Saturday, February 12, 2011

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effective strategies for the adjustment of the sale price of owner-seller How to manage the

Salvatore Coddetta, trainer specializing in real estate

There will be many times during his career di agente immobiliare professionale che avrai bisogno di modificare il prezzo di vendita della casa del venditore. Ecco una regola generale: se la casa è sul mercato per il 75% del tempo medio di vendita per la zona, hai bisogno di parlare di riduzione del prezzo con i proprietari venditori. Ad esempio, se il tempo medio di mercato nella vostra area è di 100 giorni, è necessario parlare con i vostri clienti venditori intorno al 70 ° o al 75° giorno. Usa il tuo giudizio, però. Se stai effettuando molte visite e prevedi di ricevere una proposta a breve, o se hai un acquirente che sta tornando a rivedere quella casa per la 2 o più volte, si consiglia di non ridurre il prezzo di vendita. In caso contrario, il mercato sta dicendo chiaramente that the house is not sold at the current price. At that point, you will need to convince the vendors to adapt their selling price.

An important note: when you go to a meeting with the owner seller for a price adjustment, not ever settle for anything less than 5% of original asking price. Preferably, you should go to get a 10% reduction or more, depending on market area and how it is acquired from his ministry. Small adjustments on houses that are priced much higher than their market value, usually have little impact on the market. Your sellers will think to make a liter of blood, providing a reduction of 5%, but buyers will be still cold. Here are the best times to discuss a price adjustment:

• When capturing! Already during the appointment to capture you need to talk with the owner of the seller to reduce the sale price, especially if one believes that the request is greater than 20-30% at market value. Ask this question: "If, in 60 days, we get offers for your home, how much you want to adjust your request to market value?" When responding, you can ask if they want to do it now, instead of losing money (interest , time, energy, etc.) while waiting for the market to tell us to do so.

• Write your adjustment in his role as the sale of the house. Many agents write the adaptation of the selling price directly on commissioning: "If you can not sell the house within 45 days of signing this agreement, the seller must reduce the price of x €. Moreover, if the house fails to sell within 90 days of signing this agreement, the seller must reduce the price of x € ". This is a very powerful tool for use with the sellers are very reluctant to grant the power to sell your home at a reasonable price.

• Immediately after submitting the property to other real estate agents. If you receive more than one negative feedback from others on the price Agents who work with you, go directly to the seller and tell your customer what your colleagues are saying about the price.

• After 75% of the average selling time for that. sometimes even before, depending on the level of activity and comments.

• If there are few visits in the first 4 weeks. If you make very few visits in the first 4 weeks, go to the seller client to obtain a reduction of the selling price.

• If you make a lot of hits, but no offers. something wrong with the house, where many people visit and no offers. Once a real estate agent I know told me that I have a job (with a heavy heart, and learned the lesson!) from a seller that the owner was on the market value of 30%. He said he made over 500 appointments in sales and retired only one proposal, the lowest 10% of the vendor's request. Sellers have declined the offer and the potential buyer withdrew the deal.

• Are you receiving more than a low bid. When more than one buyer makes a low offer, it is necessary to reconsider the price of the house. Bring your clients sellers to consider all offers. The lowest tenders are the best proof that the price is high.

• Have you lost a buyer for another home. This is an exciting time for sellers. It 's also the best time to discuss price reductions.

• Sellers are upset because their house is not visible. When sellers are angry are more motivated. They may have to complain about the lack of hits, probably because of the high price. In this situation you need to meet with them soon to discuss the issues of marketing and pricing.

Wishing your success in real estate,

Salvatore Coddetta , trainer, expert real estate

Final Tip: Salvatore organizza corsi di formazione per professionisti immobiliari. Per informazioni e iscrizioni visita il sito oppure scrivi a oppure chiama il numero 06 991 969 54


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