Rentals irregular: what solutions?
Special outcry raised the news reported by almost all newspapers - echoed by some local radio stations - the Guardia di Finanza, after a series of tests which covered fifty positions, found that half of leases is "black" with tax evasion of almost € 300,000 in the first six months of this year. It is, as specifying the newspapers, a number of findings made in the city of Florence and some of main towns in the province (among others Campi Bisenzio, Scandicci, Empoli) crossing data contained in some databases, based on replies to a questionnaire sent to many students at the University of Florence and, of course, on the basis of reports exposed and received by the Financial Police and the Municipal Police of Florence. This
in essential terms that certainly hits the news but not surprising because many times we too have spoken on the subject noting our opposition to a despicable method, however, how widespread tax evasion in many sectors and activities, which not only pollutes but the market makes it impossible to reach, would have to say finally, ad un diverso sistema fiscale sui redditi da locazione basato sulla più volte promessa - anche dall’attuale primo ministro in campagna elettorale - e mai attuata cedolare secca sulle locazioni. Pur non essendo assolutamente ingiustificabile l’evasione, che come detto danneggia tutti i cittadini corretti ed onesti impedendo la rimodulazione delle aliquote in base alle entrate tributarie effettive, è evidente come l’attuale livello di imposte che gravano sulla casa in generale (mitigato solo in parte minimale dall’abolizione dell’ICI sull’abitazione principale) e sulle locazioni in particolare sia arrivato ad un punto tale di onerosità da incentivare questo censurabile comportamento. Abbiamo già fatto notare nelle scorse weeks as a study done by Confedilizia demonstrates that the proposed solution, we repeat welcomed by all political forces, the majority and the opposition does not cause these distortions described by the government in tax revenues since the legalization of many of the existing contracts, resulting from the coupon on dry rental income would cover much of the loss of income for the tax reduction (linked now to the progressivity of the income of the owner of the property) and allow the return of a number of vacant housing on the market that they are too - but not only - for tax reasons. This result would lead to the simultaneous reduction of other costs that the state supports (through local authorities) to provide accommodation to those who do not have or to help with contributions of various kinds, those who can not cope with the rent.
We have repeatedly asked the government to implement this measure at least for the housing lease agreements facilitated by accepting that the owners (and our association that represents them at the regular talks) show maximum cooperation and openness in return they receive little cooperation from some common, see the case of Florence, reserving the right to claim payment of ICI return, of course, time and convenience to the lessor. If this is the system to encourage the hiring and an end to the scourge of black is not a good start!
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