7 rules to show and sell real estate
Salvatore Coddetta, trainer
The ability to show and sell their homes is critical to success in real estate. Here are 7 rules that you should learn to show and sell homes with success rules that will make your sales efforts rewarded and will allow you to have a bank account richer.
Rule 1: Always be ready. Do not neglect this statement. Have you ever been in this situation: You're showing homes to buyers throughout the day. At about 16:00 arrive at a house where the customer begins to measure the rooms, placing furniture in his mind and emitting some kind of whining ... oooh and aahh. You're thinking: "This house is sold." While going through all the rooms of the house for the fourth time, you're thinking about that trip to Hawaii that could allow the commission you earn from this sale. You see already lying on the white sand beach, see the 'clear water ... life could not be better! Then the prospective buyer tells you that you want to make the proposal and at that moment you remember you forgot to bring with you a form to the proposed purchase. If you have not made this mistake, you will do at some point in your career. And hopefully you'll do it only once.
Some real estate agents when they see the homes to potential buyers are not mentally ready to make a deal. When you launch your potential buyer of the buy signal, you better be ready to sell a house. For example, some estate agents have known better than they do by offering buyers a commission for the purchase of their new home. Just as the sales office for the seller, they also make an appointment to purchase for the buyer. Moreover, if the potential buyer is committed to sign an agreement with a real estate agent to buy, have the expectation of buying a home very soon, do not you think?
R Egola 2: Define your priorities. Yes, I know, you want to sell ai vostri potenziali clienti una casa, ma per riuscirci dovreste pensare anche a qualcos'altro. Ecco un piccolo consiglio utile quando si fanno vedere delle case a dei potenziali compratori: Date delle priorità al vostro programma delle visite. Non fate vedere a questi signori tutti gli immobili che avete acquisito, ma mostrate loro solo le case che ragionevolmente corrispondono ai loro desideri. Se sarete in grado di rispondere a tutte le domande del compratore sulla casa, le vostre possibilità di negoziare e concludere una vendita saranno maggiori e potreste davvero prenotare quel viaggio alla Hawaii.
Regola 3: Qualificare, qualificare e qualificare sempre di più. Sapete già come qualificare, facendo domande! Nelle the following pages I'll show you what questions to ask, but for now, set the goal to qualify your prospect in your mind. Qualifying is the key to show houses to prospective buyers, because it keeps you from wasting time and money. Qualifying is the strategy to explore the motivation of potential buyers.
But remember this: the most important advantage is that you may qualify to say goodbye! You decide who to work with, on the grounds that the purchase will emerge from your work qualification. Working with unmotivated buyers is like having one of those dreams that follow for a lifetime, but never attained! The difference is that this time you're awake, you and the buyer is making a living nightmare from hell!
The job description does not stop once you have established the grounds for your account. You must also describe their desires and also the ability to purchase. The desires of your customers are different for each customer you meet. Listen carefully to your wishes. Do your best to give them what they want. If a house with four bedrooms is on top of their priority list, you will see that every house will have 4 bedrooms. I know this sounds simple, but you can not imagine how many realtors fall on this point! There
un altro punto: la cosa più importante è che è necessario comunicare agli acquirenti che l'acquisto di una casa comporta sempre dei compromessi. Non troverete mai una casa che corrisponderà esattamente ad ogni desiderio che rientra nella lista dei desideri di un acquirente. Gli acquirenti devono capire quello di cui non possono fare a meno e e essere flessibili con le caratteristiche a cui possono rinunciare. Vi mostrerò un modo sicuro per superare questo problema a breve, ma è necessario rafforzare nell'acquirente il bisogno di accettare dei compromessi. L'assegno per la vostra provvigione è a cavallo su questo aspetto!
Dovete anche sapere se hanno la possibilità di acquistare la casa che gli state descrivendo. The best thing is to find the house can be bought and the financing options available to them.
Rule 4: Know and understand buyers. Knowing and understanding offers buyers a large number of advantages. You need to know as much as possible on them to help them. From where? What is their occupation? bought a house in the past? their experience was good or bad? buyers do not know will not help you just to sell a house, but you will be extremely useful to continue to provide a service over the years.
know an agent that categorize occupations and hobbies of its customers in its database. When reading an article of particular interest for its client, the copy and sends it to its customers who have an interest in this field, always, of course, with a request for records of their relatives and friends who might need its services. About 85% of its clientele comes from its own customers reporting!
Rule 5: the more you communicate, the more you sell. is necessary to educate buyers on two issues. First, it is necessary to bring it to the buyers of all the details of the proposed transaction. Buying a home is one of the largest purchases in a single lifetime. Buyers add value to the information when faced with this process. Take time to educate buyers on how things work, what is the sequence of things to do, and what results to expect. Guide them in the completion of the purchase process.
Secondly, you need to educate buyers about the unique advantages to working with you than with anyone else. How? Refer to your Unique Selling Proposition, that unique selling proposition. They are not just words. You must convert the actions defined in USP. Ask yourself: "Why should a buyer choose to work with me than with anyone else?"
Rule 6: rationalize and support the decision to purchase. Never forget this (I said in primo capitolo): le persone prendono le loro decisioni d'acquisto sulla base delle emozione, quindi razionalizzano la loro decisione di acquisto con la logica. Come agente immobiliare, si ha più influenza sulla logica che sulle emozioni. Potete solo influenzare parzialmente il parere di una persona che ama una casa. Ma se decidono che a loro piace, potete essere un grande sostenitore della loro decisione di acquisto facendo notare le molte caratteristiche positive di quella casa. Ricorda, i benefici (ciò che una cosa fa) sono collegati alla parte emotiva, le caratteristiche (ciò che una cosa è) sono collegate alla logica.
È possibile influenzare la vendita di una casa coinvolgendo i venditori nel processo d'acquisto. Oltre to influence the sale by the conditions under which you are shown the house, real estate agents can provide buyers with examples of first-hand the benefits of the lifestyle of a home. Remember the last time you entertained anyone? or when all your family has gathered for Christmas, or when your friends are in love with your kitchen? Share these benefits with your customers.
Finally, make easier the task of selling to buyers. The sales transaction is easy when buyers are felt important and special. The company is trying to make us become a commodity, to make us all equal. Everyone and everything in life we \u200b\u200bhave become standardized. But people want stand, wants to be special. When you recognize the uniqueness of a person, you feel important.
Rule 7: Close the sale. The closing of the sale goes through the performance of the house and its features, handling objections, the signing of contracts, financing, etc.. The closing of the sale becomes much easier when you watch the first 6 rules to show sell the property.
's an important tip for working with buyers: let them take the decision to purchase. A lot of times we wonder if the buyers can afford a house, or take for granted that a certain house does not fall in their style of life. This is wrong. Guide them through the process, but they do take their purchasing decisions (by helping to carry out the decision, of course!)
Wishing your success in real estate,
Salvatore Coddetta, trainer specializing in real estate
Tip final form of organized courses in real estate sales. For information and registration visit www.formarealestate.it
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