Friday, June 5, 2009

My Lcd Tv Keeps Turning On And Off

Lease and evictions: a need for linkage

Even for those who work in real estate for many years and time has responsibility within an association representing the owners is sometimes difficult to understand and / or find a justification for behavior that can hardly be explained logic. This fact can be regarded as the news appeared in some newspapers locali dell’avvenuto sfratto di una famiglia composta da quattro persone, delle quali due bambini, effettuata con l’intervento della forza pubblica in una frazione del comune di Campi Bisenzio e che ha provocato un malore all’inquilino sfrattato con conseguente ricovero in ospedale.
Ovviamente la stranezza di quanto accaduto non sta certamente nell’esecuzione dello sfratto mediante la forza pubblica perché ormai si verificano continuamente eventi del genere, ma piuttosto nel fatto che, in questa circostanza, l’inquilino aveva già trovato un nuovo alloggio e che un semplice rinvio di una quindicina di giorni avrebbe consentito di evitare ad una famiglia il disagio, diciamo pure il trauma, di un provvedimento che è already difficult to accept when it is done in all normal but becomes shocking when the police to intervene.
seems natural, in fact, think of all that was lacking the ability to engage in dialogue among stakeholders - tenants and property - as well as the local authority is absent, we refer to the city alderman and responsible, which would perhaps the opportunity to suggest or more properly mediate to find a solution that would lead to a simple referral of the measure.
In all cases the whole story is a testament to what the situation of evictions (for end of lease and arrears) has become greatly conflicted about the lack of ability to act on the part of governments that have succeeded over time in the field of leases with laws which take into consideration the whole rented sector without resorting exclusively to a continuous block of evictions and unacceptable ( including those for non-payment) - and the impossibility, not only economic, local authorities (regions, provinces and municipalities) to assume a more proactive and comprehensive role in finding solutions.
E 'failure especially the ability to open up on proposals and suggestions from those subjects (representatives of the property and tenants in the first place) that living day by day these problems would suggest the possibility of shared solutions and alternative routes that the policy has come so far and have not yielded results and benefits. He preferred to leave it opened a "war among the poor" rather than have the humility to listen to those who might say something worthwhile accepting the situations that we saw in the introduction, indicative and symptomatic of a system now without any possibility of improvement if you do not choose to start from different methodologies and standards civilians.
little would be enough! Perhaps that "politics and politicians" who are able to simply listen with humility, at least sometimes, the problems they know best and for this could suggest better solutions than simply postponing or "extension".


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