ANCI also think as we maneuver "We must affirm a housing policy that is not based solely on property development, but responds to the social needs of the community, with particular attention to disadvantaged groups." The agency AGI said the Vice-President of ANCI Roberto Reggi, Mayor of Piacenza.
"We need - still said Reggi -
initiatives aimed at encouraging the hiring in the private sector and also the fundamental goal is the introduction of the first coupon dry to 20 percent on rental income." Read this news fills us with satisfaction, because what andiamo dicendo da anni trova sempre più credito presso enti ed associazioni ai quali, diciamo la verità, fino ad oggi la nostra proposta dava un certo…prurito, dovuto a quella sorta di atavica idea che la proprietà fosse ancora un “furto” e soprattutto che i proprietari fossero in linea generale opportunisti dediti solo ad accaparrare reddito.
Inutile spiegare che siamo gli stessi che sottoscrivono accordi con le associazioni degli inquilini e gli enti locali, rinunciando, come accaduto a Firenze in occasione degli ultimi patti territoriali, ad un aumento dei coefficienti in base ai quali vengono calcolati i canoni in considerazione della crisi economica che ha tagliato notevolmente le risorse delle famiglie, in particolare quelle with low incomes. When
from us it raised the problem of dry coupon on rental income, the thought was not only the interests of the owners, who also are important to us. We kept in mind also the need to resolve once and for all the huge housing problem, for which they devise plans often Pharaonic and low - or no - possibility of creation, leaving out what would be the egg of Columbus: The coupon dry. ANCI
If we start to have a little thought is at least reasonable to think that our idea was not exactly farfetched, and maybe it is time that our government finally transform the promises (also signed by the premier) in reality. We believe that these could only be beneficial.