radioactive pellets and alternative energy sources
The news, which appeared on all national and local newspapers, and those who throw and create concern and anxiety is to touch an area that seemed to have found an alternative, in addition to renewable energy sources (sun, wind, water, etc..), to end - or at least reduce - not only the dependence on traditional (oil, natural gas and petroleum in all cases all) but to establish virtuous paths for reducing pollution and address the expenditure burden substantially on already scarce resources of Italian households.
is the discovery (following a line of investigation started by the prosecution the Republic of Aosta), in Tuscany and in particular in the province of Florence, in the presence of lots of trade "pellet" radioactive - the presence of "cesium 137" - imported from Lithuania where he was made to feel the effect of the disaster the Chernobyl nuclear power plant which clearly and obviously also affected forests.
To better understand the issue to our readers should explain that the "pellet" is a fuel made from compressed sawdust and then dried in the form of small cylinders with a diameter of few millimeters. The binding capacity of lignin - the existing wood - allows obtaining a compact material without adding special chemicals or additives simple. Result, a fuel high-yield, thanks to the press, has a calorific value twice the wood (even if it affects the percentage of hardwood used in origin). The pellet stoves and boilers used in the latest generation can replace traditional wood logs. This provides a number of improvements from the environmental, energy management and heating systems.
It 'easy to understand how the discovery of "cesium 137" in these materials for the greatest concern, not only for the bond with the sad story of Chernobyl, but the simple fact that the effects more and more dangerous to health are related to the disposal of ash and smoke, so it is to question one of the most innovative energy sources (although in fact it's back to the old and traditional systems than once) that had aroused so much hope and enthusiasm in the people and the real estate operators.
is to be hoped that the story is limited to one company and import the product from a nuclear disaster area hit by a huge and never forgotten. If not, is seriously undermined one of the possibilities of contributing to environmental improvement and cost reduction; dims the attention and interest of citizens / consumers against a method used for millennia, but certainly innovative equipment and methodologies for the optimization of the fuel. It 'too much to ask to leave at least some hope?
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Is Silvercity Part Of Cineplex
gas prices go down or not down?
They used to say that the job was more difficult than their parents, but what is there to swear that the "consumer" is certainly not less. To confirm this statement, just to have followed up all the media controversy arose between Nomisma Energy el'Autority for energy. These give an interpretation diametrically opposed to the possibility that the reduction in crude oil prices reflect the decline in gas and electricity respectively for a 9.5% - for the first - and by 2.1% - for the second - from next July to September quarter. Indeed, in relation to some estimates, it was quantified an average savings per household of about € 97 for gas and 9.5 € for electricity.
However, pace of consumer organizations, the Authority said: "forecasts that from time to time notify the specialized agencies on the electricity and gas bills are not as frequent changes in household spending. These forecasts are often inaccurate for deficiency or excess and different between them, may disrupt markets and not confuse consumers themselves, led to believe that prices vary wildly over time and more frequently than quarterly.
face of these shocking statements is natural to ask how it is possible that the same authorities do not consider the enormous and inexcusable flaw, which oversees the energy market (gas and electricity but not only because the issue is also fuel) and the Reference society - including government and / or semi-public - always ready, and with an immediacy that rivals anyone, to incorporate changes in most of the oil market and extremely Careless or elusive when the opposite occurs.
The families have suffered a drain of huge proportions when the barrel reached unimaginable levels (over $ 150 per barrel), with remarkable reflections on the cost of natural gas and electricity. On the other hand, very little light when they saw the trend was the opposite and it has come at a very low cost even at record levels for negativity. Yet, as usual, the answer to this problem would be simple (perhaps too?) In what would be enough to force these companies to put on the market at a price of purchase, the same quantity of product taken. That is, quite simply, if ho acquistato a 50 dollari al barile una quantità ben definita dovrei essere obbligato a rivenderla con lo stesso valore di riferimento. Una volta tanto, i consumatori (noi stessi quindi) sarebbero tutelati e protetti da una speculazione alla quale nessuno ha il coraggio di porre fine, continuando a perpetrare un sistema nel quale l’anello debole (il cittadino) è sempre danneggiato.
Ci permettiamo di porre ai nostri lettori ed a noi stessi una domanda: ma per far questo c’era bisogno di creare un’Authority? O potevamo almeno risparmiare i costi di un altro ente che, evidentemente, non serve ad eliminare un sistema discutibilissimo (se vogliamo usare un termine molto soft) e sicuramente sbilanciato a favore dei soliti?
They used to say that the job was more difficult than their parents, but what is there to swear that the "consumer" is certainly not less. To confirm this statement, just to have followed up all the media controversy arose between Nomisma Energy el'Autority for energy. These give an interpretation diametrically opposed to the possibility that the reduction in crude oil prices reflect the decline in gas and electricity respectively for a 9.5% - for the first - and by 2.1% - for the second - from next July to September quarter. Indeed, in relation to some estimates, it was quantified an average savings per household of about € 97 for gas and 9.5 € for electricity.
However, pace of consumer organizations, the Authority said: "forecasts that from time to time notify the specialized agencies on the electricity and gas bills are not as frequent changes in household spending. These forecasts are often inaccurate for deficiency or excess and different between them, may disrupt markets and not confuse consumers themselves, led to believe that prices vary wildly over time and more frequently than quarterly.
face of these shocking statements is natural to ask how it is possible that the same authorities do not consider the enormous and inexcusable flaw, which oversees the energy market (gas and electricity but not only because the issue is also fuel) and the Reference society - including government and / or semi-public - always ready, and with an immediacy that rivals anyone, to incorporate changes in most of the oil market and extremely Careless or elusive when the opposite occurs.
The families have suffered a drain of huge proportions when the barrel reached unimaginable levels (over $ 150 per barrel), with remarkable reflections on the cost of natural gas and electricity. On the other hand, very little light when they saw the trend was the opposite and it has come at a very low cost even at record levels for negativity. Yet, as usual, the answer to this problem would be simple (perhaps too?) In what would be enough to force these companies to put on the market at a price of purchase, the same quantity of product taken. That is, quite simply, if ho acquistato a 50 dollari al barile una quantità ben definita dovrei essere obbligato a rivenderla con lo stesso valore di riferimento. Una volta tanto, i consumatori (noi stessi quindi) sarebbero tutelati e protetti da una speculazione alla quale nessuno ha il coraggio di porre fine, continuando a perpetrare un sistema nel quale l’anello debole (il cittadino) è sempre danneggiato.
Ci permettiamo di porre ai nostri lettori ed a noi stessi una domanda: ma per far questo c’era bisogno di creare un’Authority? O potevamo almeno risparmiare i costi di un altro ente che, evidentemente, non serve ad eliminare un sistema discutibilissimo (se vogliamo usare un termine molto soft) e sicuramente sbilanciato a favore dei soliti?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
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Source: The Blog of Psalm 69
Another possible method to realize the potential of their own articles or blog posts is given by the social network and its Adsense Revenue Sharing.
In practice, MySpace recognizes bloggers a rate of 50% on earnings arising from the publication of articles on their site, simply by indicating the time of registration, your Adsense identification code. Also
MySpace allows greater visibility post and then increase the chances that your site visitors and acquire new readers. In short, if you want to earn money what are you waiting to Subscribe?
Source: The Blog of Psalm 69
Friday, June 12, 2009
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IMMIGRATION AND CONDOMINIUM - A message from the elections to be transposed.
He created no little surprise, at least in our area, the result of some electoral lists - in particular the Northern League - which have made immigration a topic of their workhorse for a long time. Often, with an interpretation questionable, but certainly in line with the thinking of many citizens certainly tired of a given social and economic situation - in some cases wrongly, despite some undeniable reason - a phenomenon not always well groomed. Radio
about what occurred in the province of Prato, which in recent years has been so traumatic, the significant Chinese immigration. This flow, so to speak, of anomalous dimensions has affected the entire local community, resulting in a progressive and alarming crisis in the textile industry, long the pride of the city.
At this point, undoubtedly important, it is added to the difficulty in managing social relationships and the creation of a veritable city within a city, represented by the emergence of entire neighborhoods and / or areas of the city completely monopolized by the Chinese community. In this situation is to incorporate the aspect of communal life, whose balances were totally disrupted. Even the lack of specific laws and regulations, there has been the inability to assume and implement initiatives to prevent a worsening of the quality of the conditions of the buildings with a continuous and uninterrupted decline.
several times on our part has been reported this danger, and often we had to ask - and ask - why such an important part in the reality of cities, large or small, as indeed are the condominiums have been completely forgotten from politics and institutions. Just as we wondered why no one - government, regions and local authorities - has realized that the first place where you can take action to create not only the integration but also the understanding of the laws and rules of civil life, at least per come la intendiamo noi, è il condominio. Qui convivenza e rispetto dei doveri, prima ancora che il riconoscimento dei diritti, sono alla base di un rapporto che, sia pure nel rispetto delle proprie tradizioni, non può prescindere dall’accettazione dell’insieme delle regole del Paese nel quale si è scelto di vivere.
Ancora più grande è l’amarezza di dover prendere atto di una situazione che non getta le basi a favore di una corretta integrazione. La direzione è infatti quella di ghettizzazioni e/o creazioni di comunità nella comunità. D'altra parte, è proprio il fenomeno dei cittadini cinesi ad insegnarlo: il mancato riconoscimento da parte delle istituzioni della necessità di intervenire, with facts and not just with words, is the primary cause of discomfort now felt throughout society. It would have been enough - and this is not easy to say - "govern" the phenomenon and not suffer it. In our small
had launched the idea of \u200b\u200bmultiethnic house rules, which could have been a way of understanding the reality of the building to foreigners, but most institutions have not understood the spirit and importance of the initiative. Too bad, because we believe it is another opportunity lost.
He created no little surprise, at least in our area, the result of some electoral lists - in particular the Northern League - which have made immigration a topic of their workhorse for a long time. Often, with an interpretation questionable, but certainly in line with the thinking of many citizens certainly tired of a given social and economic situation - in some cases wrongly, despite some undeniable reason - a phenomenon not always well groomed. Radio
about what occurred in the province of Prato, which in recent years has been so traumatic, the significant Chinese immigration. This flow, so to speak, of anomalous dimensions has affected the entire local community, resulting in a progressive and alarming crisis in the textile industry, long the pride of the city.
At this point, undoubtedly important, it is added to the difficulty in managing social relationships and the creation of a veritable city within a city, represented by the emergence of entire neighborhoods and / or areas of the city completely monopolized by the Chinese community. In this situation is to incorporate the aspect of communal life, whose balances were totally disrupted. Even the lack of specific laws and regulations, there has been the inability to assume and implement initiatives to prevent a worsening of the quality of the conditions of the buildings with a continuous and uninterrupted decline.
several times on our part has been reported this danger, and often we had to ask - and ask - why such an important part in the reality of cities, large or small, as indeed are the condominiums have been completely forgotten from politics and institutions. Just as we wondered why no one - government, regions and local authorities - has realized that the first place where you can take action to create not only the integration but also the understanding of the laws and rules of civil life, at least per come la intendiamo noi, è il condominio. Qui convivenza e rispetto dei doveri, prima ancora che il riconoscimento dei diritti, sono alla base di un rapporto che, sia pure nel rispetto delle proprie tradizioni, non può prescindere dall’accettazione dell’insieme delle regole del Paese nel quale si è scelto di vivere.
Ancora più grande è l’amarezza di dover prendere atto di una situazione che non getta le basi a favore di una corretta integrazione. La direzione è infatti quella di ghettizzazioni e/o creazioni di comunità nella comunità. D'altra parte, è proprio il fenomeno dei cittadini cinesi ad insegnarlo: il mancato riconoscimento da parte delle istituzioni della necessità di intervenire, with facts and not just with words, is the primary cause of discomfort now felt throughout society. It would have been enough - and this is not easy to say - "govern" the phenomenon and not suffer it. In our small
had launched the idea of \u200b\u200bmultiethnic house rules, which could have been a way of understanding the reality of the building to foreigners, but most institutions have not understood the spirit and importance of the initiative. Too bad, because we believe it is another opportunity lost.
Friday, June 5, 2009
How Do You Finish The New Level On Poptroica
ICI, we are on account of the June 16
Although now it is a tax remained in place for second homes, real estate vacant or leased houses, it is good to remind our readers that by next June 16 will have to pay an advance ICI Given that the exemption is confirmed, with some exceptions that we will see later, however, housing main and appliances, for which this tax is much less talk, we need to provide some guidance for those owners who these days are faced with this new term - in this case the deposit - even if there are special and important news to report and emphasize.
As usual when we are talking about taxes, fees and other charges are always many concerns the identification of property for which, apart from the main house, was entitled to exemption, and then - in this case is nothing new under the sun of the tax system - we must arm ourselves with patience to be able to extricate the regulations to determine whether or not tax is due.
said the main house, which almost always coincides with my residence, and reiterated that the exemption is not granted to the most luxurious (cadastral categories A1, A8 and A9 is also used as main house), the tax must be considered due to secondary residences (houses and then to the sea or mountains), for immobili dati in locazione oppure sfitti e sugli immobili ad uso diverso dalle abitazioni (come negozi, uffici, magazzini, etc.) ed infine sui terreni agricoli – con la sola eccezione di piccoli orti – e sulle aree edificabili. Il pagamento è dovuto non solo dai proprietari ma anche dai titolari di un diritto reale sul medesimo bene quali l’usufrutto, l’uso, l’abitazione, l’enfiteusi e la superficie) nonché da coloro che utilizzano immobili in leasing.
Nell’ipotesi di più proprietari ciascuno di questi dovrà corrispondere l’imposta in ragione della propria quota di possesso e in relazione ai mesi di possesso tenendo presente che dopo il quindicesimo giorno deve esse considerato un month.
While the first installment, as mentioned in the title, must be paid before June 16, the second - on balance - must be paid by December 16. The only exception citizens living abroad who can pay the ICI in a single installment by December 16 with the addition of 3% interest on the installment to be paid in June.
Calculate the tax due for those who long has owned property is no longer a problem, is not particularly difficult (note that the site Confedilizia - - \u200b\u200bthere is a specific procedure for calculating the 'tax). You will find the tax base by taking the cadastral income - the data is detectable by deed or will be prompted with a simple cadastral - and raised by 5%. Obtained as the rent it will be multiplied by a number of factors that are related to the type of object. Keep in mind that we can no longer use a "presumed income" for that in the absence of this request it will be mandatory.
To make the calculation should take into account the following factors:
- 100 for homes - Class A land to the exclusion of the A10 -, boxes (category C6) and the warehouses;
- 50 offices and studios (category A10) and the warehouses (category D);
- 34 for shops (Class C1).
In the case of agricultural land (you must refer only to those grown without mentioning entrepreneurially wild or cultivated only occasionally) you will have to reassess 25% of the cadastral income and then multiplying it by 75. In the case of building plots you will see the market value as of January 1.
As mentioned above, the ICI remain in force for the real estate cadastral category A1 - stately - A8 - villas - and A9 - castles, palaces - even if used as main house. For these buildings remain, as in the past, the right to a deduction of € 103.29 which many municipalities have rounded to € 104.00. Obviously, the deduction will compete for the months in which the property was used directly and must also be divided among the owners who live in the home. In cases where only one of the residence in the apartment owners had the deduction will compete exclusively and entirely to this.
On payment of the June 16 (advance) you pay the amount due for the period January to June and in December in addition to pay the amount due for the second semester will pay amounts not counted as a deposit. Normally, in the presence of a possession for the entire year shall be paid 50% of the total amount due. Since it is not uncommon that some deliberino establish joint rates or the owners of deductions and / or benefits until after the expiration date of the advance, you can pay 50% of the amount due for the previous year - of course taking into account the period of actual possession in relation to any change of its assets as a result of purchases, sales, inheritance - remedied any differences arising from decisions of City occurred late in the balance payable in December.
In practice, for simplicity, it could be in the following way:
- calculate the tax payable on the basis of the rates of the year 2008;
- determine the tax due on the basis of the shares and the period of actual possession;
- subtract the deduction of the primary residence (only for buildings of cadastral category A1, A8 and A9);
- Calculate the amount corresponding to the first installment ICI due for the 1st semester (equivalent to 50% of the total that retention is referred to throughout the year);
- final payment by the recalculation of the tax under the rules enacted by the municipalities' year 2009 minus the deposit.
Because interpretation of the common use of the rates of 2009 - assuming that were lower than those of 2008 - It would be possible only by the ICI in a lump sum payment, it would be advisable to apply the procedure above was aware that even if the rates and reductions of 2009 and, of course, can pay the deposit corresponding to the extent provided .
Although now it is a tax remained in place for second homes, real estate vacant or leased houses, it is good to remind our readers that by next June 16 will have to pay an advance ICI Given that the exemption is confirmed, with some exceptions that we will see later, however, housing main and appliances, for which this tax is much less talk, we need to provide some guidance for those owners who these days are faced with this new term - in this case the deposit - even if there are special and important news to report and emphasize.
As usual when we are talking about taxes, fees and other charges are always many concerns the identification of property for which, apart from the main house, was entitled to exemption, and then - in this case is nothing new under the sun of the tax system - we must arm ourselves with patience to be able to extricate the regulations to determine whether or not tax is due.
said the main house, which almost always coincides with my residence, and reiterated that the exemption is not granted to the most luxurious (cadastral categories A1, A8 and A9 is also used as main house), the tax must be considered due to secondary residences (houses and then to the sea or mountains), for immobili dati in locazione oppure sfitti e sugli immobili ad uso diverso dalle abitazioni (come negozi, uffici, magazzini, etc.) ed infine sui terreni agricoli – con la sola eccezione di piccoli orti – e sulle aree edificabili. Il pagamento è dovuto non solo dai proprietari ma anche dai titolari di un diritto reale sul medesimo bene quali l’usufrutto, l’uso, l’abitazione, l’enfiteusi e la superficie) nonché da coloro che utilizzano immobili in leasing.
Nell’ipotesi di più proprietari ciascuno di questi dovrà corrispondere l’imposta in ragione della propria quota di possesso e in relazione ai mesi di possesso tenendo presente che dopo il quindicesimo giorno deve esse considerato un month.
While the first installment, as mentioned in the title, must be paid before June 16, the second - on balance - must be paid by December 16. The only exception citizens living abroad who can pay the ICI in a single installment by December 16 with the addition of 3% interest on the installment to be paid in June.
Calculate the tax due for those who long has owned property is no longer a problem, is not particularly difficult (note that the site Confedilizia - - \u200b\u200bthere is a specific procedure for calculating the 'tax). You will find the tax base by taking the cadastral income - the data is detectable by deed or will be prompted with a simple cadastral - and raised by 5%. Obtained as the rent it will be multiplied by a number of factors that are related to the type of object. Keep in mind that we can no longer use a "presumed income" for that in the absence of this request it will be mandatory.
To make the calculation should take into account the following factors:
- 100 for homes - Class A land to the exclusion of the A10 -, boxes (category C6) and the warehouses;
- 50 offices and studios (category A10) and the warehouses (category D);
- 34 for shops (Class C1).
In the case of agricultural land (you must refer only to those grown without mentioning entrepreneurially wild or cultivated only occasionally) you will have to reassess 25% of the cadastral income and then multiplying it by 75. In the case of building plots you will see the market value as of January 1.
As mentioned above, the ICI remain in force for the real estate cadastral category A1 - stately - A8 - villas - and A9 - castles, palaces - even if used as main house. For these buildings remain, as in the past, the right to a deduction of € 103.29 which many municipalities have rounded to € 104.00. Obviously, the deduction will compete for the months in which the property was used directly and must also be divided among the owners who live in the home. In cases where only one of the residence in the apartment owners had the deduction will compete exclusively and entirely to this.
On payment of the June 16 (advance) you pay the amount due for the period January to June and in December in addition to pay the amount due for the second semester will pay amounts not counted as a deposit. Normally, in the presence of a possession for the entire year shall be paid 50% of the total amount due. Since it is not uncommon that some deliberino establish joint rates or the owners of deductions and / or benefits until after the expiration date of the advance, you can pay 50% of the amount due for the previous year - of course taking into account the period of actual possession in relation to any change of its assets as a result of purchases, sales, inheritance - remedied any differences arising from decisions of City occurred late in the balance payable in December.
In practice, for simplicity, it could be in the following way:
- calculate the tax payable on the basis of the rates of the year 2008;
- determine the tax due on the basis of the shares and the period of actual possession;
- subtract the deduction of the primary residence (only for buildings of cadastral category A1, A8 and A9);
- Calculate the amount corresponding to the first installment ICI due for the 1st semester (equivalent to 50% of the total that retention is referred to throughout the year);
- final payment by the recalculation of the tax under the rules enacted by the municipalities' year 2009 minus the deposit.
Because interpretation of the common use of the rates of 2009 - assuming that were lower than those of 2008 - It would be possible only by the ICI in a lump sum payment, it would be advisable to apply the procedure above was aware that even if the rates and reductions of 2009 and, of course, can pay the deposit corresponding to the extent provided .
My Lcd Tv Keeps Turning On And Off
Lease and evictions: a need for linkage
Even for those who work in real estate for many years and time has responsibility within an association representing the owners is sometimes difficult to understand and / or find a justification for behavior that can hardly be explained logic. This fact can be regarded as the news appeared in some newspapers locali dell’avvenuto sfratto di una famiglia composta da quattro persone, delle quali due bambini, effettuata con l’intervento della forza pubblica in una frazione del comune di Campi Bisenzio e che ha provocato un malore all’inquilino sfrattato con conseguente ricovero in ospedale.
Ovviamente la stranezza di quanto accaduto non sta certamente nell’esecuzione dello sfratto mediante la forza pubblica perché ormai si verificano continuamente eventi del genere, ma piuttosto nel fatto che, in questa circostanza, l’inquilino aveva già trovato un nuovo alloggio e che un semplice rinvio di una quindicina di giorni avrebbe consentito di evitare ad una famiglia il disagio, diciamo pure il trauma, di un provvedimento che è already difficult to accept when it is done in all normal but becomes shocking when the police to intervene.
seems natural, in fact, think of all that was lacking the ability to engage in dialogue among stakeholders - tenants and property - as well as the local authority is absent, we refer to the city alderman and responsible, which would perhaps the opportunity to suggest or more properly mediate to find a solution that would lead to a simple referral of the measure.
In all cases the whole story is a testament to what the situation of evictions (for end of lease and arrears) has become greatly conflicted about the lack of ability to act on the part of governments that have succeeded over time in the field of leases with laws which take into consideration the whole rented sector without resorting exclusively to a continuous block of evictions and unacceptable ( including those for non-payment) - and the impossibility, not only economic, local authorities (regions, provinces and municipalities) to assume a more proactive and comprehensive role in finding solutions.
E 'failure especially the ability to open up on proposals and suggestions from those subjects (representatives of the property and tenants in the first place) that living day by day these problems would suggest the possibility of shared solutions and alternative routes that the policy has come so far and have not yielded results and benefits. He preferred to leave it opened a "war among the poor" rather than have the humility to listen to those who might say something worthwhile accepting the situations that we saw in the introduction, indicative and symptomatic of a system now without any possibility of improvement if you do not choose to start from different methodologies and standards civilians.
little would be enough! Perhaps that "politics and politicians" who are able to simply listen with humility, at least sometimes, the problems they know best and for this could suggest better solutions than simply postponing or "extension".
Even for those who work in real estate for many years and time has responsibility within an association representing the owners is sometimes difficult to understand and / or find a justification for behavior that can hardly be explained logic. This fact can be regarded as the news appeared in some newspapers locali dell’avvenuto sfratto di una famiglia composta da quattro persone, delle quali due bambini, effettuata con l’intervento della forza pubblica in una frazione del comune di Campi Bisenzio e che ha provocato un malore all’inquilino sfrattato con conseguente ricovero in ospedale.
Ovviamente la stranezza di quanto accaduto non sta certamente nell’esecuzione dello sfratto mediante la forza pubblica perché ormai si verificano continuamente eventi del genere, ma piuttosto nel fatto che, in questa circostanza, l’inquilino aveva già trovato un nuovo alloggio e che un semplice rinvio di una quindicina di giorni avrebbe consentito di evitare ad una famiglia il disagio, diciamo pure il trauma, di un provvedimento che è already difficult to accept when it is done in all normal but becomes shocking when the police to intervene.
seems natural, in fact, think of all that was lacking the ability to engage in dialogue among stakeholders - tenants and property - as well as the local authority is absent, we refer to the city alderman and responsible, which would perhaps the opportunity to suggest or more properly mediate to find a solution that would lead to a simple referral of the measure.
In all cases the whole story is a testament to what the situation of evictions (for end of lease and arrears) has become greatly conflicted about the lack of ability to act on the part of governments that have succeeded over time in the field of leases with laws which take into consideration the whole rented sector without resorting exclusively to a continuous block of evictions and unacceptable ( including those for non-payment) - and the impossibility, not only economic, local authorities (regions, provinces and municipalities) to assume a more proactive and comprehensive role in finding solutions.
E 'failure especially the ability to open up on proposals and suggestions from those subjects (representatives of the property and tenants in the first place) that living day by day these problems would suggest the possibility of shared solutions and alternative routes that the policy has come so far and have not yielded results and benefits. He preferred to leave it opened a "war among the poor" rather than have the humility to listen to those who might say something worthwhile accepting the situations that we saw in the introduction, indicative and symptomatic of a system now without any possibility of improvement if you do not choose to start from different methodologies and standards civilians.
little would be enough! Perhaps that "politics and politicians" who are able to simply listen with humility, at least sometimes, the problems they know best and for this could suggest better solutions than simply postponing or "extension".
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