VAT on TIA: The government wants to delete everything!
seems that legal certainty in the recent past should be even less fashionable than ever.
causing considerable concern items that run in the national press about the intention of the majority, supported upon the agreement of the government, to reset - taking advantage of the decree "incentives" - The acquired rights of citizens. This, under the ruling of the Constitutional Court ruled that the illegality of the application of VAT on the TIA and consequently the repayment obligation on the part of the service providers of the amount paid and owed.
This would be where the concern did not translate into reality, a real theft of hundreds of dollars to the detriment of families over the past decade have paid sums in excess of the amount due, arriving in the future to make legitimate application VAT in the form of course hidden by adding the amount at the same rate. Even
production activities, which currently bring in deduct the VAT paid (and here it is very substantial sums of money), would be to suffer significant damage: this is no longer possible and therefore necessary to cope with a rising cost.
A decision, which we refer to, which, if adopted by a legislative measure, not only would give a further blow to the already limited household incomes, but would eliminate a sacred right acquired by virtue of a ruling by the Supreme Court. However, it has not done is establish the basic principle (obviously not in our country) dell'inapplicabilità a tax on tax.
In the above, we must add the fact that a measure that would follow further harm - prank-el'ennesima to citizens and taxpayers who have already denied the refund of the fee applied to the purification of water consumption bills even in the absence of facilities for unlawful increasingly recognized by Constitutional Court.
Here's why the opening sentence: the above proves that the certainty of the law in Italy do not care much.
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