Water: a comparison between Publiacqua, ombudsmen and Confedilizia. Something is happening!
The conference organized by the Delegation of Confedilizia Campi Bisenzio-Signa and the territorial headquarters of the association of Florence in collaboration with the Presidency of the Municipal Council of Campi Bisenzio, held May 21 at the Auditorium of the U.S. Savings Bank Florence has been an important turning point in view of the creation of a permanent base for comparison between all those involved in water services and / or they address some of their activities.
Being able to put together - perhaps for the first time - the President of Publiacqua, Amos Cecchi, the defender regional ombudsman, George Morales, Florence, Alberto Brasca, and municipalities of the plain, Emanuele Pellicanò, in addition to the summits of Confedilizia and Campi Bisenzio Firenze-Signa, Nino Scripelliti and Antonio Esposito, representing the property owners and managers condominium is an important signal on the mutual desire to know the problems and then deal with them in the future in the best way for the benefit of citizens / users.
were laid on the table all the issues that represent almost all of those reported by citizens to the ombudsmen and the problems that the building managers or individual home owners are faced daily becoming a source of disagreement, complaints and protests against the establishment of the service provider, but - most importantly - a comparison with open and clear, are there any proposals to improve service and relationships between people and Publiacqua also be realized through other meetings and the enhancement of joint commissions.
The Ombudsman of the City of Florence, Alberto Brasca, after stating that the practices of which occupies its office does not have a statistical value, focused "on a lot of complaints arising from the non-operation of the meter readings, as well as provided by the card services, issuing of bills with very high amounts. The problem becomes dramatic if one could read the other there is a hidden loss. In these cases you can reach substantial numbers to which people sometimes are not able to cope. " Another source of complaints made to the Ombudsman is the lack of clarity in the bill - not just Publiacqua but especially those of the company "delivered" - which are "filled with formulas often very general, so for us it is difficult to reach understand its meaning and why. " Finally - Brasca said - there is a sore point of the deposit that is the amount that you pay when signing the contract. "In Florence are frequent cases of contracts by the duration of even a few years, a typical example the case of students, and when the contract is broken we no longer know who to ask for refund of deposit. The money is paid to the fact that contact information is then turned over to them Publiacqua so if you ask them to tell you to refer first to the second. Publiacqua And the problem is ... very confused. "
A problem, reported by other ombudsmen as it is extended to the entire territory, which defines Brasca "drama" is the closing of the water. "Sometimes, for a single user boyfriend, close the water to the entire building, including all users who have paid regularly. People who live of course always paid all this as a profound injustice, often the information is also very weak: Publiacqua makes a sort of "cassettinaggio, put into boxes of leaflets that can easily get lost. E 'success is that people are having to remove the water without any warning. "
The ombudsman of the common plane, Emanuele Pellicanò, pointed out that the problems raised by citizens are largely similar with the first 'hidden losses, aggravated by delays in meter reading and billing. Just billings infrequent, the rate of one bill per year, are another sore point, while still less known is the insurance against hidden leaks, the bill provides that with a few euro a year to cover any "crazy bills" due to its flaws in the pipes. Even in the flat complain often incomprehensible bills and difficulty in becoming the deposit back. " Interesting and evaluated - for Pellicano - is a problem that seems to concern mainly Sesto Fiorentino and Campi Bisenzio: that of the inner courtyards. "There are gray areas where the border area between the public and private life is uncertain, even for the municipal offices, and are unable to determine who should take action to repair a fault. In addition Calenzano the problems of an outage, the taps remain dry as it also happened in the town hall. Also important is the question of who buys a new house with the manufacturer that ensures the existence of the water supply to the outlets while Publiacqua supports the need to build a new network. One gets the impression, perhaps more than this, a buck and a rebound of expertise in which the citizen is crushed. "
Friday, May 29, 2009
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Tuscany: building increasingly in crisis
It was broken for the moment the dream of most families in Tuscany, but especially young couples, who were at the top of their wish to have a new house in una bella zona – possibilmente residenziale – e, magari, dotata di garage e giardino. La crisi ha contribuito notevolmente, anche se i primi segnali si rilevavano già precedentemente, ad infrangere questa speranza ed alle difficoltà già notevoli provocate dai costi dei mutui si sono aggiunti i problemi creati dalla consistente incidenza del carico fiscale che grava in modo molto più alto sulle nuove costruzioni che nei confronti di quelle usate. Si tratta di un rapporto di tre ad uno (per semplificare da circa il 10% per le nuove case al 3% per quelle usate) che in tempi di difficoltà economiche e di accesso ai mutui sono pur sempre un carico non indifferente per gli eventuali acquirenti. La conseguenza più importante e gli most important effects are that, basically, the market for new homes is quite firm even if the recessionary effects are felt all over the building industry with prospects certainly not all rosy for the current year. Even during last year's 2008 trades had declined consistently - two digits - with peaks of more than 18% less for the province and a result of almost 14% reduction for the provincial capitals for purchases made without recourse mortgages, and even more significant is the decline in sales that use the aid of banks fell during the same year more than 27%. All this shows that a clear difficulty access to loans for a different attitude of the banks, who buy a house prefer a cautious, confirmed also by the length of the loans (extended by more than 2%) or to use its own resources.
Another significant finding is that concerning the duration of the negotiations that have gone from about three to six months and beyond highlighting the willingness of the seller from the sale of the property to obtain the maximum possible - as close to the assessments of 2008 - and that of ' buyer to obtain the maximum discount. The result of this is the stagnation of the negotiations and the significant reduction in property prices for the housing sector that falls of 12% in the capital city and a province in 15% (respectively -17% and -15% for the commercial sector) and an impressive decline in sales of real estate agencies have generally fallen by more than 20% and a more serious situation for our city to 25%, with more than 30% in the third quarter of 2008.
It 'obvious that this situation is even more significant and dramatic when one considers that the economy of the country - and our region are no exception - the construction sector has always been seen as crucial for the fate of the entire socio- Italian economy and the crisis in this sector is indicative of the difficulties della nazione nel suo insieme. Ai grossi problemi occupazionali che si vengono a determinare (oltre agli addetti al settore edile si deve considerare anche tutto l’indotto ed i servizi ad esso collegati) si creeranno non poche difficoltà per la maggior parte dei comuni italiani che spesso, forse troppo, hanno basato i propri bilanci sulle entrate degli oneri urbanistici non preoccupandosi di intervenire con provvedimenti strutturali per la conduzione amministrativa e meno che mai con una sana politica di riduzione dei costi.
It was broken for the moment the dream of most families in Tuscany, but especially young couples, who were at the top of their wish to have a new house in una bella zona – possibilmente residenziale – e, magari, dotata di garage e giardino. La crisi ha contribuito notevolmente, anche se i primi segnali si rilevavano già precedentemente, ad infrangere questa speranza ed alle difficoltà già notevoli provocate dai costi dei mutui si sono aggiunti i problemi creati dalla consistente incidenza del carico fiscale che grava in modo molto più alto sulle nuove costruzioni che nei confronti di quelle usate. Si tratta di un rapporto di tre ad uno (per semplificare da circa il 10% per le nuove case al 3% per quelle usate) che in tempi di difficoltà economiche e di accesso ai mutui sono pur sempre un carico non indifferente per gli eventuali acquirenti. La conseguenza più importante e gli most important effects are that, basically, the market for new homes is quite firm even if the recessionary effects are felt all over the building industry with prospects certainly not all rosy for the current year. Even during last year's 2008 trades had declined consistently - two digits - with peaks of more than 18% less for the province and a result of almost 14% reduction for the provincial capitals for purchases made without recourse mortgages, and even more significant is the decline in sales that use the aid of banks fell during the same year more than 27%. All this shows that a clear difficulty access to loans for a different attitude of the banks, who buy a house prefer a cautious, confirmed also by the length of the loans (extended by more than 2%) or to use its own resources.
Another significant finding is that concerning the duration of the negotiations that have gone from about three to six months and beyond highlighting the willingness of the seller from the sale of the property to obtain the maximum possible - as close to the assessments of 2008 - and that of ' buyer to obtain the maximum discount. The result of this is the stagnation of the negotiations and the significant reduction in property prices for the housing sector that falls of 12% in the capital city and a province in 15% (respectively -17% and -15% for the commercial sector) and an impressive decline in sales of real estate agencies have generally fallen by more than 20% and a more serious situation for our city to 25%, with more than 30% in the third quarter of 2008.
It 'obvious that this situation is even more significant and dramatic when one considers that the economy of the country - and our region are no exception - the construction sector has always been seen as crucial for the fate of the entire socio- Italian economy and the crisis in this sector is indicative of the difficulties della nazione nel suo insieme. Ai grossi problemi occupazionali che si vengono a determinare (oltre agli addetti al settore edile si deve considerare anche tutto l’indotto ed i servizi ad esso collegati) si creeranno non poche difficoltà per la maggior parte dei comuni italiani che spesso, forse troppo, hanno basato i propri bilanci sulle entrate degli oneri urbanistici non preoccupandosi di intervenire con provvedimenti strutturali per la conduzione amministrativa e meno che mai con una sana politica di riduzione dei costi.
Friday, May 22, 2009
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Florence: a new way for the hiring
Il Comune di Firenze, rappresentato dall’assessore al patrimonio, e le organizzazioni sindacali degli inquilini e dei proprietari - compresa ovviamente Confedilizia - hanno stipulato un protocollo d’intesa which reimburses the ICI (municipal property tax) for owners who either fail to rent an apartment, as provided in Article 2 of Law 431/98, without increasing the fee from the previous agreement of 2004. With this agreement, which will be deliberated during the session came the May 19, 2009, was given an important contribution to the signing of agreements on territorial housing rentals by the trade union of tenants and landowners: a step - a small but significant - to reduce the tax burden on the rentals, even if the hope is always oriented to the application of Confedilizia Income from the coupon dry. The agreement does not provide this possibility for large properties such as banks, insurance companies, cooperatives or at least all those who have an availability of more than 30 residential units rented for residential purposes.
Confedilizia has expressed his deep appreciation for this initiative, which takes on even more importance because it is aimed to support tenants in a time of grave economic crisis. With the measure, also create the conditions for a possible enlargement of the market for renting to vacancies and the simultaneous reduction of the phenomenon and wanted to rent to black. Interesting
the planned establishment di un “sistema informativo che comprende un osservatorio territoriale per il monitoraggio del mercato abitativo, una commissione per la formazione professionale degli operatori del settore e un’agenzia per favorire lo sviluppo del mercato agevolando l’incontro tra domanda ed offerta”. Eccellente la decisione di “istituire un fondo con finalità di solidarietà per sostenere gli inquilini che non sono in grado di pagare l’affitto a causa di motivi di salute, licenziamento e disagi economici dovuti a rapporti di lavoro precario”.
Questa la notizia che nella sua essenzialità dice moltissimo in merito al problema delle locazioni. Vorremmo aggiungere che finalmente quello cha da molto tempo sollecitiamo – come the establishment of a committee and an information system - begins to find partners and shares in the entity is in the public and tenants' associations. Our position has always been to pay close attention to a problem that we have ever seen not only in terms of our role as representatives of the common property, but also the tenants, considering a very important synergies between associations for the purpose of finding solutions are more just and fair especially with respect to persons living on their skin the difficulty of finding a house and be able to bear the cost. Not a sectarian vision, then, but a strong contribution of our association for the solution of one of the most important issues of our country home. We hope that as soon as is possible to reach similar agreements with all municipalities in the province, but, of course, do not abandon the most important battle, constituted as mentioned above from the coupon income on dry lease. In the drawer we have letters of commitment by the government as well as representatives of the opposition. It would be appropriate that someone started to take the appropriate result. Only then will reach the maximum opportunity to finally unlock this area.
Il Comune di Firenze, rappresentato dall’assessore al patrimonio, e le organizzazioni sindacali degli inquilini e dei proprietari - compresa ovviamente Confedilizia - hanno stipulato un protocollo d’intesa which reimburses the ICI (municipal property tax) for owners who either fail to rent an apartment, as provided in Article 2 of Law 431/98, without increasing the fee from the previous agreement of 2004. With this agreement, which will be deliberated during the session came the May 19, 2009, was given an important contribution to the signing of agreements on territorial housing rentals by the trade union of tenants and landowners: a step - a small but significant - to reduce the tax burden on the rentals, even if the hope is always oriented to the application of Confedilizia Income from the coupon dry. The agreement does not provide this possibility for large properties such as banks, insurance companies, cooperatives or at least all those who have an availability of more than 30 residential units rented for residential purposes.
Confedilizia has expressed his deep appreciation for this initiative, which takes on even more importance because it is aimed to support tenants in a time of grave economic crisis. With the measure, also create the conditions for a possible enlargement of the market for renting to vacancies and the simultaneous reduction of the phenomenon and wanted to rent to black. Interesting
the planned establishment di un “sistema informativo che comprende un osservatorio territoriale per il monitoraggio del mercato abitativo, una commissione per la formazione professionale degli operatori del settore e un’agenzia per favorire lo sviluppo del mercato agevolando l’incontro tra domanda ed offerta”. Eccellente la decisione di “istituire un fondo con finalità di solidarietà per sostenere gli inquilini che non sono in grado di pagare l’affitto a causa di motivi di salute, licenziamento e disagi economici dovuti a rapporti di lavoro precario”.
Questa la notizia che nella sua essenzialità dice moltissimo in merito al problema delle locazioni. Vorremmo aggiungere che finalmente quello cha da molto tempo sollecitiamo – come the establishment of a committee and an information system - begins to find partners and shares in the entity is in the public and tenants' associations. Our position has always been to pay close attention to a problem that we have ever seen not only in terms of our role as representatives of the common property, but also the tenants, considering a very important synergies between associations for the purpose of finding solutions are more just and fair especially with respect to persons living on their skin the difficulty of finding a house and be able to bear the cost. Not a sectarian vision, then, but a strong contribution of our association for the solution of one of the most important issues of our country home. We hope that as soon as is possible to reach similar agreements with all municipalities in the province, but, of course, do not abandon the most important battle, constituted as mentioned above from the coupon income on dry lease. In the drawer we have letters of commitment by the government as well as representatives of the opposition. It would be appropriate that someone started to take the appropriate result. Only then will reach the maximum opportunity to finally unlock this area.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
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E 'therefore c ondition necessary to have a job. No matter whether full-time or part-time, the important thing is to bring home a paycheck at the end of the month.
In this period of crisis, find a job is not easy.
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Try it and tell me what you think.
Friday, May 15, 2009
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Water: a conference to "clear" ideas
Often the media (radio, television and print) news report protests by citizens. They are often consumer groups to put the blame on the management of the water and, in particular, the problem of fees that represent a considerable burden on families especially at a time of economic crisis going to exacerbate a difficult situation already evident in many sectors of the population. Moreover, with increasing frequency, reports of Ombudsmen on the applications submitted by citizens see their own at the top complaints related to water and service billing.
It seemed appropriate to make a point about the situation and possibly suggest, in view of the user, any possible, every effort to a more efficient and more equitable an essential service such as water supply, increasingly valuable to cu of course you can not do without - of course without the waste that were once frequent and more extensive than you might think - if you want to maintain that level of civilization attained by Western countries.
Far from wanting to intervene in this matter based on extensive discussions of methods of management of a valuable asset just like water - that is, whether to public or private - and even less in the political sphere through an analysis of the subsidiaries of the world - like most of the utilities of the service - in this only to consider the problems we encounter rates (just as the title of the conference "with the filter from the tap), the reflections of the recent ruling by the Constitutional Court on the charge of sewage, the manner of performing the service and billing for blocks implications of contracts for service delivery in condominiums.
The presence of speakers at the conference cited as the main representative of one of the leading companies, Publiacqua - President Amos Cecchi - and regional ombudsmen (George Morales), the city of Florence (Alberto Braschi) and Communities of Piana (Emanuele Pellicanò) will be one part the guarantee of a thorough examination of the "water world" and the other in the hope that concrete proposals will emerge, if only for the experience and professionalism of persons referred to above.
our part - Confedilizia of Florence and the delegation of Campi Bisenzio, and Signa - we can be satisfied from the outset (and a bit 'proud) that we offer the opportunity not only to our members, but to all citizens and particular to the industry, to confront the people who know better than anyone else the water world and its problems.
will be our task to make us not miss the opportunity exceptional that it has transformed into an opportunity - even future - to work together to improve a vital service.
Often the media (radio, television and print) news report protests by citizens. They are often consumer groups to put the blame on the management of the water and, in particular, the problem of fees that represent a considerable burden on families especially at a time of economic crisis going to exacerbate a difficult situation already evident in many sectors of the population. Moreover, with increasing frequency, reports of Ombudsmen on the applications submitted by citizens see their own at the top complaints related to water and service billing.
It seemed appropriate to make a point about the situation and possibly suggest, in view of the user, any possible, every effort to a more efficient and more equitable an essential service such as water supply, increasingly valuable to cu of course you can not do without - of course without the waste that were once frequent and more extensive than you might think - if you want to maintain that level of civilization attained by Western countries.
Far from wanting to intervene in this matter based on extensive discussions of methods of management of a valuable asset just like water - that is, whether to public or private - and even less in the political sphere through an analysis of the subsidiaries of the world - like most of the utilities of the service - in this only to consider the problems we encounter rates (just as the title of the conference "with the filter from the tap), the reflections of the recent ruling by the Constitutional Court on the charge of sewage, the manner of performing the service and billing for blocks implications of contracts for service delivery in condominiums.
The presence of speakers at the conference cited as the main representative of one of the leading companies, Publiacqua - President Amos Cecchi - and regional ombudsmen (George Morales), the city of Florence (Alberto Braschi) and Communities of Piana (Emanuele Pellicanò) will be one part the guarantee of a thorough examination of the "water world" and the other in the hope that concrete proposals will emerge, if only for the experience and professionalism of persons referred to above.
our part - Confedilizia of Florence and the delegation of Campi Bisenzio, and Signa - we can be satisfied from the outset (and a bit 'proud) that we offer the opportunity not only to our members, but to all citizens and particular to the industry, to confront the people who know better than anyone else the water world and its problems.
will be our task to make us not miss the opportunity exceptional that it has transformed into an opportunity - even future - to work together to improve a vital service.
Friday, May 8, 2009
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Budget 2008: Energy and redevelopment tax
A super tax bonus with the possibility of recovery option. This in a nutshell, the financial innovations introduced by 2008, which provided the opportunity for taxpayers to share the tax credit of 55% of the costs incurred in a number of installments of equal amount of not less than three and not more than ten on the basis of a choice to be expressed by the taxpayer when the first deduction and will no longer be editable. Are excluded from the opportunity costs incurred in 2007 which will be subject obligation to deduct in three annual installments as previously expected.
The super tax deduction is a benefit reserved for those taxpayers who, on the basis of a legal, own or hold a property for which were made in order to achieve energy savings and condominiums where such interventions have been made on the common parts Monthly. The deduction will be allowed also to cohabiting (living together must be stable and not limited, episodic - as clarified by the Revenue - and there before the work) as the holder of the owner of the house where the interventions provided that the same have sostenute le spese con intestazione al loro nominativo delle fatture e dei bonifici. Ovviamente il diritto alla detrazione compete per interventi realizzati su edifici esistenti e di qualsiasi categoria catastale, rurali compresi.
E’ doveroso ricordare che la detrazione fiscale è prevista per una somma massima di 100.000 euro per interventi di riqualificazione energetica e fino a 60.000 euro per opere relative all’involucro degli edifici. Per i nostri lettori è opportuno specificare che rientrano nelle opere di cui sopra interventi su edifici o parti di essi attinenti pareti, coperture e pavimenti, forniture e posa in opera di materiali per coibentazione, di nuove finestre comprensive di infissi e di miglioramento termico dei vetri esistenti. Sono also deductible up to a maximum of € 60,000 expenses incurred for the installation of solar panels for hot water and, finally, to a maximum of 30,000 euro to replace those, or part of the winter heating systems exist with systems equipped with condensing boilers and in conjunction with the finalization of the distribution system.
This category is included, with effect from 1 January 2008, replacement, even if partial, winter conditioning systems equipped with high efficiency heat pump or with low enthalpy geothermal plants with the simultaneous development and balancing system distribution. Said that benefits are excluded from the action taken during the construction of buildings, it is clear that the superbonus 55% can not be combined with the income tax deduction of 36% provided for the recovery of existing buildings, while others are compatible types of incentives such as grants or loans to be subject to separate taxation.
The maximum allowance payable should refer to the real estate unit which must be divided between taxpayers (as stated above holders or owners of the property) who participated in the expenditure on account of the amount actually paid. Similarly for action at the condominium, the maximum amount of deduction is connected to each of the units immobiliari che compongono l’edificio con la sola eccezione dell’intervento di riqualificazione energetica che attiene all’intero edificio. Infatti in quest’ultima evenienza l’ammontare massimo di 100.000 euro dovrà essere ripartito tra i condomini che avranno diritto all’incentivazione fiscale. A tutte queste spese detraibili dovranno essere sommate quelle relative alle prestazioni professionali, quelle sostenute per la realizzazione degli interventi nonché quelle necessarie per ottenere la certificazione richiesta per l’ottenimento del beneficio.
Come avviene per le detrazioni fiscali del 36% per ristrutturazioni edilizie è condizione indispensabile che i pagamenti vengano effettuati mediante bonifico bancario o postale nei quali dovranno risultare la causale del versamento, il codice fiscale del contribuente beneficiario della detrazione, il codice fiscale o partita IVA del soggetto in favore del quale il pagamento viene effettuato. Infine, sempre in analogia con le detrazioni fiscali del 36%, sulle fatture dovrà essere specificato il costo della manodopera utilizzata per la realizzazione delle opere.
A super tax bonus with the possibility of recovery option. This in a nutshell, the financial innovations introduced by 2008, which provided the opportunity for taxpayers to share the tax credit of 55% of the costs incurred in a number of installments of equal amount of not less than three and not more than ten on the basis of a choice to be expressed by the taxpayer when the first deduction and will no longer be editable. Are excluded from the opportunity costs incurred in 2007 which will be subject obligation to deduct in three annual installments as previously expected.
The super tax deduction is a benefit reserved for those taxpayers who, on the basis of a legal, own or hold a property for which were made in order to achieve energy savings and condominiums where such interventions have been made on the common parts Monthly. The deduction will be allowed also to cohabiting (living together must be stable and not limited, episodic - as clarified by the Revenue - and there before the work) as the holder of the owner of the house where the interventions provided that the same have sostenute le spese con intestazione al loro nominativo delle fatture e dei bonifici. Ovviamente il diritto alla detrazione compete per interventi realizzati su edifici esistenti e di qualsiasi categoria catastale, rurali compresi.
E’ doveroso ricordare che la detrazione fiscale è prevista per una somma massima di 100.000 euro per interventi di riqualificazione energetica e fino a 60.000 euro per opere relative all’involucro degli edifici. Per i nostri lettori è opportuno specificare che rientrano nelle opere di cui sopra interventi su edifici o parti di essi attinenti pareti, coperture e pavimenti, forniture e posa in opera di materiali per coibentazione, di nuove finestre comprensive di infissi e di miglioramento termico dei vetri esistenti. Sono also deductible up to a maximum of € 60,000 expenses incurred for the installation of solar panels for hot water and, finally, to a maximum of 30,000 euro to replace those, or part of the winter heating systems exist with systems equipped with condensing boilers and in conjunction with the finalization of the distribution system.
This category is included, with effect from 1 January 2008, replacement, even if partial, winter conditioning systems equipped with high efficiency heat pump or with low enthalpy geothermal plants with the simultaneous development and balancing system distribution. Said that benefits are excluded from the action taken during the construction of buildings, it is clear that the superbonus 55% can not be combined with the income tax deduction of 36% provided for the recovery of existing buildings, while others are compatible types of incentives such as grants or loans to be subject to separate taxation.
The maximum allowance payable should refer to the real estate unit which must be divided between taxpayers (as stated above holders or owners of the property) who participated in the expenditure on account of the amount actually paid. Similarly for action at the condominium, the maximum amount of deduction is connected to each of the units immobiliari che compongono l’edificio con la sola eccezione dell’intervento di riqualificazione energetica che attiene all’intero edificio. Infatti in quest’ultima evenienza l’ammontare massimo di 100.000 euro dovrà essere ripartito tra i condomini che avranno diritto all’incentivazione fiscale. A tutte queste spese detraibili dovranno essere sommate quelle relative alle prestazioni professionali, quelle sostenute per la realizzazione degli interventi nonché quelle necessarie per ottenere la certificazione richiesta per l’ottenimento del beneficio.
Come avviene per le detrazioni fiscali del 36% per ristrutturazioni edilizie è condizione indispensabile che i pagamenti vengano effettuati mediante bonifico bancario o postale nei quali dovranno risultare la causale del versamento, il codice fiscale del contribuente beneficiario della detrazione, il codice fiscale o partita IVA del soggetto in favore del quale il pagamento viene effettuato. Infine, sempre in analogia con le detrazioni fiscali del 36%, sulle fatture dovrà essere specificato il costo della manodopera utilizzata per la realizzazione delle opere.
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The quake, the pamphlet hip
Sembra che il terremoto de L’Aquila e di parte della sua provincia abbia aperto la strada a tutti quei provvedimenti che più volte erano stati proposti e che da più parti, ovviamente da Confedilizia in primo luogo, erano stati non solo contestati, ma anche contrastati con successo nelle rispettive sedi di competenza. Alla insurance against natural disasters (but they always?) on which we expressed our opinion in the weeks before - with particular reference to what is already paid by homeowners for the reclamation work on streams of varying importance and without considering what is already being taken for the same reason, out of general taxation - is now added to an old warhorse by lobby interested in creating this new bussiness: the book home. We could not miss, of course, among those pushing for the establishment of this instrument, the Appeals rejected several times by us promoted, ANCI, always ready to impose charges for condominium owners and home. The association mentioned not only reiterated the adoption of the "house book", but also advances the claim to indicate the solutions to achieve its purpose, suggesting that the book "is written in a form simplified by removing all the problematic aspects that have caused the use of Tar Confedilizia.
Anci is forgotten, however, deliberately, that the question of the book can not be simply resolved by the "simplified" means the law - as stated clearly and verbatim from the Judgement of Tar - "not subject to modification and works on buildings of any generalized gender, age and condition. Consequently, Again according to which we refer, investigations in order to avoid excessive costs and without regard to their weight on the economic conditions of the owners, should be recommended only in cases of obvious and inevitable need not be deferred, if necessary with the graduation of remedies accomplish. "
evident then that the booklet home is connected only to cases of necessity "obvious, inevitable and can not be postponed! But probably - certainly contrary - the Anci, always ready to pontificate, should have the decency to continue the sentencing of Tar. In so doing learn that the same rule also says this: "Nor can it be argued that, after all, the file serves to maximize security and prevent tragedies such as those related to collapse of entire buildings, since, in the present cases (cases of collapse, ed), failed not the case on the building, but a careful control public that it would take time for exercise and that the PA and he is eligible to play regardless of the existence of the dossier. "
We would like to point out to his hip and authoritative representatives of the tragic event that earthquake in Italy - and were no less than other pseudo natural disasters occurred in the last fifty years - would have had to learn much more important and more comprehensive information than just a "house book". Among these, for example, the need for local authorities (which would be a simple act due) to carry out their supervisory duties on the projects presented and, even more, the observance of standards, of course, also the earthquake, all ' act of constructing buildings that would not be the most important task?
Sembra che il terremoto de L’Aquila e di parte della sua provincia abbia aperto la strada a tutti quei provvedimenti che più volte erano stati proposti e che da più parti, ovviamente da Confedilizia in primo luogo, erano stati non solo contestati, ma anche contrastati con successo nelle rispettive sedi di competenza. Alla insurance against natural disasters (but they always?) on which we expressed our opinion in the weeks before - with particular reference to what is already paid by homeowners for the reclamation work on streams of varying importance and without considering what is already being taken for the same reason, out of general taxation - is now added to an old warhorse by lobby interested in creating this new bussiness: the book home. We could not miss, of course, among those pushing for the establishment of this instrument, the Appeals rejected several times by us promoted, ANCI, always ready to impose charges for condominium owners and home. The association mentioned not only reiterated the adoption of the "house book", but also advances the claim to indicate the solutions to achieve its purpose, suggesting that the book "is written in a form simplified by removing all the problematic aspects that have caused the use of Tar Confedilizia.
Anci is forgotten, however, deliberately, that the question of the book can not be simply resolved by the "simplified" means the law - as stated clearly and verbatim from the Judgement of Tar - "not subject to modification and works on buildings of any generalized gender, age and condition. Consequently, Again according to which we refer, investigations in order to avoid excessive costs and without regard to their weight on the economic conditions of the owners, should be recommended only in cases of obvious and inevitable need not be deferred, if necessary with the graduation of remedies accomplish. "
evident then that the booklet home is connected only to cases of necessity "obvious, inevitable and can not be postponed! But probably - certainly contrary - the Anci, always ready to pontificate, should have the decency to continue the sentencing of Tar. In so doing learn that the same rule also says this: "Nor can it be argued that, after all, the file serves to maximize security and prevent tragedies such as those related to collapse of entire buildings, since, in the present cases (cases of collapse, ed), failed not the case on the building, but a careful control public that it would take time for exercise and that the PA and he is eligible to play regardless of the existence of the dossier. "
We would like to point out to his hip and authoritative representatives of the tragic event that earthquake in Italy - and were no less than other pseudo natural disasters occurred in the last fifty years - would have had to learn much more important and more comprehensive information than just a "house book". Among these, for example, the need for local authorities (which would be a simple act due) to carry out their supervisory duties on the projects presented and, even more, the observance of standards, of course, also the earthquake, all ' act of constructing buildings that would not be the most important task?
Friday, May 1, 2009
Nigerian Native Styles
Home Insurance buildings for natural disasters with AVIS
The tragic earthquake that struck part of Aquila and its province has reopened the debate on whether to require homeowners to ensure the conclusion of an insurance against natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, landslides, etc. ..) The question is revived every time you experience high-profile cases as the latter was the earthquake, not only because of serious losses, but enormous damage to buildings - public and private - both older than those of recent or very recent construction.
course here we do not want to examine the responsibilities, and certainly important to be clarified by the investigations of the judiciary, of those who did not meet earthquake standards that do exist (particularly in areas of high seismic risk such as the Eagle and much of the province) but emphasize the contradictory nature of a measure which, if implemented, would be a way simplistic to solve a problem without any assessment of the general problems and the implications for wider use.
In fact, the compulsory insurance policy, to be able to obtain a practical result as the coverage of a marginal percentage of the value of destroyed or damaged calamitous event, could only be referring to all the owners - of course we take care of the little property represented by those citizens with enormous sacrifices have been able to have their own home - regardless of the degree of risk in the area where the house is constructed and, therefore, a premium unrelated to risk effective and that is not proportional to the possibility that an event occurs. This is because if they had assessed the level of risk we would be in policyholders very low and, conversely, other very high if one were to rely on a fairly large sum to be paid.
Not forgetting the question of the events of alluvial already see that homeowners subject to the payment of "tax" of reclamation that should be given the task to avoid the occurrence of damage to goods and property of citizens except, of course, very exceptional cases because they are often regarded as such even those who are normal but capable of cause tragedies to carelessness and lack of action by the responsible agencies and conservation of rivers and small waterways.
As you can understand we are faced with a decision that has quite a few problems, so it would be appropriate would be evaluated carefully in order to avoid the possibility of appeals by the owners - and their associations - for a 'any compulsory insurance only to make money and without taking into account the special features - only marginally - highlighted in these few lines.
It would be nice if the government deems appropriate to agree the establishment of the policy anti-disaster insurance in line with consumer groups and the construction of the property. It would certainly be a way to implement in the event that this was the intention then, a serious measure, which is shared and therefore acceptable.
The tragic earthquake that struck part of Aquila and its province has reopened the debate on whether to require homeowners to ensure the conclusion of an insurance against natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, landslides, etc. ..) The question is revived every time you experience high-profile cases as the latter was the earthquake, not only because of serious losses, but enormous damage to buildings - public and private - both older than those of recent or very recent construction.
course here we do not want to examine the responsibilities, and certainly important to be clarified by the investigations of the judiciary, of those who did not meet earthquake standards that do exist (particularly in areas of high seismic risk such as the Eagle and much of the province) but emphasize the contradictory nature of a measure which, if implemented, would be a way simplistic to solve a problem without any assessment of the general problems and the implications for wider use.
In fact, the compulsory insurance policy, to be able to obtain a practical result as the coverage of a marginal percentage of the value of destroyed or damaged calamitous event, could only be referring to all the owners - of course we take care of the little property represented by those citizens with enormous sacrifices have been able to have their own home - regardless of the degree of risk in the area where the house is constructed and, therefore, a premium unrelated to risk effective and that is not proportional to the possibility that an event occurs. This is because if they had assessed the level of risk we would be in policyholders very low and, conversely, other very high if one were to rely on a fairly large sum to be paid.
Not forgetting the question of the events of alluvial already see that homeowners subject to the payment of "tax" of reclamation that should be given the task to avoid the occurrence of damage to goods and property of citizens except, of course, very exceptional cases because they are often regarded as such even those who are normal but capable of cause tragedies to carelessness and lack of action by the responsible agencies and conservation of rivers and small waterways.
As you can understand we are faced with a decision that has quite a few problems, so it would be appropriate would be evaluated carefully in order to avoid the possibility of appeals by the owners - and their associations - for a 'any compulsory insurance only to make money and without taking into account the special features - only marginally - highlighted in these few lines.
It would be nice if the government deems appropriate to agree the establishment of the policy anti-disaster insurance in line with consumer groups and the construction of the property. It would certainly be a way to implement in the event that this was the intention then, a serious measure, which is shared and therefore acceptable.
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