Publiacqua: the case of political inadequacy ASCO
In recent days the local press has once again dealt with the case ASCO and the request made by users Publiacqua provide for the payment of the bills remained outstanding for breach of the company delivered (the ASCO) who had regularly collected by condominiums.
And just as regularly as a local politician - for the truth of opposition as the majority refrained from expressing any opinion - has intervened on the issue stressing the absurdity of the claim paying entity having responsibility (civil and criminal) of ASCO, but looking good - all - the remark that from the legal decision to Publiacqua is absolutely unassailable in light of the Regulation and the contract with the stipulation that the company building the company and not with reading.
Nobody, absolutely nobody has bothered to make sure that the policy would take place, would say finally, the need to act decisively - no ifs, ands or buts - to forever change this state of affairs that invariably comes back when these intermediaries create this kind of problem.
I can not understand, and again we have stressed in our work on these pages, because it is not possible to establish a direct relationship between the utilities of the service (Publiacqua in our case) and the individual blocks, thus eliminating the need - it would be better to say the obligatory - the use of intermediaries which obviously lead to reduced transparency and an increase in the risk of losing large amounts for payments made by the user and not revert to Publiacqua.
All, of course, without the companies that perform this service are required by any regulation, statute, agreement between the parties or any other document to the issuance of a guarantee in the form of sufficiently guarantee policies which will ensure the Condo / consumer you should find in these unfortunate situations.
It is preferred to ride the news for political reasons but has carefully avoided (but to what extent the problem is known by mayors, councilors and various?) Develop a system that on the table - there must be allowed to stop - is water by all parties and would require a long time - long time - a complete revision in line with the demand for transparency in the public service (or partially so), and why not, with the adoption of new technologies that empower the establishment of new relations between citizens / users and the public service.
Why do not you ever asked by the policy, we in our small we did it, and discussions with local authorities, businesses owned (in this case Publiacqua), trade associations and ombudsmen - unfortunately abolished figure and close to extinction - aimed to develop new solutions? Once again, we preferred to stay at small horizon carefully avoiding addressing the root problem. E 'was chosen the easy way out but you may lose even more confidence in the institutions by the citizens. Congratulations on your foresight!