Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bioenterics® Intragastric Balloonus

CONSIGLIO COMUNALE!!! 24.06.2010 ore20.15 ANZI NO SABATO 26 ALLE 9.00

(photo taken from the network)

a new municipal council (as had been done before?)

not attending the screenings for the festivities
the Board held on first call at 20:15 on 24 and 26 second call Saturday morning at 9:00.

But Will not it be seen that there is some manipulation we're talking about budgets?

the agenda:




  4. APPROVAL FORECAST REPORT PLANNING AND BUDGET 2010 - multi-year budget from 2010 to 2012





Thursday, June 17, 2010

Can You Suntan In Mobile, Al In December

The other side of the right

Since May 2010 the number of "Il Corriere della property" published by the provincial EPA Confedilizia Florence - currently being distributed to members and others - have drawn this interesting article. The entirety because it sums up the considerations that have often made the situation of evictions for arrears in our city and province.
"Raccontiamola like this: a tenant ceases to pay fees, these days it happens .... The owner traccheggia for a few months because he hopes that the tenant or has any illusions we face, because he sees the arrears as a lesser evil compared to the court and counsel, or because he hopes that the tenant to go away spontaneously, why, why ... ... ... ...
At the end of the Court and the lawyer becomes the lesser evil. It then begins the eviction process at our Court. At this point, dear readers: How long do you think will be necessary because our owner reaches the longed-for moment of the liberation of his property? Six months, twelve, eighteen, twenty-four? Enjoy the ultimate answer, which means that our owner, in addition to the costs of the lawyer and bailiff, also lose a further two years of fees, on which, if it is a non-residential property, will pagare anche le tasse! Conclusioni. Indicazioni delle autorità responsabili: non pervenute. Rimedi: evitare di farsi il sangue amaro perché al danno non si aggiunga anche la beffa, o perché agli zoppi non tocchi una buona dose di grucciate, come si dice dalle nostre parti.”

Aggiungiamo una considerazione in più: ma non ci era stato raccontato che la proprietà non era più un furto? Evidentemente non è così per tutti. Di fatto si viene a creare un esproprio – temporaneo, ma ugualmente esproprio – imposto da chi non riesce a trovare il modo di uscire da una politica della casa inconcludente lasciando il problema (irrisolto) sulle spalle del più debole infischiandosene del diritto.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Does An Air Walker Tone Abdominal Area

ANCI also think as we maneuver

"We must affirm a housing policy that is not based solely on property development, but responds to the social needs of the community, with particular attention to disadvantaged groups."
The agency AGI said the Vice-President of ANCI Roberto Reggi, Mayor of Piacenza.
"We need - still said Reggi - initiatives aimed at encouraging the hiring in the private sector and also the fundamental goal is the introduction of the first coupon dry to 20 percent on rental income."
Read this news fills us with satisfaction, because what andiamo dicendo da anni trova sempre più credito presso enti ed associazioni ai quali, diciamo la verità, fino ad oggi la nostra proposta dava un certo…prurito, dovuto a quella sorta di atavica idea che la proprietà fosse ancora un “furto” e soprattutto che i proprietari fossero in linea generale opportunisti dediti solo ad accaparrare reddito.
Inutile spiegare che siamo gli stessi che sottoscrivono accordi con le associazioni degli inquilini e gli enti locali, rinunciando, come accaduto a Firenze in occasione degli ultimi patti territoriali, ad un aumento dei coefficienti in base ai quali vengono calcolati i canoni in considerazione della crisi economica che ha tagliato notevolmente le risorse delle famiglie, in particolare quelle with low incomes. When
from us it raised the problem of dry coupon on rental income, the thought was not only the interests of the owners, who also are important to us. We kept in mind also the need to resolve once and for all the huge housing problem, for which they devise plans often Pharaonic and low - or no - possibility of creation, leaving out what would be the egg of Columbus: The coupon dry. ANCI
If we start to have a little thought is at least reasonable to think that our idea was not exactly farfetched, and maybe it is time that our government finally transform the promises (also signed by the premier) in reality. We believe that these could only be beneficial.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Low Vit D Low Iron Ferritin

economic expect to everything!

publish on this page to the statements made by President Confederation CORRADO SFORZA Fogliani on the movement initiated by the Government to reduce public debt, which if it continued to increase even this step would lead us to a situation similar to that of Greece . Reported the news of the acceptance of the application submitted by our Association by the Lazio Regional Administrative Court, which declared for the second time the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 2007 on expectations of functions to municipalities land. The decision to resume
this news, which we have already mentioned in previous issues, is due to the seals have confirmation of all our concerns. In fact, we opposed the measure said that would allow municipalities to turn the lever on the cadastral income in a tax instrument of secondary importance and not tied to one and only need to do "cashier". The recent economic measures enacted by the Government was strongly contested by local authorities (both sides), who feared the need to reduce services to citizens from health.
No one, however, acknowledged that the resources of local authorities - of course at the state level has not been done better - are often wrongly used for the sole purpose of maintaining a system of patronage always helpful when needed. None, except some sporadic voice, it was careful to state that the source of the greatest wastes lies in the huge number of institutions, groups, communities, participating companies. The presence of these can only be justified by the need to find a place for those who "keep the family" and must be arranged.
We do not want to imagine what would happen at this juncture with the land in the hands of municipalities.

Confedilizia President, Corrado Sforza Fogliani, said:
"We reserve an opinion on the analytical maneuver when they are ready the exact wording of the provisions. For now (and if there will be no disruptions by Parliament) in it is a clear message, that is what the Italians are waiting for: the public system must cost less. In this sense, is the first real financial maneuver in the history of the Republic, a move with the times and statesmen also undisputed that in the past never had the courage to implement. Just along the street line of "starve the beast" of government spending, as they say in the U.S., it can seriously think of a future tax reduction of oppression. For the real estate sector, we appreciate in particular the measures which clearly indicate the beginning of a program of equalization, we expect also to be further pursued, further exposing intent elusive quell'evasione covered by the concessions that have legalized without any real justification in the public interest. The indiscriminate increase in land rents is a memory. "