Florence: a new way for the hiring
Il Comune di Firenze, rappresentato dall’assessore al patrimonio, e le organizzazioni sindacali degli inquilini e dei proprietari - compresa ovviamente Confedilizia - hanno stipulato un protocollo d’intesa which reimburses the ICI (municipal property tax) for owners who either fail to rent an apartment, as provided in Article 2 of Law 431/98, without increasing the fee from the previous agreement of 2004. With this agreement, which will be deliberated during the session came the May 19, 2009, was given an important contribution to the signing of agreements on territorial housing rentals by the trade union of tenants and landowners: a step - a small but significant - to reduce the tax burden on the rentals, even if the hope is always oriented to the application of Confedilizia Income from the coupon dry. The agreement does not provide this possibility for large properties such as banks, insurance companies, cooperatives or at least all those who have an availability of more than 30 residential units rented for residential purposes.
Confedilizia has expressed his deep appreciation for this initiative, which takes on even more importance because it is aimed to support tenants in a time of grave economic crisis. With the measure, also create the conditions for a possible enlargement of the market for renting to vacancies and the simultaneous reduction of the phenomenon and wanted to rent to black. Interesting
the planned establishment di un “sistema informativo che comprende un osservatorio territoriale per il monitoraggio del mercato abitativo, una commissione per la formazione professionale degli operatori del settore e un’agenzia per favorire lo sviluppo del mercato agevolando l’incontro tra domanda ed offerta”. Eccellente la decisione di “istituire un fondo con finalità di solidarietà per sostenere gli inquilini che non sono in grado di pagare l’affitto a causa di motivi di salute, licenziamento e disagi economici dovuti a rapporti di lavoro precario”.
Questa la notizia che nella sua essenzialità dice moltissimo in merito al problema delle locazioni. Vorremmo aggiungere che finalmente quello cha da molto tempo sollecitiamo – come the establishment of a committee and an information system - begins to find partners and shares in the entity is in the public and tenants' associations. Our position has always been to pay close attention to a problem that we have ever seen not only in terms of our role as representatives of the common property, but also the tenants, considering a very important synergies between associations for the purpose of finding solutions are more just and fair especially with respect to persons living on their skin the difficulty of finding a house and be able to bear the cost. Not a sectarian vision, then, but a strong contribution of our association for the solution of one of the most important issues of our country home. We hope that as soon as is possible to reach similar agreements with all municipalities in the province, but, of course, do not abandon the most important battle, constituted as mentioned above from the coupon income on dry lease. In the drawer we have letters of commitment by the government as well as representatives of the opposition. It would be appropriate that someone started to take the appropriate result. Only then will reach the maximum opportunity to finally unlock this area.
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