dovrei essere obbligato a rivenderla con lo stesso valore di riferimento. Una volta tanto, i consumatori (noi stessi quindi) sarebbero tutelati e protetti da una speculazione alla quale nessuno ha il coraggio di porre fine, continuando a perpetrare un sistema nel quale l’anello debole (il cittadino) è sempre danneggiato.
Ci permettiamo di porre ai nostri lettori ed a noi stessi una domanda: ma per far questo c’era bisogno di creare un’Authority? O potevamo almeno risparmiare i costi di un altro ente che, evidentemente, non serve ad eliminare un sistema discutibilissimo (se vogliamo usare un termine molto soft) e sicuramente sbilanciato a favore dei soliti?
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